Sunday, July 19, 2020

Chris Wallace Doesn't Pussy-Pussy Foot Potus Trump in Fox News Sunday Interview; My Analysis (Video)

POTUS Trump didn't get his usual cushy interview on Fox News Sunday and there was a reason: the reliable, credible and savvy Chris Wallace sat down with the president and asked legitimate questions and not the usual farcical queries a Sean Hannity would perform.

In other words, Trump was legitimately cross-examined as he should have been. Now and later. I'll give him credit for answering to Wallace even though he mostly played dodgeball --if you watch the video, you'll see.

I've always liked Chris Wallace. He's just like his father. He doesn't play favorites and the current president gets no special treatment. I wish Wallace had more one-on-ones with Trump but that would never happen because Trump can't stand the heat and he probably doesn't like Wallace's refusal to drink the Kool-Aid.

The wide-ranging interview is, at least for now, refreshing to see someone take on Trump, who is languishing in the pools (which probably dictated Trump allowing a non-wussie to ask difficult questions) --it's a start,

Trump told Wallace he wouldn't necessarily concede the 2020 election if he loses because it's a "hoax"  --(unless of course he were to win and then it's all ok)--a scary thought. But what else is new.

Trump also says wearing a mask is not the end-all, say-all. Even with an incredulous Wallace reacting with disdain. It's no use to look disgusted as Wallace did because we're dealing with a different breed here. He's not shocking anymore and he hasn't been since day one.




  1. Donnie always sits in a chair as if he were sitting on his gold toilet, such a petulant toddler.

    1. I'm sure he has a gold toilet in Trump Towers somewhere. And rolls of TP with the faces of everyone he doesn't like printed on them. Which is a lot of people.

  2. Sean Hannity would have done a terrific interview but the key to a great interview is getting a good night's sleep and you can only do that on a Lieberman mattress. Sure, Trump wouldn't have liked it, but Sean would have asked tough questions just like the tough virus protection you get from Richie software. We'll be right back after this short commercial break.

    1. Hannity would thrown lots of soft balls to Trump. He would have let Trump tell lies without challenging him.
      Chris Wallace is now on Trumps shit list whether he knows it or not.

  3. Who cares about the election, rights, AIDS walk when Covid 19 is something serious we all should care about and see how will this decrease then the recent increase in the biggest concern on when we will get back to normal, we all hope!!!

  4. Would like to see Hidin' Biden sit for an interview with Wallace. Even if Sleepy Joe had the questions beforehand, he would be babbling. Are the Dems arrogant enough to let Biden debate Trump? There is no law on the books that candidates have to debate. Prediction: there will be NO presidential debates before the election.

    1. Prediction, Trump is done...this isn't 2016.

    2. Remember all of those interviews with Obama where he was asked the hard questions?

      Oh wait. I can't think of one either. On any network. Anywhere.

    3. Bill O'Reilly interviewed President Obama, I think a few times, needless to say it was not a softball interview, both did well, O'Reilly was tough, but respectful, Obama handled it well, did cry fake news or awful questions. The reason those who were the worst critics of Obama, like Hannity and Savage, never interviewed him, is because they did not want to. The preferred to just criticize Obama every chance they got, from afar.

    4. 2:08 PM, and others: Re: presidential debates, ALL my flashbacks are of the SNL "debates" with "Trump" stalking "Hillary" behind her back and s---. Too funny, can't wait to see IF The Stump resorts to same, cuz Biden (not my choice for POTUS but who is?) won't let that happen.

  5. Hey 2:08. No need for Biden to debate or come out and make that many appearances. Trump is doing a great job of hanging himself and the Kool Aid drinking politicians around him.

    Trump says he wishes that Chris was more like his dad Mike Wallace. No he doesn't. Mike Wallace would have eaten Trump alive. Watching a Mike Wallace story on 60 minutes when he interviewed a crooked politician was the was pure gold. Mr Wallace didn't give a rip if the politician was Democrat or Republican. He cared if you were doing your job or not.

    1. You are so right. Having said that Chris is pretty good, especially compared the interviews Hannity does with Trump.

    2. Still living in the past I see. Come into the present and realize that Trump is all you've got his election ... because Biden is worse off than Hillary.

    3. Mike would have had a field day with an Obama interview that wasn't dictated prior to his sitting down.

  6. Rich hates Trump and is and breathes Bob Acosta's flatulence as "Holy Air". Bulldog face, maybe Acosta is looking for a new "TOP". You have now credibility jerkstick!

    1. Anon? I HATE TRUMP, and it's gotten worse in the 3.5 years into his disgrace of a presidency (no Upper-Case P for this schmuck..). B/C my Chinese coworker just became a US citizen, so she could VOTE (for the wrong idiot). She apparently LIKED that trumpy liked to ..."grab 'em by the pussy.."

      Myself? I'm financially based (right, Rich?). Even tho the schmuck has NO influence on the Dow Jones, if the markets are brimming, I'm happy ... I hope this fuck puts up a "fight" to be evicted from the White House ... Biden ain't much but he AIN'T trumpy (Bob Trumpy, ex-Cinn. Bengals ALL-STAR NFL, but be butt-hurt to hear his name, taken in vain ... (Sorry Bob)

    2. Did I mention I'm a whore for Asian ass? Oh good ...

  7. Trump is so proud of himself for identifying an Elephant and being able to tracee a line between letters and numbers. We are so screwed if the dumb ass is reelected

  8. Bring on Biden. Let's see how he does with Wallace.

    1. I will vote for Biden over Trump but I agree that Wallace should interview him as well. Wallace won't pull any punches no matter who he interviews.

  9. You are a racist if you support or vote for Trump. There’s no two ways about it.

    1. You are a moron for making this asinine statement. There's
      no two ways about it.

    2. I used to be a Republican, before racial issues flipped all the Southern Democrats. Read Steve Kornacki's book, "The Red and the Blue". Now the GOP are all old white racist folks.

    3. Yea and you're an idiot for making a stupid remark as you just did.

    4. Remember when LBJ referred to the Civil Rights Act of 1957 as the “nigger bill”?

      Remember when he famously said upon appointing African-American judge Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court, “Son, when I appoint a nigger to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a nigger.”

      And most importantly, remember when he said "I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years"?

      President B. Lyndon Johnson (D).

      Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, Frank.

    5. Overlooking of course that 25% to 35% of Hispanic Americans voted for Trump and nearly that many still support him.
      Some in the Bay Area forget we live in a bubble...The Bay Area, inside of a bubble, California.. Hence "a bubble inside of a bubble".
      Everyone who thinks different is "racist".
      Like anyone who watches FOX News is clearly "racist"...
      Lesson to be learned, don't ever read or listen to anything outside of your bubble's group-think.
      BTW, I imagine there are significant numbers of people who will support Trump almost entirely based on his stance on abortion. Are they all racist?
      Nodding heads UNITE.. The "OTHERS" are clearly racist.

      The diverse Bay Area is filled with "nodding heads", just like Northern Idaho is filled with "nodding heads".

    6. I support Trump for one reason... and all the others things, I dont give a shit about. When your great Obama was president...
      What was the first thing he did? Cut military spending and soon after I got laid off, spent the next 8 years looking for steady work and trying to survive. When your a paycheck away from being homeless, everything else is meaningless. Since Trump became President, I have a house, a great job, more money in my pocket and a 401k. At the end of the day no one is going to care about the views of a crazy old man. So call him what you will it still wont take away the things i have earned without government intervention.

    7. > Remember when LBJ referred to the Civil Rights
      > Act of 1957 as the “nigger bill”?

      P.S.: Elvis never said the only thing a black man could do for him is buy his records and shine his shoes, either. Sorry for the facts.

    8. Anonymous 12:23:

      1) If you have to go back to 1957 to make a point you just conceded it. If you want to go way back in time, look at what Lincoln said about blacks.

      2) Only LBJ never said those things. They are well-known urban myths. Try doing a little research, and I don't mean from some wackadoodle right wing website.

      Funny how the people who scream fake news are the ones who come up with most of the fake news...

    9. Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky made a Republican out of me. Clinton drug the whole country through his sordid little sexual frolic and the only thing he ever admitted to was the "inappropriate" use of a cigar, sick fuck that he is. He gave a whole generation a twisted sex education because he couldn't control his urges. I immediately registered as a Republican, and the only time I have voted for a Democrat Jackass since was when Hillary ran against Trump. I registered Democrat so I could vote for her because I knew she didn't stand a chance against Trump. Then, before the General Election, I registered Republican again so I could vote for Trump. All that won't be necessary this time around because Biden is so brainless. And, the Democrats think they can get a black woman Vice President shoe-horned in when Biden steps down because he's demented. Just ain't gonna happen. When you hear Kamala Harris, think Jussie Smollet. Democrats are screwed. They dug themselves a hole and now they're covering themselves up in it.

    10. Black Death 007: I don't believe you. You got laid off and went 8 years without working? You can lie better than that, can't you? A 401K? Good for you. Who supported you for 8 years...the stamps maybe? You better believe it. Hope you got a great house though. Good For You !!! You're so full of shit your nose is brown. Keep believing that ass hole until you die the black death...

    11. By the way Kamala Harris is half Jamaican half Eastern Indian and her ancestors owned slaves. She is the farthest thing from black. Just another bleeding heart libatard.

    12. So I agree that Clinton's behavior with Monica was disgusting. However, many public figures behaves disgustingly in sexual matters, democrats, republicans, movies stars, TV and sports personality. I think it is up to the parents to install sexual mores in their children and teach them not to look to public figures on how to behave in these matters.
      However, many that found Clinton's behavior distasteful still voting for him, keeping his politics and personal life separate. Which I assume is what you are doing in voting for Trump. I also assume you are teaching your children (if you have any) that cheating on a pregnant wife with a hooker is not something to look up to. I give you a pass for voting who you think will be the best President, but it seems a little hypocritical to be so upset with Clinton's behavior and not mentioning anything about Trumps. Clinton at least has only be married once, Trump 3 times, and cheated on all his wives.

    13. 6:33 I agree with you, in regards to Black Death, it is almost impossible to go from not working for 8 years, to then get a job, a 401K and a house in just less than 4 years, especially taking into account housing prices in the Bay Area. Could be Black Death won the lottery or inherited money, but then he is not being truthful. Besides the job market improved steadily long before Trump was elected. Especially in certain areas, like the Peninsula and the City. What a coincidence that Black Death's life was sooo bad for ALL of the 8 years Obama was President, and all of sudden improved under Trump. Not buying it.

    14. 6:33 obviously you didn't read the post correctly. "spent the next 8 years looking for steady work and trying to survive."
      Looking for steady work...That means part time jobs, working 2 jobs, temp jobs, odd jobs. What ever i could do to make money to survive. Didn't rest on my loreals, went to trade school learned to weld and HVAC. Got a small business loan, Now I'm a successful business owner. Thats how i've managed to get all these things in 4 years.
      Now that i have explained more of my life and things that went right for me. Asshole? really... I have no reason to lie, its a part my life that i shared. If you cant accept truth and honesty, I feel truly feel sorry for a dysfunctional idiot such as yourself.

  10. Hannity is not a news program; by design.

  11. Any White person who does not vote for President Trump is a race traitor.

    1. Thats racist as well.... White is a color not a race asshole... Just like black or yellow or brown... I will be voting for a Caucasian. Would they call you African-American if you were in Africa? No they just call you Steve. Because his name is Steve.

  12. Using the expression "POTUS" is the same as saying "President Of The United States."

  13. Want to thank the right wing Anonymous guy making comments, I've gotten bingo thanks to your cliche's Mr Woke.

    1. Which colorful catchphrase fed to you by your leaders have you chanted or typed this week?

      You could learn alot by watching Dr. Phil.

  14. Too bad john rothman didn't interview him they could have compared stories about boyhood idols dick Nixon

  15. C'mon Biden!! out of the assisted living facility to a meet up with Chris Wallace. What do you say?
