Tuesday, April 20, 2021

KRON Mystery: Where's Pam Moore?

SHE'S BEEN GONE FOR OVER A MONTH...with no reason(s) given

PAM MOORE has been off the KRON News desk and the only thing the news station is saying (from a contact) is that she's on leave. For what, I don't know. Medical, personal it isn't known and while this is plausible for most people, including prominent TV News anchors like Moore, the fact that Moore has been gone as lenghty as she has been is something of concern.

Moreover, with a FLOYD murder trial VERDICT looming any day now, Moore's mysterious absence from KRON's air is rather troubling.

AS ALWAYS, I'll poke around.


  1. somehow her health is your business?

    1. The cost of becoming a high-profile public figure, especially nowadays. People want to know, people talk shit, and that ain't gonna change.

    2. When I emailed Pam a couple months ago, she stated on her auto reply, that she was going to be out on sick leave for a while and she didn't know when she would return. I recently found out, that she had a bad fall and is recuperating at home. So, let's keep her in our prayers.

  2. Probably a facelift. It takes a couple of weeks to heal after one of those. You don't want to come back before the healing is done. Remember when Peter Jennings was forced back onto the air before his work was totally done?

  3. Maybe she is proof reading, Veronica De La Cruz' memoirs!!!!

  4. Maybe she quietly said her goodbyes and slipped out the back door?

  5. You guys are something else... She had a fall in the staircase at the station. She is recovering.

    1. She slipped and fell on her rear, has a big crack in the back now

    2. This is a mystery that's ongoing and without a hint. Oam has a large following and I believe the public has a right to know.

  6. We aren't inquiring about Pam Moore because we're nosy busybodies. She's been in our homes on our tv's for lo these past 3 decades and we're sincerely concerned about her because nothing was said. I only found out from reading it here just now that KRON says she's on leave, and the rumor is she fell down some stairs, and is recovering. I'm hoping and praying for her quick and complete recovery, I'm not trying to find out which bones she may have broken or how it may have affected her sex life, for crying out loud.

  7. Pam Moore has returned and I missed her reporting the news. Welcome back Pam, you were missed
