Friday, July 30, 2021

Friday Short Flash: Giants Re-Tooling 2022 Broadcast Booth

THE GIANTS WON'T SAY ANYTHING PUBLICALY--(they don't have to based on the BIG TRADE FRIDAY and their best record in baseball status) but they are uber-planning on a massive re-tooling of the broadcast alignment for 2022. All this BEFORE the Duane Kuiper situation emerged.

*NOBODY is watching the Olympics; it has under-the-radar ratings but it still is decent to make money for NBC and that is why sending Raj Mathai to Tokyo makes a little sense. If San Jose NBC didn't do anything but carry its network's coverage from Japan, there'd be a whole lot of speculation, including on this site.

*Jobina Fortson is staying at Circle7, at least for now nixing a move to LA and that's good news for the Bay Area.

*Michelle Griego is a month from packing her bags and heading to hometown Denver to work; the underlings at KPIX are partying like it's NYE. Yes, they're happy. So is the space under a bus parked in front of 855 Battery.

*KCBS, 10-3 --this week, literally a different anchor every day. What a trainwreck.


  1. What does this mean for Jon Miller and Mike Krukow.

    1. This means NOTHING for Miller and Krukow. This report is entirely out of touch with the overwhelming popularity of the Giants broadcasting team.

  2. Time for Mike and Duane to move on. Let's get some much needed younger blood in the booth with a fresh prospective on the game. They had a great run, and took home three world series rings. I'm tired of listening to them. The game has changed, yet they haven't. IT JUST HAD TO BE SAID.

    1. Very good point, 4:28. Kruk & Kuip have overstayed their welcome. I like Miller and Flem because they are objective and will call out the Giants if a mistake is made. Kruk and Kuip are homers. None of the great Giant announcers of the past -- Hodges, Simmons, or Greenwald were homers.All that BS about gamer babes and 50 year old men bringing their glove to a game is old and tired.

    2. Are you kidding? Mike and Duane are Hall of Famers, have character, and know how to call a game including a home run. The new guys, Randy Nguyen and the other one, it’s so freaking boring they put me to sleep. No personality at all, they sound like robots. I like Javier Lopez, but he’s not much better. Nobody called a home run better than Duane, him and him and Mike has so much knowledge of the game. Realize they’re getting all the need to be replaced, but I sure hope the Giants find somebody with a little more personality.

  3. Not sure what is going on at KCBS but is seems Eric Thomas is on every time slot.

  4. That's sad news about Jobina Fortson. I had hoped she would jump to L.A.

  5. Frankly, I like Duane and Mike. I’m actually tired of Miller. Just my opinion…

  6. dw, I agree with you. Duane and Mike may be a little too old school at times, but on the whole I still like them. Miller and Flemming, on the other hand, need to go. When Miller tries to make a point, it takes him five minutes to get it out. Flemming is too much of a homer, plus it gets tiresome hearing him play up to Miller. It was understandable when he first started working with him, but he has been part of the broadcast crew way too long for him to still be doing that.

  7. Olympics: No crowds makes no difference. At least to me. I don't think that's the reason for any ratings demise. If I'm watching it is b/c I want to see the athletes' performance, not b/c there are people in the stands. I except there are two main reason's why the Olympics are not performing as well as expected in the ratings. First, Gymnastics and Swimming have been overplayed, and these days come across as boring; second, the network won't announce before-hand when exactly the events that people actually want to take time to watch will be broadcast. For example the main event I'd like to watch is the men's and women's marathon, each from start to finish, which would take a most about 2 1/2 hours each. But the network won't say when exactly those events will be on the air. And even if they did, they'd interrupt each event with other events, so a 2 1/2 hour marathon even would require dedicating 5 hours to watch. 2 events taking 10 hours? I don't think so. The last Olympic marathon event I attempted to watch was London. And I never did figure out when it was on.

  8. Very true 3:01. My complaint is hearing results of events that
    I want to watch beforehand. Didn't local news shows used to give you a warning before the reveal, saying "if you are planning to
    watch later, you might want to look away or mute your TV."
    I guess non-NBC outlets don't want us to be watching other channels in prime time.

  9. Gee guys who you think pays them ???

  10. Jon Miller announces as if he's doing narration for a kids cartoon...

  11. "Nobody" is watching? I watched every single minute of swimming that was broadcast, as I do every Olympics. There's nothing left I'm interested in but don't say "nobody" is watching. Some people are.

  12. Miller and Fleming are the top radio broadcast team in MLB. Miller hasn’t lost a step and Fleming is a rising star. They could use a third guy like Joe Ritzo to handle the 4th and 7th as Bill Thompson used to do years ago with Russ and Lon.
    Kuiper and Krukow are still relevant and interesting. The question is whether Duane’s health can hold up. Krukow is still a top notch color guy

  13. You think Krukow and Kuiper are homers? (they are), listen to an A's broadcast (if you can find it). Those guys are laughable.

    1. With announcers being employed by the team (unlike the past where Hodges/Simmons were employed by KSFO), of course there will be a tinge of homerism. Still, compared to the 'homerism' you get in the midwest, where the announcers will use 'we' to refer to the team, we are very fortuate with what we have. Giants broadcast team is really, really good. We should enjoy what we have.

  14. Kruk and Kuip had a great run, but in my opinion, it's time to move on. I regularly hear Kuiper make unforced errors like getting the count wrong. While it's subjective, I find Miller, Flemming and Lopez far more entertaining and they know when to let the game breathe. K&K have been mailing it in for a while now. They both have health issues. Move on.

    1. Miller is the one that always is making mistakes. Dave is fine, but he consistently sounds a bit of a homer, whining about balls and strikes, what if‘s, etc. I do like him as an announcer though and Javier Lopez is good. Randy Nguyen and his partner put me to sleep though.

  15. I have been watching on KNTV, NBC Sports Network, USA, and CNBC. What is annoying is that all NBC networks don’t post the exact events and times. I scan channel listings that list events, but not always in order or the length of time on a particular sport. They show 50 minutes of beach volleyball, 10 minutes of skateboarding and snippets of judo or weightlifting. For instance, I saw the USA-Canada women’s soccer match at 2:30 am live because the prime-time schedule is a mess.

  16. For reference with the next Olympics: You need to have cable (doesn't have to be Comcast) in order to access every event, live
