Wednesday, April 21, 2021

415 Media Extra: Bunger Post -KCBS: Moving to France; Wonderley Shaken Up over Move; Jim Taylor Early Fav to Replace Bunger

AS I REPORTED HERE on TUESDAY, STAN BUNGER is RETIRING from KCBS; his last broadcast will be June 11th.

A little bit of news for you that I planned on reporting yesterday but because of the Chauvin VERDICT, I put off until today--little inside dope as to what's going on at KCBS in the aftermath of Bunger's imminent retirement.

Bunger is leaving not only KCBS and his ALAMEDA home, he and his wife are MOVING to, get this, FRANCE! No wonder Bunger is doing the window ads, that would help at least pay a portion of his moving expenses and a lamp and bottle of French wine to taste upon his arrival to Paris.

KCBS ND, JENNIFER SEELIG, sent out a company-wide MEMO announcing Bunger's retirement --7 pages long, I may add--and the ensuing response was, according to my station spys, over-the-top gooey and embarrassing. "This happens all the time when someone leaves," said a KCBS source. "It's really sort of silly."

*Bunger leaving --and sports anchor, STEVE BITKER too, in JUNE, leaves a void at KCBS in the morning. According to another contact, traffic anchor, KIM WONDERLEY, is all "shook up" over Bunger's JUNE departure. "She's so used to working with him; this is bound to throw a monkey-wrench into her broadcasts."

*I MENTIONEED that JIM TAYLOR, the former CBS RADIO NEWS anchor and now, KCBS reporter, is the early FAVORITE to REPLACE Bunger, not so much because he's not qualified( he is) more because Tayloy;s the only current station talent that can do the job. He's also the only NAME that is available unless KCBS were to hire someone outside the market.

As they say, stay tuned.


  1. The move to France now makes sense to me. Some months back he asked a doctor during his Ask an Expert segment if it would be safe for he and his wife go to France in September.

  2. Lieberman with the scoop. Haven't seen squat in the Comical or that all-encompassing BANG which covers Caca Caca County, Slime Mateo County and Sillycon Valley. That tells you something about how wonderful newspapers are these days.

    Is the Jim Taylor that could succeed Mr. Wonderful the Jim Taylor who played for the Green Bay Packers in the Lombardi era? Or is it the guy who was married to Carly Simon at one time? KCBS could get Eric Thomas, but he'd get no technical support which would be hell to listen to in the AM. Then, he'd need the "Handyman" to push the buttons.

  3. Does he speak French? Let's hope so.

  4. it is not evil to move to France, or to have colleagues,with whom you have worked for many years, to miss you...Why is this difficult or remarkable for you?

  5. I can't believe you're still doing this.

  6. I started listening to KCBS in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks and have been a regular listener ever since. Stan & Steve have had a soothing influence on my life. I will miss them both.

    I can think of several people I’d rather see in that slot over Jim Taylor. Like Holly Quan or Eric Thomas. We’ll just have to wait & see.

  7. What about Bristow coming back at KCBS?

  8. How 'bout Bunger and Jim Taylor trade places? I would not object to Taylor retiring and moving to France.

  9. Eric Thomas being groomed for the job???

  10. Jim Taylor is competent and does not deviate from the script. He is listenable. Jon Bristow is also a valid alternative.
