I HAVE NO USE FOR THE CLOWNS ON KNBR who are suddenly using terms like "racial divide" and "African Americans" and "police injustice." Where were/are these clowns years ago?
Sports-talk hosts on KNBR? They should stick to sports of which they know little about and not to try to become social observers because they are, frankly, a joke. Howard Cosell would refer to them today (all of them) as part of the jockocracy" and he'd be dead on.
ReplyDeleteEVERYONE has to say this shit or it's their jobs and maybe their lives.
ReplyDeleteProfessors who even slightly question certain elements of the BLM movement are losing their jobs, losing their employability and losing their homes in one case to fire. We are now a Fascist state, only the Fascists are blacks and white liberals who support them. And it's interesting how whites are being pressured to speak out for the BLM movement or be labeled complicit, but no one has commented on that fact that Spike Lee, Wynton Marsalis, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Maurice Ashley, Danny Glover, Lawrence Fishburne, Barack Obama, James Earl Jones, Steve Harvey and many another black celebrity has been very very low key.
Nothing worse then "White guilt"
ReplyDeleteThey are in a no-win situation. If they said nothing, they would be criticized for not acknowledging what is going on in the world.