Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Lee Rodgers Would Have a Lot To Say Today

12 inductees set for Radio Hall of Fame - SFGate

LEE RODGERS (pictured) and I were far apart on politics (as I have said here repeatedly) but the late KGO/KSFO broadcaster was an instantaneous listen-to source when important news broke, be it an earthquake or other natural disaster...or a terrorist attack, a BIG one like 9/11 --there was no one more superb than Roger's sincere, genuine, take-no-prisoners approach. I could only imagine what he would say now about this current pandemic crisis we're all facing.

Rodgers would filter through the BS and cut to the chase. As much of a partisan he was on the right, he would quickly ace out his bias and center on the facts and information. I can't prove this but I'll bet everyone who listened to or who knew Lee that he'd ridicule President Trump and call him out big time. And he'd do it in a heartbeat, every time, every day. Political stripe would not matter because by and large, in situations like this, politics wouldn't matter. Rodgers didn't give a damn about such pittances and would say so. Too bad the Republican party doesn't act the same way today.

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  1. I used to listen to Lee and Melanie every morning. Still missed.

  2. I think he would be just another partisan hack. He knew what paid the bills. Speaking against Trump may work in SF but remember he move to North Carolina to get away from liberal California. He wouldn't be on the radio unless he sucked up like Sussman

    1. I don't think so. Many that call Rothman's and Thurston's show suggest they are being told what to say who to support. Of course that is not the case, and I don't think it would be the case with Lee Rodgers. Although it seems Michael Medved, who were a sometime critic of Trump, lost his syndicated show to Dr. Gorka (who I cannot stand). However, Tom Sullivan is still on the air and syndicated all over the country as well, he is conservative, but he can be very critical of Trump.

  3. Off Topic for a quick minute: Has anyone else heard those radio commercials for something like "We are not profit". I hear it on 98.1FM. One commercial has a black male speaking in heavy Ebonics, so heavy, I can barely understand anything he's saying besides "Black" or "Big Tobacco". Is this another group trying to take away menthol cigarettes from everybody? I can make that choice myself. A second spot has a guy saying "Tobacco is POISON!!" I thought the days of Reefer Madness were over!

  4. 8:06 PM Anon, I think you are confusing Lee with Jim Eason who moved back to NC for a few years but Jim's here now. Lee moved to Arizona for the last few years of his show with Melanie. Lee is missed, no one quite like him.

  5. I concur w/8:06. Moderate/center-right Republican voices are nowhere to be found or heard today. So Lee would be scrambling for listeners if he had to take stances contrary to President Trump. And as was pointed out, he did move to North Carolina to get away from Liberalism (I remember him going off on this on one of his last broadcasts. It struck me as someone who had enough of California...and the Left.

  6. Rodgers seemed to be slightly left of middle of the road when he was on KGO, then turned right wing shill when he moved to KSFO. He was a phony in one of those instances. Who was the real Lee?
