Wednesday, June 23, 2021

415 Media Exclusive: Secret Fox Meeting at KTVU Oakland Offices; Somerville Status Inquiry; No Official Date of Return

SENIOR FOX NETWORK OFFICIALS from the headquarter offices this week, visited the KTVU Oakland/Jack London Square studios and had a secret meeting. How secret? Even senioe KTVU management people didn't know they were on the premises.

I did.

SOURCES tell me (415 MEDIA) the meeting was centered on the "current status of the (Frank) Somerville "situation." Neither Somerville nor his adviser were at the meeting and as indicated, no one from KTVU Bay Area management was present. The only KTVU official there was an unnanmed senior business person.

At the meeting, no action was taken. But a broadcast source close to the situation told me that FOX wanted to know what was going on; had the two parties (presumably, Somerville and KTVU brass)) made any recent contact and if so, what was taking place. Somerville, at the request and advice from KTVU, took a LOA (leave of absence) almost a week after his much-pubbed on-air incident (May 30th) where Somerville appeared under the influence. Somerville insisted to me he had mistakenly took sleeping pills and that was the cause of his on-air behavior. He has not spoken publically since.

KTVU is a O and O (owned/operated) FOX station.

Somerville's status at KTVU (FOX2) is now uncertain. There is no official date when he will be back at KTVU and when/if he's back at the news desk. Somerville has been with KTVU since 1991 and has co-anchored the "10 o'Clock News" since May, 2008. His current contract runs through March, 2022


  1. Nice sandwich. That will soak up some of that alcohol.

  2. Somerville is an average anchor whose time has come and gone. Time to move on.

  3. If he doesn't return to KTVU, that's fine with me. He's a mediocre anchor at best in my opinion.

  4. I tried to care about this but my give a fuck is broken.

  5. Get rid of the boomer crew and bring up Heather and Raj from KTVU.

    Ratings MAGIC.

    1. Gross...the only reason they aren't the most annoying people on local TV is because Reggie Aqui exists.

    2. Raj is not at KTVU.

  6. Relatives of mine live near Sommerville’s old home in the Oakland hills (upper Rockridge) and over the years I’d periodically see him hitting a punching bag (garage door wide open for all to see!) and I’d see him haul ass in his fancy Porsche. The guy craves attention and is insecure. Plus he’s a bit of a Douchebag. I can’t see how he returns then again if Jeffrey Toobin returned to cnn after masturbation-gate then Frank has a shot!

    1. He works out. So boxing and owning a Porsche makes you a douche? Where does that leave Mohummad Ali?

    2. It’s the attention seeking…why did he need to announce to the whole neighborhood that he hits a bag? Close the damned garage door. If you walked by he’d make sure you knew he was hitting a bag. That’s a douchey move!

    3. I don't see how leaving a garage door open while working out makes you a douche. Working out is working out. So, what about all the people who go to the gym and that's wide open. Or people who jog in the park or on the sidewalk. Are they douches too? I can understand if he's punching the bag and he post on Social Media, OH LOOK AT ME! While he's holding his cell phone doing selfies showing he can punch a bag and wants you to know about it. That's a pure douche move. It's his house and the only way you'd know about it is if you walk by his house. Now, the Porsche thing? I've seen Frank in all kinds of sports cars and he's really a huge car fan. So what if he has a Porsche, it's his money. What about Tesla owners who act like a douche every time they sit at Target charging their car like it's a badge of honor that they are saving the planet and thumb their noses at gas engine cars. Now, that's the definition of douche.

  7. gotta luv these punk ass keyboard
    warriors hiding in mommies closet,
    we got your back frank, just tske
    care of business and get well

  8. Watching the evening news without Frank, very use to the current replacement from Mike Mibach filling in one week for Frank, Alex and Andre. Time to keep Julie matching up with a younger age reporter. NBC 11 already done this for many years on the morning news cast.
