Tuesday, June 22, 2021

415 Media Extra: Emily Turner, the Latest to be Leaving KPIX

THE LATEST TO LEAVE KPIX: reporter Emily Turner.

KPIX will survive its latest personnel casualty but more ominous is the growing legion of people leaving the CBS O and O station, a further indication that its news platforms and properties no longer carry cachet and that the compensation is simply not good enough to put up with the MAJOR BS and politics that is Local TV News in SF.

PIX is not alone in that department but it does lead the pack in its people EXITING the station in droves.


  1. Rich, much like newspapers, people don't go to local tv news for most of their information anymore, at all.Smart twenty and thirty somethings realize that broadcasting careers no longer have the cache they once had. You can't go home again.

    1. That's true. Sadly, most of these young people, whom I would argue are not smart, choose blogs or Facebook feeds to get their "news." They'll say mainstream media is biased and manipulative, and in a way it is, but not nearly to the degree they think, and their alternate sources are far, far, far worse. But since there's nothing for them to gauge it against they have no idea and they think they're "enlightened."

    2. they are "doing" their own Vaccine research

  2. The revolving door at 855 Battery keeps on spinning!

  3. Did KPIX let her go not renewing her contract or she is leaving possibly her husband found another job or she found another job at a different location? Maybe, Michelle is behind her departure. KGO had a similar incident when Jessica Castro fill in, once Natasha came back, Jessica left and then Natasha is gone, but there was no back-stabing at KGO, just jealousy between two gals.

  4. Wonder if Turner will stay in the Bay Area? She is versatile, and at times she put in some long hours/work weeks at PIX.

  5. She got sentenced to that 24 hr CBS streaming that nobody watches. No wonder she quit.

  6. I guess they had to "turner loose"...

  7. Who? Never heard of her.

  8. First it was Susie Steimle now its Emily Turner which is 2 less “nice attractive” reporters to watch now. KPIX is a disaster ready to happen...

  9. No loss. Super rude to her coworkers. BUH BYE. Sorry you couldn't handle the big leagues honey...

  10. I never realized how pointy her chin is (or is it just the photo?). It's very "Jay Leno-isk." Wow.


  11. Revolving door, I hope Betty Yu is safe!!!

  12. Going to Action News Jacksonville, Fl
