Monday, July 19, 2021

Exclusive: Nextstar-KRON Plans Formal Pero Investigation

NEXTSTAR wants to know, formally, what's been going on at its Bay Area/SF outlet, KRON. About time.

I'VE LEARNED, the mega TV broadcast company, will send a (quiet please, Nextstar requests) team out to SF and formally look into the Aaron Pero matter (who was just 86ed from KRON as ND)--Pero's relationship with Darya Folsom will be front and center (as in Conflict of Interest) but accusations of intimidation, personal confrontations and "abuse of power" by (Pero) will be examined.

Pero was sent packing last week but his legacy remains, a potential SOUR POINT for Nextstar because there's a few staffers at KRON (some still employed) who are considering possible legal action. Nothing is formal yet and Pero himself might be in the process of lawyering up.

Nextstar/KRON might also be doing a formal (and informal) internal audit to basically CYA itself: they understand the legal machinations that might be brewing at KRON's 900 FRONT offices and studios.



  1. I actually ran into Aaron this past weekend when I was at Whole Foods.

    He make a pretty mean latte, that I'll say!

    1. lol!

      He rotated my tires at Pep Boys!

  2. With Nextstar as a new owner they might be better off doing a clean sweep to what they want instead of investigating. If they investigate they could end up buying into the mess and muddle that has developed. As a new owner you have a lot of power to start anew. If you're part of the problem you need to investigate to get out of it. Maybe Nextstar feels they're part of the problem.

  3. Rich, any idea how Radnich and Pero got along?

    1. Pero and Donging Darya definitely drove The Bentley out of KRON. Neither of them saw eye-to-eye with Radnich, and it's likely that the conflict-of-interest began as a celebration of the Radnich Era ending at 4, thanks to their teaming up.

    2. Pero thought Radnich was a quality sports broadcaster that refused to do live shots. Ever see Raddy at any of the Warriors Championship games? No. Every see Raddy at any of the 9er's games - NO. Ever seen Radnich being snarky to the newscasters - Yes. Raddy was such a superstar(NOT) we should really should not look there.

    3. Radnich was pretty checked out for his last few years at KRON. Pero was capitalizing on whatever notoriety Radnich had left, and Darya loved doing the morning segments where Gary called in because a) it was somehow among the most-viewed sections of the morning and b) it gave her a chance to yammer on about pop culture things, and Darya mostly just wants to be doing that and doesn't care about news.

      Gary's orders to producers was not to call him until about 30 seconds before the segment and he never prepared anything or participated in show prep whatsoever; he did as little as possible as was his preferred working style. But as long as he had cache he got away with it, and even half-assed Gary was still better than whatever "The World According to Darya" segment was after they canned Radnich.

  4. Peter Felch and son Davis Felch at KCBSJuly 19, 2021 at 11:34 AM

    Thank you, Rich, for bringing this news to us. And No, I will not touch Darya’s Nasty Ham.

    1. Harry Caray from heavenJuly 19, 2021 at 4:22 PM

      What about the dirty pillows?

  5. Is that why Darya had the long face this morning?

    1. Her face always looks like crap

  6. Watched KRON this am. Darya looks like she been sucking on a lemon. Not a happy camper.

  7. Anonymous (For Now)July 19, 2021 at 3:19 PM

    Hey, Rich...keep us up to date on that class-action lawsuit. I would love to join it. Just spending seven years in his orbit has damaged me, and I want my cut of the settlement cash.

  8. Too little too late if you ask me. What is the point of investigating now? I don't get it. Pero is gone. What can come out of it? Sure, if some other employee files a lawsuit then an investigation would be warranted, but that would be done by the law firm. I don't see an employee doing anything.

    1. "What is the point of investigating now? I don't get it. Pero is gone. What can come out of it?"

      Management everywhere is great at reacting rather than acting, taking "decisive steps" after the event they were trying to prevent has already happened.

      Just think lifeboats and Titanic if you want a really great example.

    2. RICH - My question is what brought this on now. Pero's behavior and his shagging Darya have been open secrets for over a decade. All Nexstar had to do was read your frigging BLOG for crying out loud! So what made them spring into action suddenly last week?
