Monday, June 21, 2021

Veronica De La Cruz is Basically Done at KPIX

Veronica De La Cruz is effectively GONE from KPIX. Both she and CBS apparently had a divorce and both sides seem settled over a mutually agreed-upon split which has seen a tumultuous relationship mercifally come to an end, 415 Media has learned.

A CBS-SF source told me the split was amicable but that there was still a "small bit of hostility" and that "she (De La Cruz) was leaving all options open." De La Cruz has been absent from the PIX news anchor desk for several months. She suffered an apparent personal tragedy (I'm not going into details) and has seen a series of issues affect her KPIX residency.

De La Cruz, who came to 855 Battery from NY in 2014, is formally OFF KPIX's website. Her stint at CBS-SF was a much pubbed PR affair with PIX touting her career play at both CNN and MsNBC. She began at the 5 PM newscast and soon becamse one of KPIX's lead evening news anchors.


  1. > MsNBC...

    Is that like Ms PacMan?

  2. Yeah, keeping her options open. I mean, this is what is wrong with America today, in that people can and in this case, probably WILL sue for something that they themselves, caused. She should be happy to have gotten ANY kind of settlement out of it, and considering how much she was OVERPAID, she should be able to live the rest of her life out TRYING to find the elusive happiness that seems to have eluded her.

  3. The folly of going after "star power." Just treat them well, manage them smartly, and groom them from within. Cheaper, but more difficult, and of course the chimps that are managers want to always do it the easy way and that usually means throwing money at a problem.

  4. Couldn't have written it better than the comments from 11:02, 11:27, and 11:46.

  5. This woman always reminded me of Michael Keaton's character in " Pacific Heights". Nuff said

  6. Very strange woman. I worked with her for years (when she bothered to show up). Never formed any sort of friendship with her like I did with Ken, Alan, Dennis, and Liz (and everyone else). She was standoffish and behaved like quite the princess when she first arrived. Later, after her bridges were burned and she attempted to be more open, nobody wanted anything to do with her. That's what ego will get you. A really bad decision bringing her aboard in the first place. Good riddance.

    1. > A really bad decision bringing her
      > aboard in the first place.

      Here's a photo of KPIX's management team:

    2. Candid, and interesting. Even as a regular viewer, I could detect her snide attitude.

  7. Once upon a time, a single mother with a new born son named Veronica (VDLC) moving away somewhere from the East to cover her past getting a job in the West (SF) landing on KPIX 5. Since 2014, she got paid for the next 6-7 years but only show up for 4-5 years maybe less attempting to her professionalism as a main reporter when she is at work. Behind the camera, she occasionally took time off or you can say slacking off not showing up for work with a bunch of excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses...... and still getting her full paid salary each month not showing up for work. What can I say, this is San Francisco, no one can do anything about her not showing up for work. Her real excuses are mother passing, fish bite, son's dog bite, concussion. Her unrealistic excuses are never show up on big events like Oakland warehouse fire or on the major new stories and never ever on Covid. Her most funny excuses was taking time off again like always in late 2019 possibly claiming no one is babysitting her son or psychological related. Next, YEAR 2020, her excuses was she got Covid in March and somehow pregnant with twins while she was possible medically off work in YEAR 2019, look closely, the excuses doesn't match up and it is unrelated to babysitting or seeing a doctor from stress or what ever and smart people know why she is off. With Rich good news today VDLC is gone forever at KPIX, VDLC fail as a reporter and a parents who she should never ever be qualified as a reporter ever again. She should apologize to her the staffs filling in for her and all loyal viewers watching and supporting KPIX figuring out where is VDLC.

    And, finally, everyone at KPIX must be celebrating now feeling bad how KPIX is paying a staff never shows up and intend to use excuses to be a better person and parent. No excuses in the media world when facts and good reporting is what we needed.

    1. And it took them, what, seven years to reach this point?

      Think of all the improvements they could have bought for the station with that seven years of wasted salary. I'm sure she wasn't working for scale.

    2. She took her scam to scripps news. Worked a year then had an accident and took 9 months off before they let her go.

  8. 1518 Hours, that was a good summary and a good memory of VDLC events. I'd forgotten much of the reasons for all the time off she took.

    Here's KPIX' webpage address to get to the on-air news staff left with their biographies:

    Best wishes to VDLC as to where life and career take her. As a mere Bay Area News viewer/fan, I think a news personality has to be punctual and present, at the very least, to be successful in developing, then keeping an audience. With VDLC, attendance was definitely a problem.

    There are so many casualties/ex-on-air-news-staff who are now gone from that career path. Others just starting out (often as reporters), are seen here on TV only temporarily; then are just gone. I suppose pay plus the high-cost-of-living surely doesn't help in the Bay Area. But I've now gone off on a tangent.

  9. She was god-awful.

  10. My Father referred to VDLC as the "Dragon Lady." He was abnormally repulsed by the sight of her every time he turned on KPIX at night. I asked why he did not like her and his reply was "she lacked any genuine emotions and had about as much personality as a room in a doctor's office." Now that I've I told him the news of her being "gone" from KPIX, he is happily rejoicing and on his third high ball.

    1. "Now that I've I told him the news of her being "gone" from KPIX, he is happily rejoicing and on his third high ball."

      Why should it matter? She was rarely on the screen when she was "there." Effectively there was no difference. KPIX just paid out millions over a period of years plus extra to those who had to cover for her (or those they had to shuffle into the spots for the ones covering for her) for a total non-performer. And probably one of the c̶h̶i̶m̶p̶s̶ suits whose idea it was to hire her got a bonus for it.

  11. She is talented when she shows up for work . But that was the problem. She just didn’t show up . And during covid and protests she was MIA. Hope she finds happiness at some point in her life .

    1. How was she talented? She could read off a screen. So can I. And with a nicer voice. BFD. Could you imagine her if there were a major breaker like 9/11 or Harvey Milk's assassination and she had to ad-lib?

  12. Average at reading the tele-prompter, just another spoilt entitled whiner. Latches on to social issues to deflect from her own bad behavours. Manipulative too.
    She should be apologizing to her colleagues who had to continually cover for her and suffer her bs for so long.

  13. Could Veronicadelacruzzzz talk through her nose any more??? Her voice was so nasal, I couldn't hit the remote fast enough. I felt sorry for the other newscasters who did show up for work and did her job much better than VDLC. We have all worked with people like that and it gets old.


  15. rich....continually amazed with your fascination with news anchors....they are only overpaid news readers that could be hired from any media school etc. if they can read a teleprompter they can do the job. most news shows are not worth watching due to the brevity of their presentations...just headlines and very little content.

  16. VDLC on suicide watch???

  17. I moved to Marin from Boston about 3 years ago. KPIX became my go to news station along with KQED. I was concerned when I noticed VDLCruz’s prolonged absence without any explanation from the station. It is truly disheartening to read the bitter and vile comments regarding her. I wish her well.
