Friday, July 23, 2021

Friday Flash

A GROWING CONCERN: the amount of reporters leaving to either go to another market or LEAVE the TV News biz altogether. PIX has seen loads of people go; KTVU too. And of course KRON and ABC7 has seen many leave. And it's only going to get worse. The pay isn't that great anymore, the workload is extraordinary and even the allure of working in a big market and SF is n longer considered a big deal Sign of the times.

*Word is now that the KRONvicts have been cleansed from the Pero perfume, can KGO be next on the list to rid themselves of the people-skilled impaired woman ND known as Trixie? It's being talked about in the break room.

*KGO Radio talk hosts, notably Mark Thompson and John Rothmann, are not aware of the term, "trump fatigue" because both talk, still, about Trump as if he were still in office. Rothmann mentions him virtually every night. "He's a former president." Yeah and that's about it. Only most former POTUS keep their mouthj shut as deference to the current pres, any pres. Trump is about as presidential as Mel Gibson is a Haddassah member. Rothmann, and so too Thompson, won't just come out and say that Trump for ratings and talk-show red meat is addiction-central. But most people would just as soon forget the guy exists. Not the case on KGO.

*KCBS is MIRED in free fall and has no clue what to do. They're losing half their roster. They have NO real star tlent anymore, not that they had ny such people to begin with but they have a real set of problems. They also need to 86 the BARRAGE of so many ads on the hour that people are leaving in droves. And a huge porential issue to deal with: the growing tension between Patti Reising and Jeff Bell for reasons that are easily discovered if you deal in common sense.

*COUNT the number of times John Lund says, "like you said." every time he talks. And after, "no doubt." His 2021 survival kit is about he being Greg Papa's little itch boy and if ever he deviates from that master plan, he could be sent packing to Akron where he could collect baseball cards every day.


  1. so gregy and johnny are almost giddy with joy speculating about what a possible A's relocation will be like..they spent fifteen minutes the other day trying to figure out how fisher comes up with relocaton money.. just negative bashing of everyone from them, like most of the rest of the san francisco media..and i thought john rothman was going to have an orgasm on the air the other night talking about how excited he is about the recall..the only time he sonded more excited was talking about the raymond burr bathroom at calmart

  2. Lund us a mutt and he needs to be put down! He brings nothing to the show.

  3. Davis Felch and his dad Peter Felch on KCBSJuly 23, 2021 at 2:09 PM

    Eric Thomas was atrocious today on KCBS. I hope his bosses heard him today. He needs to go.

  4. "*Word is now that the KRONvicts have been cleansed from the Pero perfume, can KGO be next on the list to rid themselves of the people-skilled impaired woman ND known as Trixie? It's being talked about in the break room."

    Yeah, you've been talking about that for literally years. The champagne I bought in anticipation has gone flat.

    I'll tell you another reason reporters are leaving. Fear of their personal safety. It's not uncommon for crews to be robbed and beaten at gunpoint today in broad daylight, and their only recourse is to file a police report that goes into a vast database that Chesa Boudin prints out whenever he needs something to line his birdcage. Why work in this shithole when you can live at safer cities for half the cost and still make a good living?

  5. If Ashley and Finney had their way, Trixie would have been gone long ago. Hopefully, if Trixie were to be next, Ming Sze could follow her out. It would a double sigh of relief for Circle7.

  6. I'm sure KCBS would like to have less ads, but they'd have to close the doors.

    But their level of professionalism these days is a joke. I worked in college radio in Philadelphia, and we were far from perfect, but KCBS, once a respectable station, is now a joke compared even to our humble college radio.

  7. Any idea what the average salary is for a reporter at KTVU or KPIX v KRON? I assume KRON is less. I have seen several reporters pop up as public info officers for government agencies. Again I assume the pay is less but better steady hours and a pension. Any list of reporters who left and where they ended up?

    1. I can think of a few off the top of my head: Chris Filippi and Anna Duckworth went from KCBS to BART. Karina Rusk from ABC7 became PIO at a hospital in Salinas. Matt Keller went ABC 7 to PIO for the Santa Clara Valley water District and Janine De La Vega went from ABC7 to PIO for the Palo Alto Police Department.

    2. John Sasaki is a spokesperson for the Oakland School District. Erica Kato is a spokesperson for Muni.

    3. Erica Kato went from KRON to Chief Spokesperson & Media Relations Manager for San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA).

    4. I saw in transparent Calif that Kato had a salary of 95k and 30 k in benefits while Sasski-Keats salary in 2017 was around 130k. Not big money in Bay Area but again decent salary with benefits/pension and mostly 9-5 hours. You would think on air talent would make more salary but maybe not

  8. Now do vaccine fatigue. I'm amazed there isn't a popup when you open a bag of Cheetos that says "Get the vaccine."

  9. OMG I caught the last 10 minutes of Eric Thomas today on KCBS. At 1:50 PM until 2:00 PM was just a hot mess.

  10. I hear that Screamy McBonaparte has been spotted outside the HQ of KOVR in Sacramento. Could this be the next place he unleashes his little man fury?

  11. KCBS 740 - All Commercials - All Day - All Night - All The Time!

  12. Hi Rich. I am among the 45 people in Marin County who dearly miss Mr. Donald Trump as our president. Fingers crossed that lightning will strike twice in 2024. Have a jolly weekend, Rich. Keep writing please.

    1. He was a MONSTER and a FASCIST and a WANNABE DICTATOR. What the hell is wrong with you? People like you make me fear for my country.

  13. I can't listen to KGO anymore. I think Thurston and Rothman are great broadcasters, but they spend half their show on Trump and half their show on Covid. You get 12 hours of the same two topics. Trump hasn't been in office in 6 months, and everybody is tired of listening about Covid. This is the bayarea, not Mississippi. We are vaccinated for crying out loud, even though I believe the government shouldn't force it on anybody.

    1. I hear ya. I'm not sure which is a worse disease now, the coronavirus or Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

  14. They can't HIPAA and Nuremberg Code violation. Sue this fake Administration.

  15. John Rothmann continues to do an excellent job imo. Good mix of national, state, and local topics of political-junkie interest. As long as Trump continues to use his prior job as a speaking-platform, threatening to punish those GOP member who disagree with him, etc, Trump remains part of the political spectrum and it would be unwise for Rothmann to just ignore him. Like many others I presume, I wish Trump would just go away and act like a former POTUS should. But he isn't doing that. So good talk show hosts like John Rothmann have no choice but to continue to bring Trump to the listeners' attention.

    Mark Thompson, on the other hand, he's not trying to be a political junkie. He rarely takes listener calls for example. His strategy is for his show to be overall very entertaining. Entertainment, that's Thompson's radio appeal, and he's good at it. Since Trump's bizarre behavior adds to the entertainment media mix, just like discovering a gigantic alligator in the kitchen, Chunk of Trump has to be part of the show.
