Monday, April 19, 2021

Monday Media Mash; NBC Sports Bay Area Needs to Pay Attention to Public First; Vern Glenn Be Serious; PIX Betty Yu Has Options; Examiner Flush Courtesy Reilly; Jim Gabbert KGO Radio Factoid; C'mon Peter Finch on KCBS; 'Family Radio' Still Hijacking KFRC Frequency

DEAR NBC SPORTS BAY AREA: YES, it's important you answer to and are accountable to your clients; A'S, 49ERS, GIANTS, SHARKS; they are important partners, absolutely they are.

But, FIRST and FOREMOST, it is the PUBLIC at large that should be your #1 partner; they after all, PAY THE BILLS and for their cable and ultimately, it's their money that allows you to broadcast. Without the public, you're MUSH and you should be. So be aware. Take your head out of its arse and wake up. The clients are not your numero unos, it's the Bay Area public.

*VERN GLENN continues to do so, knowingly or not, a corny GARY RADNICH impression, daily, nightly, whatever, on his KPIX sports report. The shuffling of papers; the voice inflections; the emphasis on certain words; the over-the-top facial expressions; Vern, you could and SHOULD start to show your own personality. Radnich left the scene a few years ago and his TV persona was el-sucko to be diplomatic.

*BETTY YU can leave PIX and immediately get a network gig, say, ABC NEWS, for example, but Ms. Yu loves the Bay Area and doesn't want/need the LA/NY rush, no matter how tempting, I guess.

*JOHN LUND got a facelift to impress his new wife, which explains why his sudden on-air geek machine has gone into high gear. Facelift? Do they have brain lifts too? Lund would be front and center.

*HARD TO BELIEVE that only a few months ago, it was the EXAMINER was on more uncertain financial footing; now, it's the CHRONICLE, despite HEARST backing that is dealing with a host of money issues which might explain why its sports editor left (to go to the EX) and why the old-timers are nervous as hell. CLINT REILLY, the multi-millionaire political consultant has thrown a ton of CASH into the EX, still, it's a rough-looking tabloid in my book.

*I SEE UBER is pleading for drivers so much so they're offering cash incentives as an incentive which is GREAT NEWS for KNBR producers.

*KFI Radio used to be a legendary outlet in LA, one of the best but has now been turned into a crap machine by IHeart, sort of what CUMULUS did to the old KGO.

*I COUNTED: KCBS' shameless BARRAGE of commercials per hour: on the 7 AM time slot, more than 40 minutes of ads and that's not including traffic and weather reports. How audacy-ish.

*BAY AREA TV NEWS stations are preparing for a GEORGE FLOYD MURDER VERDICT; even senior reporters have been told by the BOSSES to not ttake vacation days this week or next.

*I'M NO LAWYER or a Floyd jurist but if I were to watch that 9-minute VIDEO I'm saying "GUILTY, guilty, guilty." But that's just me.

*I love the take that it wasn't the cop that killed Floyd; his knee on his neck; it was the drugs in his body that killed him...sorta like saying it's not a gun that killed all the victims of massacrws it was the bullets that actually killed the people.

*It is mind-boggling that a DEAD GUY is still on the vagabond KFRC (610 AM) after all these years; "family radio"? More like disjointed family.

*JIM GABBERT could have bought KGO RADIO for nickels on the dollar but instead would love to DIE RICH, I guess.

*Talk about wasted AIR: 860 AM, "The Answer"--more like dreck-central.

*PETER FINCH continues to overuse his "DEGREES" mantra on CBS to the point where he makes SCOOP NISKER sound like CRONKITE.

*YEAH RIGHT, the GOOFY "Foodie Chap", LEAM MAYCLEAM, pumping up "River Islands" ads, just what I want, a lapdog Brit sucking beers in the Central Valler, real magic.


  1. There are plenty of reasons to have reasonable doubt about the causation of Mr.Floyd's demise. There is no evidence of damage to airway, no evidence that cartotid artery was impacted, no asphixiation petechiae in eyeballs, no neck tissue bruising in deep tissues of neck on autopsy.There was evidence, forensically of a lethal dose of fentanyl, greatly enlarged heart, heavy soggy lungs, nearly totally occluded coronary arteries to name a few things. The real question is whether a juror, having heard and seen all the evidence would have a reasonable doubt about causation, would feel too intimidated by screaming mobs outside the courthouse door to say so.

    1. and there was intent to boot methinks. They knew each other, Floyd was a bouncer at a club. Chauvin did security at said club. Once, denied Chauvin entry to club and a there was a scuffle. So, maybe a score to settle (motive). And "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression." There's your evidence. From your review, no need to guess your political leanings. Too easy. Try again mate.

    2. I'm not your mate. What are my "political leanings"? There was no evidence about anything you state as fact. The medical examiner also told prosecutors that Floyd had a "lethal dose of fentanyl on board". Clearly you didn't watch the trial. Do you think that maybe, somehow, someway, an ME in this trial would fear any repercussions on his own life if his testimony isn't politically correct? Why do you think the prosecution didn't rely on the ME's testimony , but brought in expert witnesses to muddy the waters here? Oh, that's right, you didn't care enough to watch, much like several talk show hosts who pretend to have watched, when the trial was being livestreamed during their programs..get a clue.

    3. Here's another clue, 11:28, if a prosecutor had evidence of "intent", they wouldn't charge murder 2, 3(Minneapolis statute) and manslaughter. They would charge murder 1.

    4. Floyd would be alive today if Chauvin did not have his knee on his neck for over 9 minutes.
      Floyd was in his custody. He is responsible for his wellbeing.
      The City of Minneapolis settled for $27 million, they agree with me.

    5. What was Chauvin thinking? Floyd was handcuffed. Be a professional. Get him in the backseat of a police car and book him. Instead, he turns throws gasoline onto a fire (tone deaf) and ignites Minneapolis and the nation. Thanks a lot.

  2. At least KFI has interesting and entertaining hosts during the day compared to the piles of crap that KGO gives us.

    1. Let me qualify that statement about KFI. When Mark Thompson makes his weekly appearance on the Conway show KFI sucks just as bad as KGO.

  3. Say all the bad thing you want about "860am The Answer"...

    At least Salem Media turns a decent profit.

  4. Ms Betty Yu would rather stay at worst ratings KPIX vs. switch to a network gig?  Makes a ton of sense Rich!

  5. I agree with the first commenter here. But also, and again, this IS still the United States, and here, a person is considered to be INNOCENT until proven guilty BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. Just this morning, on the news, a famous legal analyst pointed out that the PROSECUTION itself, gave the jury reasonable doubt, as two of their OWN experts, disagreed as to what caused the death of the low life drug-abusing, alcohol drinking, Floyd. So right there, because of that you have REASONABLE DOUBT, without even reviewing the defense' case. I don't think anyone will disagree that the video didn't look good, but when you are talking about sending someone to prison for many years, you have to be completely certain, and in this case, there is plenty of room for reasonable doubt.
    Now, on to a much better subject, that being, one luscious Betty Yu! She and KGO's Dion Lim, can both pretty much write their own tickets now, because of all the Asian bashing going on, the both of them are good reporters/anchors, beautiful, Asian, and have great presence on TV. Nowadays, if you are Black or Asian, EVERYBODY wants you, so neither would have a problem if they wanted to go somewhere else...

    1. @12:01 The female Asian seats are filled. Google Juju Chang, Amara Walker, Selina Wang, Lisa Ling.

    2. Racist Trump lover 12:01. Of course the black guy is the bad one, not the criminal murderous cop who knelt on his neck for 10 minutes.

    3. I loathe trump and understand litigating causation. Do you always rush to the climax, without the foreplay?

    4. > Nowadays, if you are Black or Asian,
      > EVERYBODY wants you

      Latina more than Asian and CERTAINLY more than black.

    5. A jury of Chauvin's peers found him guilty. They heard the evidence, deliberated, and gave him his due process. I cringe when I hear someone who seems to want Chauvin to be found not guilty. I also don't like how the politicians encourage disorder and certain media outlets threaten to dox political foes. Let the process play itself out. The result? He was found guilty.

  6. Um, Vern's been trying to impersonate Radnich since Vern appeared at KRON decades ago. The wannabe schtick was cringe-worthy obvious way back then. And so, sorry, the "start to show your own personality" ship sailed eons ago.

  7. Re. the Chronicle, it was recently printed that for suburban deliveries the sports section will not include any of the prior days sports (or at least anything that happens after about 2pm). I knew this started during COVID, but figured it was just temporary. Guess I was wrong. Another cost-cutting move...and likely the final nail for my home delivery. Family has had home delivery forever (back to '50s). This I hate the online experience, but it's really tough to justify delivery anymore.

    1. I cancelled the Chronicle subscription after 25 years. I did not receive a daily paper for several days and I called the Chron. They apologized and the person I spoke to said they would correct the error. I sent an email after the paper was not delivered and was told that a manager would handle the delivery. Long
      story short...this went on for five weeks - emails, phone calls, promises, etc. They passed the buck. The Chronicle is not worth $720 for an annual subscription. All the good columnists and writers are gone. I would not paper train my dog on the Chronicle.

  8. You were on target 🎯 with Vern Glenn. I cannot watch or listen to him on the air. He is Radnich’s mini-me. He makes me want to puke. KPIX should cut him loose and replace him with Andrea Nakano. She is a professional.

  9. I avoid weekend KPIX news because of Glenn and happy boy Peck, both cringe worthy.

  10. Any proof that Clint Reilly has thrown money into the Examiner? Hiring a Chron sports editor who was bought out by Hearst doesn't count. It's not like they offered him more money to jump to the Ex -- it was a rescue job. All Reilly's investment (he's one of several partners) means is that certain subjects are now off-limits to Examiner reporters. That's it. The Ex isn't expanding or doing more. It's going to remain the thin, tabloid rag it's been for the past 20 years.

  11. You would have thought that after all of these years someone would have taken Vern aside and told him to relax and try to be himself.

  12. Harold Camping at least outlasted Rev. Gene Scott. I used to love Camping's call-in Bible show, especially when the callers gave him a bit of pressure.
