Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Giants Finally Hire SJ Voice, Joe Ritzo for Fill-In; KGO/Rothmann Cover Bay Quake Just Like Old Times; KCBS Late; Zehnder Loss; Tuesday Happy Hour

THE GIANTS have finally hired a temp pbp-fill-in; Joe Ritzo, their San Jose minor-league announcer who has done some games since 2019, will be broadcasting the game tonight (Tuesday) in LA--Dave Flemming will also broadcast the game for ESPN. My, a contingency plan, what a concept!

*KGO Radio was at its best last night during the post-earthquake period. Although it registered a measley 4.0 on the richter scale, if you were on or near the Hayward fault, (like me) it sure was stronger as heck and it was scary enough. I tuned to KCBS and they were stock long in commercials (what else is new); John Rothmann was talking about the horrible condo collapse in Miami and how might the Bay Area be affected with its sililar old buildings. Rothmann asked what would happen if/when an earthquake would occur...and? At 6: 30, an EARTHQUAKE occured. My God, truth is stranger than fiction. Rothmann and KGO immediately took calls from listeners and KGO semed as if it was 1989 and the Bay Bridge collapsed. Only it wasn't that bad. KGO's red meat is its listener eedback when natural disasters take place. Sometimes it's corny but it's also comforting in a way and last night was real cool. And damn nostalgic --by the way, KCBS finally go to the quake coverage but only after that annoying lawyer who talks about his dad was through talking.

*Fred Zehnder took a last place outlet like KTVU and turned it into the gold standard for TV News. He was as advertsed: a total gem and the VERY BEST. Sure, Zehnder didn't have to contend with an Internet but he'd have adapted because he was smart as hell and quick on his feet. Everyone at KTVU was enthralled to work with Fred Zehnder. I recall old Oakland Trib TV/Radio writer, Bill Mann, comparing Zehnder to the great ones. His loss of life is just so darn tragic and awful.


  1. Rich, in my opinion the new PBP (Joe Ritzo) guy was ok. He was acceptable but not anything to write home about. Perhaps over time he will grow on me. Though I guess had the Giants won tonight I'd feel better about him.

  2. I don't understand why the Giants decided to go with a minimum number of broadcasters especially when they knew Kuip would be undergoing chemo. Seems shortsighted.

  3. No that the Giants have a temp fill-in, does this mean you're going to stop whining about it?

    1. You must be new here. RL loves to find something Giants/KNBR related to criticize. He won't stop whining.
      The other team's ownership and broadcast? They get a pass.

  4. It was a 4.0 quake that lasted seconds. Why is this even a topic. Why would I turn on the radio to listen to caller after caller say, I felt a jolt then it went away. It's like my Boston born and raised son in law thinking it is so funny when it drizzles and the news is sending out their storm tracker teams to report on it. None of this is news and yes I was very close to the epicenter on that minor wiggle the earth gave us

  5. I would love to see Brooke Baldwin come to KTVU. Wonder if she would consider moving to the left coast?
