Saturday, July 11, 2020

Hell on Earth

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Cumulus SF Headquarters Likely Goner ...
The Cumulus Media Complex at 750 Battery in Downtown SF

CUMULUS MEDIA 750 BATTERY --Home of KNBR, KGO Radio, KSFO, 104.5 FM, 107 FM--The Bone, KTCT...

Longtime staffer to me on the atmosphere --"It's hell on Earth." --Most personnel are at home broadcasting. They're lucky, The few that remain are scared to death.

Layoffs, outright firings, outright tension and anxiety.

August looms as a "terrible month." --Staffer: "The pandemic gets worse" And then the carnage continues ...

Fear of the unknown


  1. I think "Hell on Earth" is spreading across the county and the world. Boy these are some crazy times we are in.

  2. But bfore we reach Hell On Earth, we must step over a bunch of crap on the porch. I wonder if they are getting those red late notices from PG&E for the transmitter power bills.

    What magical force will step in once the power gets shut-off for non-payment?

    KNBR can just go dark...KGO ???
    Are they running "full power" anyway?
    Can they afford full power?

    1. That's an interesting premise. I live in the Santa Cruz area and the last few weeks the KGO signal has been so bad, it's unlistenable. I thought sun flares maybe. Maybe just PG&E flame outs.
