Thursday, May 20, 2021

Thursday PM Media Beat; KCBS' Reising Fumes over Thomas Pairing; Rothmann/Thurston Not Exactly Thrilled over KGO Extension; KRON Wimp; Tolbert Mystery

KCBS anchor, Patty Reising, was FUMING, (says a contact) for the past week, Why? her fill-in, Eric Thomas, was not the best person to work alongside the vet--in fact, several times, Thomas's occasional blundering --and Reising's abrupt and non-cohesive tosses made for BAD radio from 2-7PM on the all-news outlet.

Thomas should have never been paired with Reising to begin with. She's notoriously difficult to work with even under decent conditions and Thomas, who was chosen to fill in on PM drive, was only there because the station (namely, ND, Jennifer Seelig) gave him a "make good" because he was subject to a plethora of technical glitches. The ex-KGO-TV anchor is much better suited where he doesn't have to show a personality. In Thomas's case, he has little spunk and Reising is all about Reising. Oh, by the way, Jeff Bell, the regular KCBS PM news anchor (with Reising) was back today and Thomas was gonno. Coincidence? Perhaps. You be the judge.

*At KGO Radio today, the boss, Lee Hammer, met with both John Rothmann and Pat Thurston; their formal contracts were laid out and both were presented with basically, the same deal they signed in 2019. Rothmann will sign the deal and Thurston is expected to also sign although both are not exactly thrilled with their deals. Yes, once again, Cumulus is losing globs of money (as they're about to declare their second BK) --lovely state of radio these days.


*A KRON reporter doing a live shot downtown on a Covid MOS piece, referred to Doyle drive as "Doyle avenue." Herb Caen must have turned over in his grave three times.

*MYSTERY CENTRAL: Tom Tolbert's whereabouts. He's been gone from KNBR's talk during this week just as the WARRIsalesORS' "play-in" NBA series took place. I have made some contacts and no one is talking. Weird and strange.

*KQED boss went to McDonals to buy his peeps some breakfast. He brought back a few hash browns and cold coffee. What a swell guy.

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  1. John Rothmann is the scion of a super , super, super duper wealthy family. Of course, he'll sign. Neither one of them has anywhere else to go, already past the twilights of their careers. Neither has rescued KGO from ratings oblivion. Why would either expect more money from a company in financial peril. Seems pretty obvious.

    1. John and Pat have KGO's highest ratings this book. 3.9 and 3.0 P 45-69. The public nielsen numbers have no practical value and that is why they are free.

    2. Who knew that Cumulus sales types were selling lots of time based on the 45-69 demographic.. HOw do they do 25 plus? Hello?

    3. PROVE WHAT????, Those are not the NUMBERS that advertisers BUY.
      They BUY 25-54 and 18-49 in the Demographics. NOT 45 to DEAD, Too Old, which is why TALK RADIO is dying. And 5:48 is correct, Rothmann is VERY WEALTHY, So is his wife. Pat is the major money maker in her family, so she will sign too. And you are also correct, WHERE ELSE DO OR CAN THEY GO. I have worked with both of them so I can tell you 5:48 is CORRECT.

    4. Well who does joe cordell appeal to?!?..they must think only middle age divorced men going through bitter divorces/custody battles listen to the radio..or chip franklin telling everyone every five minutes he has termites

    5. Those are the numbers they use because that's the reality of the format. Anyone who thinks young people listen to talk radio in significant numbers is deluded. There's a reason why you're not hearing agency buys for Taco Bell.

  2. Methinks something's up with Tolbert. Starting his own show later and later. Seems disinterested. Don't blame him, having been paired with the two schleps. I think he'll ask for another partner or walk to another station. Maybe Satellite? I hope it's not a health thing.

  3. Ah Pat and John. I always love when millionaire Democrats lecture us from their multi-million dollar homes about how those mean old Republicans only care for the rich. You can't make this stuff up.

  4. I can see why she's upset with the contract. Maintaining vineyards isn't cheap!

  5. "KQED boss went to McDonals to buy his peeps some breakfast. He brought back a few hash browns and cold coffee. What a swell guy."

    If they want Mcmuffins they'll have to hold another pledge drive. And of course low information brain dead registered Democrats will call in credit cards in hand to donate.
