Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Breaking News: KGO Set to Renew Both Rothmann and Thurston; 415 Media Exclusive

JOHN ROTHMANN and fellow KGO talker, PAT THURSTON will be on the Bay Area news-talk 810 AM for the period after June 1.

SOURCES close to 415 MEDIA have told me both Thurston (Noon- 3 PM) and Rothmann (6-9 PM) will be RENEWED. Their contracts at KGO were set to expire on June 1 and speculation grew that KGO( Cumulus) may not step to the plate and re-up. That speculation is now out the door.

Rothmann has been at KGO since 1996 and Thurston since 2007.

No formal announcement has been made by any of the parties but the news should be made public sometime soon, maybe as early as this week.


  1. If Rothman does re-up will he turn on his C Crane Radio for old Watergate hearings? Also, if he really did work in the Nixon White house at a business reasonable age of say, 25, that would make him 74 now? Thought he was late 60's? Does anybody else own a calculator? Intern maybe? Did you want cream in your coffee Mr. President?

    1. If memory serves and I may be incorrect...Pat is around 65 and John 72ish. John sounds good for his age.

    2. Rothman said he turned 71 this year which would have made a young college student if he worked for nixon..always think maybe he never actually worked for nixon, just volunteered

    3. John Rothmann came from a family which gave big bucks to Nixon's campaign. HE was a political intern. Don't you understand how this stuff works?

  2. Don't question him on those things, it would be an outrage as is everything with him. He seems sincere, but his outrage about everything is old. I want to hear from you gets old too. Quickly turnover to Conway. Pat is hit or miss. Chip just sucks. Does not cover Biden. Does not talk about it anymore. Not a Norcal resident but likes to make you think he is. Nikki Who?. I would like to see a one on one debate regrading Israel between John and Chip.

    1. Nikki is a resident of San Jose. Her yard looks like shit.

  3. According to the ratings you showed I don't understand why these two would be rehired.... Why? if the station has such a low rating why don't they bring in younger talent?

    What a complete waste of 50thousand watts.....

  4. Ah Pat and John. I always love when millionaire Democrats lecture us from their multi-million dollar homes about how those mean old Republicans only care for the rich. You can't make this stuff up.

  5. god I hate that station
