Wednesday, July 7, 2021

PIX Vet Bastida and Cook Apparently Not So Warm and Fuzzy


On the outside, they look and sound warm and fuzzy but are anything but.

A PIX spy say they both have become major irritants at each other. Why? Ken Bastida likes reinforcement every now and then and feels Liz Cook could be a tad more "supportive" and understanding. Really? Bastida, the ultra veteran and Bay Area TV News mainstay needs "reinforcement" from Liz Cook? You betcha.

I could not believe what I was hearing. I asked the PIX contact to tell me more. This is rather remarkable.

"Kennie is sensitive to criticism but he also likes feedback too. He acknowledges Liz has a growing influence at the station and wants more discussion with her, it's not about ego as much as it's about performance."

Cook does have a growing allegiance from PIX personnel and the news bosses too but her personality and demeanor doesn't indicate any form or elitism and ire. Only Bastida might tend to disagree.

This is going to be fun to watch. Particularly at a place that is losing people every day, it seems.


  1. She is milk toast at best! He is flat and boring as well! However my opinion doesn't matter as I watch virtually no local biased news....I can remember when both local and national news was far more unbiased. Ah.... the good ol days

  2. Bastida, who comes across like he think he's the smartest person in the room, is probably feeling insecure. He's got the IQ of a hamster and the looks to match. If they knew what talent was at that station they'd give the prime gig to Hackney. But they don't.

  3. When I worked there (for many, many years), I got along with both, and both were very nice to me. However, only Liz was completely free of "it's all about me". She was genuinely interested in me and my life, even though I was a lowly technician. Ken, while superficially smiley and friendly, likely couldn't care less about anyone else's weekend plans or anything except supplying him with new jokes and fun bits of gossip. That's really not a slam on Ken; again, he's a really nice guy, especially to camerapeople, editors, writers, etc. He's just--yeah, kinda insecure and constantly thirsty for positive reinforcement and admiration. I guess that's sort of what drives people to be on-air in the first place. The remarkable thing is how NOT INTERESTED Liz Cook seems to be for that adulation. She likes to do what she does. Besides, she knows she's super-pretty and beloved alredady.

  4. Does Bastida's insecurity explain why the bumbling mumbling PIX middle management will let him fester past McElhatton's longevity record, even it is undeserving? Unfortunately, as much as Bastida remains a consummate pro, the lack of enthusiasm and poor body language make it clear at times that he tends to mail it in many an evening. I believe that in the last year or two or three, it may be high time for Bastida to move in on life.

    And no, Hackney is not the answer as a successor. Hackney's current hours and days are ideal, including as a fill-in, and why would he want to step away from the great Juliette Goodrich, even though Elizabeth Cook is the one PIX lady voice higher in status? Can't go wrong with either Jules or Liz, but don't mess with a good thing.

    Then again, PIX's lack of management has led to messing with a good thing often. It is a plague that too often spreads among too many CBS O&Os; Bay, NY, LA, Chicago affiliates all way behind in the local news ratings. Black Rock doesn't notice enough.

  5. Last I heard, in her own words, Cook referred to Bastida as "An American Treasure".
