Monday, August 9, 2021

Deep Resentment at KRON Still Post Pero; KGO Goes Lean; Papa Misses Flores HOP Induction; Says He's Sorry a Few Extra Times


AS SERENE as it is at KRON, post Aaron Pero B(its embatled now EX-ND) there is still an extreme amount of resentment at KRON's Embarcadero offices and studios: a good majority of senior staff are still royally PISSED OFF that many of KRON's on-air ANCHORS were QUIET about Pero's transgressions. They still are upset that NO ANCHOR, even say, a Pam Moore and/or a Catherine Heenan --Ken Wayne---didn't tell HR (or what constitues HR at KRON) about Pero's rough and crazy management ways. And while things have been largely smoothed over by new GM, Jim Rose, the bad taste from the BIG SHOTS SILENCE won't be soon forgotton."

"The anchors didn't do anything. People are still angry because there's a feeling of betrayal. Some people are very much upset, ", a KRON source told me. Rose, as part of his missive to cleanse the buildimng and start anew, should have another of those, "rally the troops" meetings. He should also try to instill more of the transparency model he's trying to implement at KRON. It couldn't hurt. KRON, I'll give it this, has somehow, some way, been able to navigate its news gathering biz without any obvious flaws, post Pero. One hopes the angry vendors inside the studio and newsroom will eventually get over their resentment. We'll see.

*KGO Radio is stuck in financial purgatory; the station is counting the dimes and nickels. First, they sell off Ronn Owens and his ROR (report) because the cash drawer is empty. Now, they can John Rothmann's Saturday show and o away with weekend live programming. It's not a positive look. It rarely has been.

*Greg Papa spent 20 MINUTES apologizing at the top of his KNBR Show (10 -2 PM) angry and upset he failed to attend the HOF Ceremoeny in Canton, Ohio over the weekend. The induction of his buddy, Tom Flores (Raiders, Seahawks coach and player) took place and Papa didn't make the flight from SFO Saturday night. Papa did pre and post Giants (who were in Milwaukee) the game went long Saturday night.

YO Grego, I'm sure you could have had a fill-in late Saturday and just did the pregame show. There's 162 baseball games and only ONE HOF ceremony. Were it that important (and based on your multiple apologies) I'm sure it was, it would have been a lot more prudent to just take the safe route and make that flight to Ohio in the first place. Maybe I'm missing something.

Maybe not.


  1. Papa can say whatever he wants. WE all know the guy loves to hear himself talk. He's about himself, first, last, and always. He's way over exposed.

  2. "And while things have been largely smoothed over by new GM, Jim Rose, the bad taste from the BIG SHOTS SILENCE won't be soon forgotton.""

    Not sure why you have the extra quote mark there, it's not a quotation, but more to the point, there ARE no "big shots" at KRON today. Everyone is there on sufferance. You talked about how Darya would run to Pero if there was an issue, as there was with Justine Waldman. So what did you expect Heenan, Moore, et al to do? The only person who was protected before was Darya, and now even she's just another working jerk.

  3. The more we see of Papa, the less we like. If he stuck to play-by-play, it would be fine.

    1. He does come across as dismissive of his co-hosts: Bonta, George Kontos.

  4. I have a hard time understanding why anchors needed to be the ones who informed KRON HR about Pero's misdeeds. From what I can tell, everyone at KRON knew what was going on.

    1. If this rumor of the griping is true, it's because the rank and file think the "big shots" are unassailable. Of course this is silly. No one is safe today, not even the "stars." If the worker bees wanted Pero removed, they had as much clout going to HR as Heenan, Moore, et al: NONE.

  5. I was kind of surprised that Greg Papa wasn't there, especially since Greg Papa worked with Tom Flores when he used to call Raider games. Tom Flores seems like a forgiving guy, I'm sure there's no hard feelings that Greg Papa couldn't attend. He had to work, and I'm sure Tom Flores knows how busy Greg Papa still is.

  6. What I want to know is whether KRON is the Nexstar station that (as the blind item Nexstar station rumor goes) supposedly has had a COVID outbreak hit it? There have been some strange things happening on air in terms of personnel visibility in the past week and a half.

  7. I don't watch pre and post Giants' show. Does Papa claim he's responsible for their success this year?

  8. Missing a friend's tribute has happened before. I recall Phil Rizzuto's regretting not attending his friend Mickey Mantle's funeral because station execs wanted him to work. Rizutto resigned shortly thereafter.

  9. Even Papa has to follow Lockstep's orders. Smh, be it pro-Papa or anti-Papa. Either way, Lockstep strikes again.

  10. Craig in San CarlosAugust 10, 2021 at 7:15 AM

    Papa has nothing to apploge for. Unless you think being ruggedly handsome with flamboyant sex appeal, and a silky voice is offensive? Otherwise Papa is as free as a solar path light abd can say what he wants.

    1. Too many double entendres with Lund - and Papa is bi-sexual with five kids and a hot wife - who has agreed to an open marriage. The other day Papa could not help himself when talking about Alex Dickerson - Papa called him the Swinging Dick. Papa wishes he could go back in time when Charles Haley laid some 'equipment' over the neck of Gary Plummer when standing behind him in the old Candlestick Locker room. We hear Haley was quite impressive.

  11. People DID speak up at KRON. They filed HR complaints and tried to go over Pero's head, and every time they were slapped down, bullied by Pero, and often demoted or pushed out. People saw time and again that nobody was going to do anything, so many left for something else, and the people making solid money kept their heads down and showed up at the last second and left immediately after the show and tried not to draw attention. It would be great if people spoke up, but after you see nobody is listening and nobody cares, you switch into survival mode.

  12. Cancelling weekend programming at KGO radio? hmmm ???? ... Other than Michael Finney, not much there to miss. KGO's management would serve their interests better by first cancelling the 9 pm - 1 am weeknight show. I expect a lot of listeners change the station at exactly 9 pm, KQED, KCBS or whatnot, and momentum being what it is, don't come back to KGO radio for several days. That's KGO radio's number one ratings problem imho. It's almost certainly the cause of the morning host's ratings slump, presuming they actually have a slump. Only after KGO management gets the weekdays under control, showing consistent top 5 Bay Area station ratings status M-F, morning, afternoon, and evening, only then will they be able to make progress on the weekends. First things first.

    1. The overall radio listening audience drops off a cliff after PM drive. This is not an important day part for KGO and paying a local host probably doesn't make $ense given the ad revenue.

  13. I know for one I'd rather listen to a garbage truck backing up than John Bachelor's Trump apology tour. What a disgrace - because he knows better.
