Friday, May 14, 2021

Bitker Finally, Officially Says Goodbye to KCBS; Who's Next Besides Bunger? Friday Open

THE REAL QUESTION at KCBS is "who's next to go?"

Surely, it's no coincidence that everyone seems to be LEAVING the Bay Area all-news outlet (740 AM, 106. 9 FM)-- STEVE BITKER is retiring, but it's not just sports anchor Bitker.

STAN BUNGER didn't say it on air yet, but his LAST DAY is June 11th. SUSAN LEIGH TAYLOR left the news desk a few years back after multi-years at the former CBS station, now labeled AUDACY, which has sprung up some bad jokes at the studios and offices at 855 Battery where KCBS broadcasts.

Bitket's LEAVING would normally be cause for an office celebration but that's not the case here. Several KCBS station staffers are still at home, pandemic-related. The few outside Studio 1 have an on-going bet: besides Bunger, who's next?

I have someone on the list: think longterm reporter. How audacious of me.


  1. My car has 20 radio presets and zero stations set to them. The last one was KCBS, and I removed that about a year ago. Radio in the Bay Area is a waste of airwaves...yes, even public radio.

    1. I agree. PBS is overrated and biased. So is KCBS.

  2. KCBS would be better served by taking the national feed from CBS Radio with top and bottom of the hour five-minute local updates. It'll be a major improvement from what we hear now. But then again, my radio is always on Sirius XM, so what do I care? It's a shame though to see radio going to hell in a hurry. The AUDACITY of it all...hahahaha

  3. They're not just leaving KCBS, but also KFRC-FM!!!

  4. Congrats that Steve had a good run but the station is a train wreck. I'm sure he's glad he escaped
