Tuesday, July 14, 2020

On Coronavirus Coverage I Told KGO's John Rothmann 'Enough is Enough' But...

COVID fatigue" is hitting hard. Fighting it is hard, too, says UC ...

I TOLD KGO's John Rothmann that the Coronavirus coverage is beginning to become a real drag. That the constant barrage of depressing talk night after night was taking its toll on his (and everyone else's) program. It's not just Rothmann and KGO but the evening news too.

Let me explain...

This is not in any way to suggest that we stop talking about the virus; we should not. But there comes a time where all this depressing info makes people turn off the radio and TV and simply wrap their head in a pillow and tune everything out. I told Rothmann that's where people are at and it's justifiable ..

I REPEAT: it defeats the purpose if good-intentioned folks are TUNING OUT. That's not to say they're right. But there comes a time when this coverage is non-stop and all of it is BAD NEWS.

Even with Newsom's latest state-wide shutdown, the endless depressing news is making tough for people to cope. It's harsh stuff. But it's just my take. Maybe some feel the opposite. Maybe it should be rammed down our throat.

You tell me.


  1. Now, more than ever, ignorance is not bliss.

    1. Ignorance? what more do you need to know?

    2. As the state shuts down again, you need to know what the shutdowns are and where they are. You need to know if immunities are bestowed on those who survive their first round. IF so, how long are those immunities and do they vary. You need to know that if your snout is out, you might as well not bother wearing a mask. I'd love to hear on a radio talk show, callers describing what clueless behavior they have observed and if and how they've called out the offenders. The virus is delighted that you have an incurious mind.

    3. There will always be those that prefer to remain ill-informed to all our detriment. Proof is in the current rise of cases. Dumb asses.

    4. As the state shuts down again, you need to know that it's more arbitrary garbage being pulled out of the asses of people who have no clue what they are doing, led by Komrade Newsomovich.

    5. You must not be listening. All those questions have been answered. Or, they don't know!

  2. Agree, and CNN is obsessed. The town halls with Cooper and Gupta are so silly

  3. I'm generally a news junkie, but over the last month or so I've only watched the news three or four times. The media always sensationalizes things, and it's reached the point of absurdity over the last two months. I'm tired of being told I'm a white supremacist and I'm likely to die if I leave the house.

    1. We're moving back to NE Ohio next week and have been monitoring the local media outlets. It's being discussed but sparingly and without all the drama. I'm looking forward to living there again.
