Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A Weather Personality Firestorm at KTVU; Huge Egos Involved; Martin at Forefront; So Too Orozco, Paulson, and Tamayo in Mix; Decisions, Decisions in Jack London Square; Tuesday Open

Bill Martin on Twitter: "Missing @KTVUJulieHaener @KTVU these past ...
Bill Martin and Julie Haener

I'VE SAID KTVU weeknight weatherman, Bill Martin is more than likely headed off the 10 PM News roster, either gone completely or maybe offered a buyout (his contract is up in March) --Mark Tamayo seems to be Martin's eventual replacement but KTVU has an issue (or two) and a BIG one at that.

What to do with Rosemary Orozco? The star-studded diva who wants a primetime gig gig but I'm told the FOX people don't think Rosie is ready for primetime. While I have my moments of disgust with Orozco, I'm not ready to say she can't cut it at 10 O'clock but that's what the suits at Channel 2 think, maybe, stay tuned.

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Rosemary Orozco Has a Leg Up on All of Us
Rosemary Orozco
ANOTHER Weather dilemma: Steve Paulson seems content and happy in the morning on KTVU's wildly popular (still) "Mornings on Two"--he's apparently being considered for a night gig but again, how do you consider him for another time slot and risk pissing him off and messing up a significant part of "MO2"' mojo? Decisions, decisions.

A person with knowledge told me with confidence that Fox heavyweights are still confident Orozco is a future market superstar because she's "totally hot" and fits the Fox M.O: glamour women who show gusto on TV News.

Which is why Rosie continues her KTVU campaign. I would bet her profile is better suited for 10 but that's where the back-office meetings take place and see how the weather personality conundrum is made clear. There's a lot of money and egos at stake.

The weather quagmire comes at an inopportune time at KTVU's Jack London Square complex in Oakland as FOX cuts major personnel and even with good ratings, there's a lot of tension in the newsroom.

Tension at KTVU? You betcha. Weather or not.


  1. Rosemary glamorous?

    Those TV execs need glasses.

    I'll take Kyla any day.

  2. Mark Tamayo is even keeled and Steve would be great at 10 but works well in the lucrative morning - he may not want the night lifestyle

    How about a Black meteorologist for KTVU - the Oakland station with no Black representation on the main anhcor team has been a head scratcher since Dennis left - and that's not just a diversity thing - it's good business in the market

    1. "Yo, da weather iz gunna be good, dawg"

  3. Call me stupid, but if I ran a TV new business where ratings were important, and I had Rosemary Orozco on the payroll, I'd certainly put her on before Bill Martin, or even Mark Tamayo.

  4. I knew he when she was at reporter at KEYT in Santa Barbara a few years ago. (she was there almost 8 years). She is reserved and even-tempered (almost calculated), but kind of a cold fish. She tries to more extroverted but it's just not her. I think a bigger spotlight would hurt her because it would show more flaws than benefits. Besides Bill loves the Bay Area, he's been doing weather here the lanky woman for almost 30 years. Do you think Rosie the Lanky Woman would stay if she heard the siren call of a larger market or a national one like FNC? (If history is an example, she left her last job in her childhood home of Sacramento after 3 years).

  5. I never knew Julie had a rack like that. Lord almighty her can game is strong!

  6. If Rosey took 10pm I'd have to go back to kron4. She had zero personality and needs to move on. Kyla has personality, knowledge and is just fun to listen too. Mark is so up and coming. He has a long career ahead of him. It would be stupid to pass him up.
