Thursday, July 29, 2021

Shawn Estes, George Kontos and Hunter Pence Part of NBC Sports' Giants' Post-Game Show Have Great Hair But Nothing Else

THOSE POST-GAME SHOWS ON NBC SPORTS BAY AREA are BORING. Mostly because nobody says anything. It's a jock thing. They don't want to rip for fear of getting crap from the (Giants/A's) you name it.

Shawn Estes? Giants pitcher. One of the guys who appears on NBC pre and post-game shows. Estes is a good-looking man and probably why he's on the show a lot. Estes doesn't say anything of note which is standard operating procedure at NBC Bay Area. Another BORE: George Kontos, a former Giants relief pitcher whose main selling point is his hair. Kontos, another pretty boy, like Estes, says NOTHING of interest. He's set for life at NBC because they'd prefer it that way. And the Giants too, and yes, the A's.

Greg Papa, the host of these shows barked on and on and on about how great Kontos' hair is; it was semi-tongue-in-cheek, but Papa was right. Kontos doesn't say anything even remotely critical, therefore he's prime for the program. Which is good because I'm sure his hair cuts cost a fortune.

As a ballplayer, Hunter Pence is a great Giants person. He's damn colorful too and rode his moped to the park and said some wacky things. On TV, Pence is boring. He, like Estes and Kontos, don't want to be critical because they'd lose the crowd and piss off Larry Baer. Pence was overly flowery and fun-loving but hardly criticized the players. Papa thought he was great and awesome only the audience thought otherwise. One thing to note: Pence's hair was no match for Kontos.


  1. Aside from criticizing everyone else Rich Lieberman really has nothing else to say...

    1. Peter Felch and son Davis Felch at KCBSJuly 29, 2021 at 11:19 PM

      Cut the crap, Randy. Rich is ok in my book.

  2. Craig in San CarlosJuly 29, 2021 at 1:49 PM

    Kontos’ hair looks like Astro turf next to the lush hair of papa. Papa’s hair is as thick as freshly laid sod. Kontos looks like the irrigation system broke. I dream of Papa’s hair not kontos

  3. Interesting take that I don't think many will agree with. Not sure if you saw this, but yesterday Estes was asked what he thought about a possible acquisition that's been rumored. He flat out said he didn't like it. Both he and Kontos do a phenomenal job of explaining things to viewers. And Pence is boring? I dunno, this just feels like you're either looking to generate a response or you're just in auto-pilot mode criticizing anything related to the Giants.

  4. RL, it is clear you have NO KNOWLEDGE of baseball whatsoever.

  5. These shows are nothing more than PR pieces for the teams. There's no substance. Just a bunch of hot air and fluff for the lemmings to fawn over. Garbage, garbage, garbage. Objectivity out the window.

  6. That's why I watch this program, for the hair. So be quiet!

    John in San Francisco

  7. And the weekend crew with Kuip son and 3 nobody's is bewildering also?

    1. True My gosh that Carmen knows nothing about sports.

    2. Agreed Gino Vito. I don't really mind Pence or Kontos at all. I can even tolerate Papa somewhat in minimal doses...but Kuiper's kid and the stooge crew...what a joke.

  8. Shawn Estes is a great analyst and I would not be surprised if he replaced Kruk or Kuip when they are ready to hang it up. The worst one on there is Randy Winn, just has no personality or depth in his analysis. And don't get me started on Papa, he's just SO in love with himself, it's nauseating.

  9. Papa is by far the worst thing on the pre and post game shows.

  10. I can’t stand Papa. The post-game show was good when Ahmed Fareed hosted and it was even when Jaymee Sire handed the Giants pre-game/post-game shows, a definite plus!

  11. What’s really annoying is the pre and post game show with the 3 idiots. Watched it once, will never watch those giggle pusses again!

  12. I can’t watch Papa for 5 seconds
