Thursday, July 16, 2020

Radio Fireworks on KGO-- Pat Thurston Calls Jerko 'Son-of-a-Bitch' (AUDIO)

A Blogggggg Odyssey: Jaws (revisited) "Smile, you son of a bitch!"

 Pat Thurston had had enough and wouldn't let some doofus, nitwit, caller with a quarter brain make more a mockery than he already had.

It was quite a call on KGO.

While discussing President Trump's lame-brain decision early on, not to wear a mask, Thurston took a call from Napa--a guy at the very early on you knew would be trouble and Thurston couldn't take his blathering.

Pat Thurston – Medium
Pat Thurston to KGO caller: "you sob!"
LISTEN - --at 30: 10 of the stream under "Trump charged with murder?"), Thurston calls the magnificent moron "a --son-of-a-bitch."

The jerk was trying to say most Coronavirus deaths were to young people --to which Thurston yelled,

" what, do people under a certain age don't count?"

I would have screamed something more and probably would have had to be taken away by authorities.

Good for Pat Thurston.

There are times when the talk-radio inertia requires some basic common oversight. The host and hostess are thought to be told how to manage the lunatic fringe and allow for even the most pathetic and dimbuld ramblings of various callers. You've heard them; not only do they make you angry and full of rage, they reek of in sensitivity and outright boorishness.

Thurston, again, had NO TIME for this imbecile.

Neither did I and a good portion of the Bay Area.

AMEN to Pat Thurston for saying goodbye to the SOB!


  1. Pat Thurston used to be on 95.7 The Express, KPIX FM

    1. Like 30 years ago? She could easily call Pelosi an older sister.

  2. Huh, an overexcited old lady...sounds more ridiculous than anything else.

    1. Pat is significantly younger than your president. By your logic, he's a really old man. Shouldn't that be a disqualifier? Or, do you feel that way only about women?

  3. Pat....ok boomer.

  4. She's awful. She winds herself up into a tizzy on a topic, avoids any "devil's advocate" opposing ideas within her tizzy, then says she would like to take calls but she's out of time. She takes waaaaay too long to introduce a topic, is waaaaay too repetitive, and is obnoxious. She and Chimp Franklin come close to criticizing our idiot governor, but always lay everything on Trump. Tiresome. KGO is a one trick, tiresome, anti-Trump pony.

    1. Well then just listen to Hannity or Limbaugh and you will get a one trick Trump lovefest, and when Obama was president you got a one trick tiresome anti Obama show.

  5. Right in Pat! That was good radio,and fuck yes we should all be this pissed about these unmasked trumptwats giving wings this this trumpvirus,

  6. Ms. Thurston was absolutely justified. Please, please KGO, isn't it a time you made Mr. John Rothmann M-F full time? His fairness, politeness, inclusiveness and sharp intellect are worthy if a weekday show.

    1. Rothman is on six nights a week now,and it would be seven except he isn't allowed to do that,or so he he often bemoans on the air he cant do 10 hours a day

    2. What are you talking about?!?

    3. So much for the free discourse of opposing opinions. Sad.

    4. For the most part Pat do let callers that disagree with her on, and she lets them talk. John Rothmann even more so. Have you ever listened to Hannity, Limbough or Mark Levin, they rarely talk call from someone of opposing points of view, and if they do the treat them with contempt, especially Levin.

  7. When people don't have an argument these days they swear and call their opponent names like "son-of-a-bitch." No class.

    1. Just like the President. I didn't hear that show, but I have heard enough of imbecile callers to Pat's and John's show to know that it was probably deserved. For the most part Pat keeps her emotions in check, but I think Rich is right on this one.

  8. Fortunately, very few people heard her unless they were listening online...or in the S.Bay...
    The KGO transmitter is only kicking out about 3500 watts at night...

    "Can you hear me now?"

  9. Yet another hysterical Hillary Voter who 'thinks' with her emotions leading the way, but cannot handle a balanced discussion.
    This is something to celebrate? Sad.
