Wednesday, January 22, 2020

KGO Uses Over-Week Old Ronnnn Owens Report

Image result for Ronn Owens

Maybe better to call it the "Ronn Owens Retread." --KGO ran an old ROR without saying it was old, a typical Ronnoo yapfest with John Avalos, here's the aforementioned report to listen to which was about as news worthy as Ronn's ast manicure


  1. That's the KCBS playbook.
    ...Read last weeks news from the KPIX website.
    Listen Friday, Saturday & Sunday you'll see.
    A station on auto-pilot.

  2. So Ronnnnnn's show goes from 3 hours to 1 hour to 10 minutes to 5 minutes. And now they're playing week old shows of those 5 minutes. Pathetic, just like a Trump tweet.

  3. Poor Ronnnn has gotten so old and ugly

  4. 4 minutes actually, and most of that is introduction.
