Monday, June 28, 2021

Flash: Former KTVU ND, Zehnder, Killed by Suspected DUI Driver in Alameda--Update: Zehnder One of a Kind

Former KTVU News Director, Fred Zehnder was killed last night in Alameda, the victim of an apparent DUI --police captured a suspect who is now in custody.

Zehnder ran KTVU from the early 1980's until retirement in 1999. He won numerous industry awards and was not only respected but well-liked and considered a giant in the biz.

*UPDATE--One of a kind indeed, that was Fred Zehnder.

I didn't know Zehnder. Never met him but was aware of his rep and work. He was at KTVU in its golden years and Zehnder was in charge of the news division. Every reporter, anchor, news writer, editor, the works, LOVED working with Fred. He was the best. He ran a newsroom that was the envy of the industry and was called a genius, although Zehnder would have none of that, he didn't have much of an ego. When some media exec called him the "Walter Cronkite-like" person of KTVU, he smiled and insisted "no, not me." Real gem of a guy. Along with KRON ND, Herb Dudnick, a total PRO and GIANT. Tough loss.


  1. It's been said many times, there was no one like him. It's true. He was the best news director ever. Don

  2. He is the owner/publisher of the San Leandro Times. &
    Castro Valley Forum weekly newspapers.

  3. Sigh. Too many good people leave too soon, while the bad ones that are still remaining continue to get away with their intimidation shtick. To say Life is Unfair would be an understatement. Fred Zehnder was absolutely one of a kind. Terrible loss.

  4. What painful news. Fred was simply the best. I'm glad I had the time to thank him for the pleasure of working with him for so many years and for all his kindnesses. He was tough and honest and fun. What a sad end. Barbara

  5. This one really hurts.

    Thank You Fred for Everything.

    "There's ONLY ONE Fred."

  6. They don't make them like that, anymore.

  7. If ANY of the current newsroom managers at the Bay Area TV stations were 1/4 as good as Fred was at his job we'd be in such a better spot than we are now. Real news covered by some of the best damn people in the business. No formulaic bullshit from some consultants on the other side of the country or directives from the ownership group and what needs to be put on the screen. 2 back when it was 2 and not the shell/joke that it is today told stories and they were as long as they needed to be. No stupid crime coverage. Channel 7 sort of tried that system with "Building A Better Bay Area" but they are now back to chasing ambulances and police lights. Fred was without a doubt the best news director this market ever had and ever will have. Hopefully some of the folks in the newsrooms will read this and realize it is time they actually start doing their jobs and to drop the gimmick. Maybe treat your employees with a little respect while you are it and see where that gets you.

    And that little 3.9 earthquake last night was another reminder of Fred. Earthquakes even if they weren't in the Bay Area always went in the first block of a newscast because we live in earthquake country.

  8. Everything that's been said about him is true. I know it's custom to praise and even over-praise people when they die, especially tragically like this, but in Fred's case he really was that extraordinary. He went against every convention in the business and showed that they're all pretty much bullshit. Yet the suits felt he was just "lucky" and after he retired (or was pushed out, because he continued for 21 years at his other jobs, showing he was hardly out of steam) they proceeded to undo almost everything he'd the disastrous effect we see today, a station that's mediocre at best and a downright embarrassment on its worst days. Yet the suits are proud of themselves because they cut costs. Which is the only thing that gives a manager an erection in news. RIP, Fred. You are the only reason people still tune into KTVU, whether today's jokes in the upper offices realize it or not.

  9. When Fred arrived we were #4 in a 4 market town. We were a rag tag group with poor leadership. Well before he retired we were #1. That says it all. He was the highlight of my 36 years at KTVU......Don

  10. I got to interview him when I wrote for the school paper at CCSF; very kind and gracious man.
