Sunday, July 18, 2021

Hey ABC7, You Really Want to Build a Better Bay Area? Pay Attention

THIS LAUGHABLE KGO-TV (ABC7) Campaign: "Building a Better Bay Area" needs to be flushed.

Really ABC7? How about building a better newsroom. Because right now, your facility is flush full of disconnect, discontect. How do you have the nerve to want to build a better Bay Area when your building is rife with division and internal chaos.

I've noted this BS in column posts. It's a crock. And I know some KGO/Circle7 folks that are ASHAMED to have to read the promos for this dim-witted campaign. It's not only Disney-MUSH, it's an artificial attempt by the Mouse company to ramp up ideas they care. They DON'T. They should just try to report the news and cancel this fake BS that is laughed and scoffed at. How absurd.

Yo Disney: you want to really buld a better Bay Area? Give a few million to the Bay Area Cancer society. Fund juvenile diabetes. Start a monthly fundraiser to find a cure for dementia. Allocate money to help the homeless and give cash to non-profits who are involved in raiding down bad ass nursing homes. And don't stop there. Keep going and going. And giving and giving.

That's real. And that's really how to build a better Bay Area.


  1. Self-defense class videos on how to fight off nasty news people would be a nice addition.

  2. I wonder what Van Amburg would think of this crap. I quit watching KGO7 News.

  3. Dan Ashley announced some time ago, near the beginning of this surge of (let's face it) black crime, that from now on they would only be concentrating on bringing us the positive stories. Since then they have shied away from all the carjackings, rapes, murders, and beatings that black thugs have been committing on a daily basis. Only Dion Lim is reporting on it, and how she gets away with it I don't know. I've stopped watching Channel 7 because they want to lie to viewers and only show black people when they're blowing out birthday cakes or dunking basketballs. And so we don't get real coverage of what they're doing anymore. Two people were shot on the street adjacent to mine, and one died, and they never even send a reporter. There's sideshows in my intersection every weekend, complete with guns, and the next day all the neighbors go out and pick up the bottles and packs of Newports from the crowd, and never a mention of this. And no reporting of how Libby is hiding in her home with her head between her legs while all this goes on, only showing her face when there's a barbecue in the park or the announcement of a new social program to make thugs feel more welcome. If this is KGO's idea of how to build a better Bay Area——ignore crime while tax-paying citizens have to shelter in place because blacks are outside shooting off and shooting up——then they're as much communists as the "leaders" in Oakland and SF who encourage this behavior. I've noticed a lot of For Sale signs springing up in Oakland lately. Not surprised.

    1. Well said. California is a dumpster fire fueled by progressive liberal incompetence and insane ideology.

      See the Soros installed D.A. Gascon in L.A. acting as an advocate for violent criminal scum while telling victims to go pound sand. Just disgusting.

      Hey channel 7, how about some investigative reporting on the $30 billion in fradulent EDD claims paid out under Newsom's nose? Or the fact that the budget surplus he keeps crowing about is total bullshit?

    2. You were honest and kept it real. I like what you had to say.

    3. > You were honest and kept it real. I like
      > what you had to say.

      Somebody has to. The mainstream media is a propaganda machine today. And I'm no NewsMax-watching right wing anti-vaxer. The left now lies as much as the right, only about different things. They laugh at the right for not believing in science and brag that they do. Except when science tells them things they don't want to hear. (See the censored Wikipedia article on James Watson, for example.) Then they lie as much as the right. Two side of the same fence, and both ideologues.

    4. To Anonymous July 18, 2021 at 4:55 PM

      You know, if you live in California and hate it (and Governor Newsom) so much, you are free to leave. I know I am not holding a loaded gun to your head and telling you to stay. Quit whining like some spoiled 9-year old who isn't getting his way about shit and grow a fucking pair.


    5. Racist. Who cares what a WHITE SUPREMACIST thinks? Go back to Alabammy, Jethro.

  4. I never agree with you, Rich. So score this a win.

    Many (many) years ago I worked in network and local audience development. This is the kind of crap we would have run in Omaha in the 80's.

    Our world is hyper-jaded, and the SF/Oakland/San Jose even more-so. This intelligence-insulting campaign (ABC's not 'building' a damned thing) makes me laugh/cringe every time I see it, is doing absolutely no good, and probably some harm.

    1. Anonymous 1:41, well-said.

      And you NEVER agree with Rich? Even when he says Veronica De La Cruz is a big bag o' nuttin?

  5. Since they started this campaign, has the Bay Area gotten any better??? I submit it has not!!!

  6. if disney really cared about the
    bay area, they would SHUT DOWN
    mouse7, hypocritical m-fkrs

    1. No need to shut down; just make Trixie walk the plank at Pirates of the Caribbean.

    2. It presumes a certain degree of arrogance to assume a news-reporting organization could actually bring about the change they are seeking to facilitate.

  7. Not that you care, but I came back to read your blog after staying away for a few weeks due to racist content. Now that I'm seeing that you still at a minimum tacitly support such content (see 11:55a) above I'm gone for good. Again, you probably couldn't care less but just thought you should know why I'm outta here. Have fun with your echo chamber.

  8. I agree with Comancometh, Rich. Why are you allowing blatently RACIST comments to be posted? I even called out the RACIST SCUM at 11:55 (who posted anonymously because he's a sniveling white supremacist coward) and you didn't post my response to his post. I mean, come on--it's not even veiled. This guy HATES black people--collectively, as a group. Please re-read his post and if you truly think it's okay, then leave it. But then I'm taking my contributions to your blog and leaving.

  9. You said it best, Rich!

    “ o Disney: you want to really buld a better Bay Area? Give a few million to the Bay Area Cancer society. Fund juvenile diabetes. Start a monthly fundraiser to find a cure for dementia. Allocate money to help the homeless and give cash to non-profits who are involved in raiding down bad ass nursing homes. And don't stop there. Keep going and going. And giving and giving.”

  10. fuck disney, and fuck the mouse
