Friday, October 2, 2020

Thursday Night Friday Morning When Trump-Covid News Broke; Bay Area Coverage; KTVU Asleep at the Wheel (Again) Anderson Cooper Solid on CNN; Where was Holt?

Anderson Cooper blasts WH response to coronavirus: Ignorance doesn't kill  viruses - YouTube

YOU KNOW IT'S A BIG STORY when CNN's Anderson is on the TV-cable screen and it's past 12 midnight; in fact, Cooper did a full three hours from 12 this morning until 3 AM, 6 eastern time and pulled it off en fuego as if it were Prime time, good work and it showed.

*Like others, Cooper said repeatedly that he wished "the president {Trump} well and full recovery." I believed him. It sounded shallow in other parts of the cable universe.

*Locally, when news broke that Mr. Trump tested positive to the virus, ALL stations switched to their network affiliates; all, except KTVU which stayed with its 10 PM News and looked and sounded positively foolish running a story about a hair salon in Walnut Creek! Good Lord! Only until 10: 29, did KTVU anchors Frank Somerville and Cristina Rendon report news of the president's Covid 19 status. A good news director would have called into the assignment desk and make sure the coverage was in place; instead, KTVU's ND was more concerned about her hair style.

*Trump appeared on Sean Hannity, his buddy, to tell the world he was being tested; later on, Fox ran reruns of Tucker Carlsen and how BAD that looked. Later, Fox and its cultists went live but really, talk about being late to the party.

*I don't think it's too early to discuss the politics of all this especially when the Republicans didn't even wait until a certain Supreme Court justice had died not even 24 hours when they were busy replacing her seat on the court, senate willing.

*On KGO Radio and KCBS, it was go-to alley on the news. John Rothmann had a full board and took calls all the way until 9 PM --I'm just angry that he didn't stay on at least an hour later but that's the boss's call. KCBS' John Evans held court Thursday Night, Friday morn with excellent interviewing with political analysts and observers talking about the news.

*on ABC7 (KGO-TV) a stunned Ama Daetz interviewed a state GOP figure about news of Trumps Covid positive test and immediately launched a partisan attack on "left-wing social media"--Daetz tried to veer back into reaction mode and was left sort of shaking her head. It's ok, Ama, I was shaking mine too.

*Of all people, Brian Williams was left to anchor the night on MSNBC--where was Lester Holt? If Cooper was dragged out of bed in the middle of the night, surely Holt had to be on set too.

*I'm sure Rothmann will go heavy into the politics of this tonight on KGO; the million dollar question: does this help Trump or hurt him? My answer is it most likely seals the deal for President Joe Biden who never said Covid was a "hoax" and that "it would disappear" by Easter Sunday. In a couple weeks, when the president presumably recovers, the Democratic ads will be all over Trump's Covid-19 spring guidance. 

*The debates? Done. And that's good news for all of us especially Joe Biden's advance team.

*KGO Radio Friday morning, the alleged morning show diva managed to talk about her kids, again and again and again. Man, she's got a problem.

*Right-wing radio, Rush, Levin and the usual suspects will say that Trump is a genius. I say, "Fake News."

*I'm tired. I've been up all night. Who would be able to pen a column for his readers? I did. Peets for everyone.


  1. You turn on CNN for news? This blog just lost all credibility.

  2. You watch Fox news? You just lost all credibility!
    Seriously, some shows on Fox are quite good, Chris Wallace, Brett Baer. Even if you are right wing you should find something of value on CNN, especially Anderson Cooper. Getting your information from just one source does not give a fair and balanced view. Talking about fair and balanced hope you don't think Sean Hannity is fair and balanced?

  3. Of the three real networks, CBS broke in with a bulletin that lasted a couple of minutes, then they went back to Star Trek-Discovery, while ABC and NBC (with Williams) stayed with the bulletin through the rest of the hour.

    Those of us past a certain age can still flinch when a CBS Bulletin suddenly appears.

    Meanwhile, "Karma" was trending on Twitter. And there certainly is.

  4. The President and first lady test positive, so does a close advisor, the chairwomen of the Republican party and Senator Mike Lee, all positive. Is it a coincidence all are republicans? How many in inner circle of the democratic party have tested positive. Who takes the virus seriously and who does not? Just asking. Having said that I wish all a speedy recovery.

    1. I would laugh if they found out (through contact tracing) that everyone got infected from a Demoncat, but then again Covid cant tell the difference between right or left.

  5. Your right Rich... CNN had solid coverage with Don Lemon first and after it was Anderson Cooper taking coverage...I also flipped the channel too and look no surprise CBS News fell asleep with no coverage til at least 10:30pm or so...CNN, FOX News, ABC and NBC broke into programming around 10pm but CBS did not til later...

  6. The GOP were all getting infected on Saturday, when they held "celebrations" at the White House announcing the new Supreme Court justice pick. No distancing or masks, of course. Hugging and celebrating.

    1. Stupid is as stupid does, as a famous man once said. That's the GOP.

  7. CBS Overnight News kept its poor performance intact, as usual replaying the stale, outdated, repetitive broadcasts of the evening's prior CBS Evening News with Norah O'Donnell until the 4 AM CBS Morning News with not one mention of the breaking news involving Trump and his wife.

    At least ABC's amateur and immature overnight World News Now acknowledged the breaking news.

    How do these people keep their jobs and retain gullible advertisers?

    1. Its funny these “overnight” news on the local network broadcast (KGO, KPIX and KNTV) is like only a short 15-20 min newscast...might as well not have it anymore...

  8. Certainly, we all hope our President and First Lady make a full and speedy recovery.

  9. Anderson Cooper solid? You are less believable than Trump now.

  10. Forgot to mention CNN Kaitlyn Collins did an outstanding job on reporting from the White House...she is definitely going to be a rising star!!

    1. Agree, Kaitlyn Collins is excellent...

  11. I agree with Rich Anderson Cooper is solid. Just because you don't like CNN and don't like Anderson's politics, does not mean he is not a solid reporter. You might disagree, but that is not the same. I disagree with Brit Hume, George Will and others, but I still think Hume is a solid honest reporter, and George Will an excellent writer and analyst of the political landscape.

  12. How could you bring up Right Wing radio without mentioning the most insecure man in America...Savage. He claims he's bailing on his radio program and thinks he can develop a podcast audience. He's no Joe Rogan, but I appreciate him giving his slot to Shapiro or someone interesting.

  13. He's solid...solid for the Left maybe, but gets his ass kicked by Fox and MSNBC. break that down. He's not a journalist when he enters constantly into commentary. Try to learn the difference. He's a gay, elitist on a sinking ship known as CNN.
