Thursday, May 20, 2021

KGO Radio's Fill-In Schmuck Chris Merrill an Assault on the Senses


HEY, LEE HAMMER, it's certainly your right to put this ASSHOLE LOUD MOUTH, Chris Merrill on the air, even as a fill-in. Merrill, the jerk no-talent bozo who SHOUTS for no reason and is NOT FUNNY, filled in for NIKKI MEDORO this morning. I only tuned in because a contact said Merrill's latest act was beyond embarrassing. I'm not surprised. Merrill has ZERO talent. A total WASTE and all the tranquility of a Hayward Taco Bell.

Yet Hammer sees fit to inflicts this MORON on the KGO airwaves --true, CUMULUS (KGO) has NO MONEY and barely can pay Merrill scale and nobody even remotely qualified would bother to fill in, still, someone, ANY one!, is better than the brain-impaired LOUD JERK that is Merril.

I guess fellow San Diego-based talker, CHIP FRANKLIN, had a hand in this. Wonderful. The alleged "live and local" boys have a San Diego doofus broadcasting for albatross KGO.


  1. Hey rich, great site, keep it up. Ive stopped at that Hayward Taco Bell...and Lee Hammer says NO!

  2. Chris worked in Arizona after San Diego. He hasn't lived there for awhile.

  3. Hey Rich. Where is Tom Tolbert. How is he not on the air during the warriors playoff run? Something is up. Give us the scoop please!

  4. He is filling in for the "great" nicki medoro again friday..kgo should go to a best of/classic program of ray taliaferro when someone is out

  5. Hammer is truly pathetic! Show HIM the door.

  6. Sorry, but frankly I kinda like Chris Merrill. He is funny, quick witted, and dare I say it, entertaining. I like Nikki Medoro as a person, but her show is so boring. I don't think heavy talk radio is a fit for morning drive time.
