Monday, August 9, 2021

Exclusive: The Somerville-KTVU Cover-Up; Fox2 Thinks You're Stupid; Rank and File Staffers None Too Happy Over Frank Treatment

KTVU THINKS YOU'RE STUPID. You, Bay Area viewer of news and information. yeah YOU.

In their desperate attempt to get back their #1 guy (because no one else at Channel 2 is even close) KTVU had a playbook: we'll bring back Frank Somerville and make NO MENTION of what led to his taking a LOA and act as if nothing happened. The viewers will suck it up and won't mind a bit.

And now you know what KTVU (Fox2) thinks of your intellect. And so far, it's working.

WORSE? I'VE LEARNED Frank Somerville wanted very much to say a brief word, a "benign" statement on his return last week after a more-than month absense from the newsdesk, but KTVU and Fox high-ups said NO. They argued that no ifo was better than even acknowledging to a Bay Area audience that Frank was gone and that he needed time to, oh whatever! BOTTOM LINE: Like I said, KTVU just assumed you'd all be ok with the BS. Or really, that their SILENCE was the right tactic and that you'd all buy it. Maybe it's in their FOX --"The Firm" DNA. Transparency is no option.

As with everything else, there are consequences. Fox2/KTVU can assume you're stupid. They can argue in conference rooms that the missive has worked. They can assume that things will indeed go away But I'm betting their wrong. I'm guessing there will be a pushback against this all and KTVU will be flooded with calls and e-mails from you all, the Bay Area viewer and especially you KTVU watchers of news and possible Frank fans. I don't think they (Fox) they think so highly of you.

*MEANWHILE on another front...

Somerville's return has brought forth a quiet, but very DETERMINED after-effect. As I reported early on. there's a very strong and influential group at KTVU. mostly rank and file staffers who are NONE TOO HAPPY with Somerville's return and not so joyous that he's back. They were not so sympathetic when Frank had his awful moment (on May 31st) and subsequent LOA. They believed then (and now) that Somerville was given way too much rope and that he'd receive way too many chances at the station. Even now, that sentiment very much exists at the KYVU offices. It's an issue that won't go away anytime soon.

So while KTVU may have cleared a hurdle (for now) with their #1 anchor's status and think Bay Area viewers are dumb, their own workers are not so forgiving.


  1. you are making a mountain out of a proverbial molehill. Mr. Somerville's job is to read the news off of a teleprompter and look sincere while so doing. The station which employs him wants him to do that job and not wallow in a muck of self-flagellation over his personal frailties. Just read the news.

  2. Way too many chances for what? If you are going to make an accusation then tell us what you're talking about.

    1. If you can't inform, spread innuendo and hope that it's titillating enough to bring people back for more (which they'll never get, since you lack anything real to offer). Talk is cheap, especially when you have nothing to say.

  3. I personally don't care one way or another. I don't watch the ten o'clock news much and I certainly don't watch it for whatever "teleprompter reader" is on matter how coiffed their hair is.

  4. Nobody cares. Just a few TV insiders, but the audience didn't notice he was gone. It's not like the old days when the news was built around one anchor personality who drove the ratings. Now the anchors are just plastic, bland and interchangeable.

  5. If Somerville has Vacar in his corner, then he has nothing to worry about, no matter who else feels differently. And even if The Firm changes their mind about Somerville, if Vacar defends the long time anchor, they will have to back away.
    Of course, if Vacar wants no more Somerville, then The Firm better rethink what they just did as Somerville returned.

  6. Avery Bennett-JonesAugust 10, 2021 at 6:50 AM

    I don't care. Nobody cares. Local TV news is dead. It's a place to stop by to ogle the weather girl. Otherwise, I go online for the headlines.

  7. It's ridiculous. He and KTVU have lost all credibility. I'm almost embarrassed for them but I'm most embarrassed for their News Director Amber Eikel who allowed someone on their watch to go on the air drunk and has now put them back on the air. Zero integrity. Zero accountability. 100% FOX.

    1. 100% you are right. Embarrassing.

  8. Frank need the job and money to recover from the nasty divorce settlement. He probably need to work over 70 just to get something back. He was some what slurring on Wednesday Newscast and now everything is fine.

  9. "They" don't consider us "dumb", rather they are keenly aware of the shallow short attention span of the average viewer. And, who really cares if Frank or any other script reader "went missing". The attorney's also probably warned that ill speaketh of some employee's illness or "issue" could have negative legal consequences. Best action, is no action and next week the Ho-Hum news will be, well, yesterday's news.

  10. Did KPIX ever explain what happened to Victoria DeLaCruz?
    That's what I would like to have a station tell me.
