Saturday, September 5, 2020

A Message To My Readers

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I'VE BEEN AN UNDERDOG all my life from birthday to present so a few more challenges and obstacles won't deter me. I'm used to pretty much anything and anybody.

The TRUTH will eventually come out; all of it and, ironically, some other side story that involves people in power that have personal grudges against me, that have used my alleged, "misogyny" as a tactic against me. Let me assure you, all of you, that this all be handled, by me, if not me, others. This isn't going away anytime soon.

Those of you that know me know my personal wares --good and bad. I'm a people person. I don't look to pick fights unless some people look to pick fights with me. I'm a media blogger. Having been a member and worked in an environment with some of these petards, I know how superficial they can be. They live in a bubble thinking the world evolves around them and they are the good people. The others have a false sense of being and act as if their shit doesn't stink and that they're curing cancer. It is they themselves why the general public can't stand the media.

29 women sign a petition (with advance force) and label me --I don't dispute some of their allegations and accusations but they all have motives to mess with me and they have. Again, I will make public, soon, that they acted with a tribal conduit who will be exposed but that's another story to be told.

I will continue, as long as I live and as long as I have the will and means, to write about media, here and beyond. And whether it's 29 women who don't know me and don't know sometimes when I write with a twinkle in my eye; and have no sense of humor and take all things quite literally, I will still continue to write for ALL my fans, male and females. The females not quoted in the SFGate story that read me religiously and love my blog.

Speaking of which, I write a blog. My blog, but a blog nonetheless that is the voice of me but more importantly, the voice of the people. You people. My friends and enemies alike. YOU ALL like to come here and read my takes, my scoops, my hits and yes, my misses too because it's not manufactured bullshit and canned. It's not anything fake but real shit, not everyone's cup of tea but by and large interesting material that you won't get anywhere else. It's not always flavor heavy but it's real and genuine and spoken/written from the heart. I am not a journalist; never pretended to be; never even practiced unless you count years ago when I worked in radio here in the city, but believe me, I know. Which is why they HATE ME

 Which is why 29 women chose to skip their lunch break and sign some bullshit "petition" because I talked about tits a few times. Yeah, I'm the only asshole that's broached that subject. Fox News made an industry out of it and a movie too. Billions and Billion of dollars if I had a smidgen of that I'd be married and have kids and a three-car garage in Orinda.

29 women who profess to you all I'm a woman hater. Ha ha. Women that take me to task for my honesty and my sincerity --my lack of their choice of pedigree all the while guilty of taking part in their own personal mayhem but that doesn't involve me because I don't fit their narrative. That was a long sentence but you get my point. I'm a media blogger, not a real journalist.

Excuse me.

I have the fight of a lifetime coming. They are and are willfully trying to bury me and they have friends and allies. Allies soon who will be EXPOSED. All of them. All of you. You will NEVER, NEVER knock me down. You have tried, now and in the future but it won't work. It won't.

They have already threatened me. They are trying to SILENCE ME. I don't have money to fight them and they know that which is why they are going after me. I will have to look at that and deal with it and deal with it as best I can. It will be difficult but if I am aided by financial resources and YOUR SUPPORT, I will not back down by their not-so-clever tactics and methods.

I ah hip to them now. They don't know who they are dealing with. I swear.

YOU ALL, readers, my true allies who read me are my only hope now and as long as you have my back, I'm here for all of you.

Bye for now.

And THANK YOU all who have written me, SUPPORTED ME, and contributed both from your heart, out of your pocket, and beyond.


  1. As long as Christine Craft didn't sign it, you're ok.
    You should be proud that you struck such a collective nerve, they get the plastic surgery
    wear clothes the way they do, and post provocative photos (Roberta Gonzalez - Yuk!) to attract an audience.
    You expose them for what they are, and they "Can't handle the truth".
    Nikki Medoro is lucky anyone pays attention to her shtick, pure dreck.
    Keep going at them, just like Howard, you'll be HUGE!

    1. I'm still laughing Nikki signed that. Go listen to the way her and Chip spoke of people they didn't agree with on their show.

      Oh but now we're offended? Please.

  2. 1:06, you spoiled by Day! No Christine Craft references please..OMG

  3. I think Herb would be secretively proud of you Rich.
    Way to piss-off that hen house.

    No eggs for u!

  4. I swear this post sounds just like something Trump would say!

  5. Rich's indignation and self-pity is pathetic. Too limited to acknowledge legitimate criticism.

    1. Even Erica Kato, Lisa Argen, Claudine Wong, and RoGo put their names on it. I don't think Rich should change a thing he does (its entertaining), but he definitely shouldn't be acting like these girls don't have a legitimate gripe.

  6. Keep doing what you're doing, Rich! From all of your blogs that I've read, you are equal opportunity. You don't single one one side or the other. Yes, you tell it like it is without sugarcoating it, and some people don't want to hear the truth. But I only see fairness from you. Don't get discouraged. Keep it up !

    1. I second that.

    2. I third that - and I'm a female. Good luck, Rich!

  7. I meant to say "You don't single out one side or the other. (reply of Sept 5, 3:44 PM)

  8. Rich, man, I saw the post about this craziness, on FB on the ABC7news page, when it came across my newsfeed. I read the letter. I commented and responded several times to some of those who commented, saying negative things about you. I pointed out that you have been RIGHT about everything you have written, except for your statement over a year ago where you said Eric Thomas was going to retire by Christmas of 2019. Clearly that was wrong as he is still there. But other than that, you have gotten EVERYTHING RIGHT. I mean, you were all over the Natasha Zouves story a long time before the truth was finally revealed, and it showed that you were right and way ahead of the game. You have been right when you stated that various anchors and reporters were leaving and when some were coming in, such as Jessica Castro leaving for Seattle, and when Kenny Choi was slated to come in. By the way, you were also right when you said that Kenny Choi would be off the anchor desk and was to be replaced by the current guy, I forget his name.... SO many times you have been right, and yet, because sometimes you write with what to me, is an obviously humorous or sarcastic wit, that some people don't seem to get, they are trying to "get you" by signing this petition. In my mind, all they have done is to give you MORE publicity which can only improve knowledge of, and readership of, your blog. Someone once said, "all publicity is good, as long as they spell my name right". I think that is the case here. You go Rich! Keep up the good work! You are a true and great American!

  9. Keep entertaining us Rich - keeping it real, and yes I enjoy the anachronisms in the fantasy stories at the bars and San Ramon house parties with Van Amburg

    Where's Bill Mandel?

    Signed, wayneshannoncommentary

  10. Oh and the Facebook post on ABC7 got all of 3 comments and 70 reactions - not a blip on the social ratings

  11. RL is only speaking of The Firm making a living on such treatment similar to what the 29 women say Rich gave them, because they have KTVU among their O&O affiliates
    It is even worse in networks like Sinclair, OANN, and the gasbag websites. If I'm Rich, I would see how really ugly that is there.
