Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Vanity of Ronn Owens

Image result for Ronn Owens KGO

*The man who bragged endlessly about an affectation --placing two "n's" in Ronn to stand out because, well, because he had an "ego." His word.

*The guy who didn't use his real last name because he's Jewish and didn't like a Jewish name that sounded "too Jewish." His words.

*The guy that went to shamelessly promote himself with a Cumulus goon about a month after the death of his old KGO colleague, Gene Burns.

Not a month after the old KGO purge, Burns had a heart attack and died. More than a few people, including some medical folks,said Burns demise was probably caused by a broken heart.

*Ronn Owens: a guy who fought to have an obscure "report" on air after being forced to retire so he could curry favor with a travel agency that gives him free cruise trips for PR plugs.

*A guy who ripped into Bill Clinton after the Lewinsky affair while he himself, (Owens) had an extra marital relationship.

*A man who detested Mickey Luckoff because Luckoff  was a terrible human being. Owens is kinda worse. Read on.

*Because he's more a white guy with very few Black friends, Owens carried on a career's worth of BS sincerity with an ex-KGO Black man, host, now suing KGO and Cumulus. Of course Owens never mentions the guy's name anymore. Such a loyal man, that Mr. Lowenstein.

*Owens was asked point blank about a decade ago if he were OK (health wise). The blogger insisted that Owens be comfortable in answering his question, or not, but just be truthful whatever the response. It was a lie.

*Owens made a point of publicly ripping his AFTRA union membership dues until it was that union that paid for his various medical costs and maladies.

*When the Cumulus purge began in earnest, it was Owens that went to lunch with a Cumulus Cretan named Randall Bloomquist. When Bloomquist was shown the door, Owens took his picture off his desk.

*Owens first introduction to e-mail was advanced by a former media writer for the Oakland Trib, Bill Mann. When Mann was basically thrown out the door by Luckoff (when Luckoff was KGO VP) for writing a mildly critical piece on KGO, Owens parted company with Mann.

*Owens likes to have his food and wine porno friends on air so he can get his free meals and wine bonanza still en fuego even though his tour of duty ended.

*This is yuge: It was Ronnnn Owens who OUTED the whistle blower's name on his "report"--the only Bay Area media person to do so which sort of tells you all you need to know about Ronn Owens.

*Owens is the only person who brags about his ego. Even Howard Stern has his modest moments. Not the case with Ronnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

* The guy that took a bright-eyed 17-year -old kid (me) to Candlestick Park to watch a baseball game--while driving to the game in his car, he took out a marijuana cigarette and smoked it while I was watching and sorta freaked out.

*The "Voice of Reason" is a total sham. Ask various alive and dead KGO talk hosts.


  1. Ronnnn Owens jumped the shark years ago. He had been calling it in for years.....going through the motions, faking it. Good riddance. And who listens to his "report?" I think I've heard it once.

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  2. I worked at KGO.Gene Burns was hauled out of those front st. studios via ambulance countless times. To attribute his final departure to a "broken heart" caused by Ronn Owens is grossly unfair.

  3. *The man who took a young Rich Lieberman under his wing and showed him the good SF media life only to be constantly trashed and bad mouthed decades later by that same Rich Lieberman in his 70's.

    Gene Burns was old and obviously in poor health (he had suffered two strokes and had other problems). While unfortunate, his death can't be put on Ronn or KGO. The stress at the end? Yes, I'm sure it added to it. But also the years sitting behind a microphone and probably never exercising? Not their fault (and this is from someone who is probably in the same health as Gene). God bless Gene, but you're stretching with that one.

    1. I agree, Gene had several health problems, he fell often, suggesting TIA's small strokes. I loved the Gene Burns show and miss him, but I agree this is a stretch.

  4. His show goes from 3 hours to 1 hour to 10 minutes to 5 minutes. Retire already, no one wants to listen to you anymore.

  5. Guy looks like the fucking crypt keeper. GTFO Ronnnnn.

  6. We get it Rich, you don't like Ronn, you certainly bring it up often enough. Just about everything you list here, those of us who come here often, have read more than once. Why are you beating a dead horse? You have written some really good blogs lately, then you bring up your old hatred for Ronn, to what purpose? I liked Ronn's show, don't know much about him personally, nor do I care to.

    I got divorced many years ago, mostly my own choice, but I never the less had a lot of resentment for my ex husband for some time afterwards. I was seeing a psychologist at one point, and she told me you need to let go of your resentment, to be able to move one with you life, it was a couple of years after my divorce, it has been 8-9 years since Cumulus fired everyone, I think it is time to get over your resentment of Ronn, he is not that relevant anymore. Those who don't like him, will like your blog, those who do, or those who, like me, are neutral are tired of reading about it.

  7. Hey now, Rich. Nobody's perfect!

  8. "*Owens made a point of publicly ripping his AFTRA union membership dues until it was that union that paid for his various medical costs and maladies."

    Wow, they never did that for *me.*

  9. I don't know who this guy is and he sounds like a douchebag from what you wrote but then he sounds kind of cool because he took out a joint in the car.

  10. Rather listen to Owens from 10-12 than those clowns and the BS session.

  11. It's a real shame that a man of Ronn Owens age can't embrace his heritage.
    Honestly, this is all you need to know about the guy.

  12. What exactly do you mean "not embrace his heritage"? Ronn is Jewish and he has always been a strong supporter of Israel, I have never heard him shy away from being Jewish.

  13. I didn't realize KGO had named one of their studios in honor of Ronn Owens.
    I wasn't aware he had such influence with the management of KGO.
    OK then he is a bigger fish than I expected.
