Tuesday, July 14, 2020

A Real Anchor Star at KTVU: Cristina Rendon's Time Has Come

KTVU's New GA Reporter Cristina Rendon: Work Well and Be ...
Cristina Rendon

IF THE POWERS AT KTVU have their way, then Cristina Rendon, is about to get more primetime --something that should have begun a long, long time ago.

Rendon has been waiting at the Channel 2 anchor desk --her patience appears to have paid off because there's growing internal pressure to get Rendon to the 1weeknight platforms.

Her anchoring is both straightforward and cool. A calm demeanor and just enough personality to command the set anf deliver top-notch news delivery. She can dominate the screen. And she most certainly does.

A bonus: she is beloved by staff and has respect from her KTVU peers.

You go girl!


  1. KTVU better take care of her, because if they don't one of the big stations in L.A. or perhaps Atlanta (or even NYC) will.

  2. Cristina is OK, but the gem at KTVU is Allie Rasmus. She gets
    little notoriety, but is the most versatile broadcaster at the

  3. Yes, Please! Crazy about her. She seems bright and personable. Julie comes across as cold to me. Plus Cristina's the spitting image of my last girlfriend. I wish I could post a photo. They could be twins. So I wouldn't mind looking at her every night.

  4. Three words: wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Gasia the Gasbag, the mannequin named Heather Holmes, Julie Haener and the others can't hold a candle next to this wonderful talent. Always look forward to seeing Ms. Rendon do her anchoring gig from what looks like her living room or the back room of her residence. Need more Rendon.
