Wednesday, December 11, 2019

'God, SF Sports-Talk Radio is Pathetic'

I agree.


  1. I noticed KNBR 10-12am is no longer with Drew Hoffar. Some print guy Dieter on now. Hoffar's contract finally ran out possibly? Mark Willard is just unlistenable. The voice is grating and he seems a shill.

  2. Music station in the morning, dude, penis jokes and beer in the afternoon . . . someday we'll have an actual sports station in the Bay Area . . .

  3. Rich, your right on. Knbr f"ed it up big time imho. The M boys are a couple of clowns in the early a.m. Papa and Lund... Arrogant and a kiss ass!!! Afternoon crew... 3 guys are to many. Tom needs speech therapy bad. And Rod needs to learn how to speak. He carries out his words. Annoying!!!!

  4. Stopped listening to KNBR years ago because of the lack of quality sports talk but tuned in last night at 5:30 as there was some breaking news in that the Sharks had fired their head coach. I realize hockey isn't that popular in the Bay Area, but I am a big hockey fan and this is a local team making big news and I wanted to get some info on it. Spent 20 minutes listening to the Steve Young Show without them ever mentioning the Sharks. Finally a little before 6 they made a passing, half interested mention that the Sharks had fired their coach but then Tolbert abruptly switched gears saying he wanted to get two penis stories in. That's right, the alleged sports leader, made passing reference to breaking news in order to get a couple of penis stories in. Just brutal.

    1. That's because no one cares about the Sharks.

    2. No one at KNBR gives a shit about hockey; Smurph, for one, has been quite open about that. At least sometimes Tolbert has Drew Remenda on. KNBR The Sports We Feel Like Covering Leader.

    3. Your big mistake was tuning into KNBR. They'd rather cover surfing or auto racing before covering hockey. If KNBR isn't involved with the teams, they won't care. They have an ownership stake with the Giants and have broadcasting rights to the 49ers. They can't ignore the Warriors based on past success. So, they can give fuck all to the Athletics, Raiders, Sharks and the colleges. Do yourself a favor and get satellite radio. They do have stations dedicated to the major sports. Even auto racing. The hosts are very intelligent and aren't a bunch of morons like the local lot here. Plus, you won't have to hear 40 minutes of advertising and 20 minutes of content. Don't be a zombie. Be active!

    4. Because no one cares about the Sharks (check their ratings) and the A's (even their flagship ignores them).
      And all Raider talk revolves around the move, not the team.

  5. Give 1050 a listen. Good national shows then Tolbert (only reason to listen anymore) simulcast in the afternoon.

  6. I used to only listen to KNBR, but now I exclusively listen to 95.7 the game. I like the Steinmetz, Bonta, Guru show. Guru is a fun listen. The morning show is OK...much better than knbr. Ratto, Bruce, and the other guy is the strangest show on the radio. The 3 of them have no chemistry at all and clearly don't like each other. Its the most disjointed, cringe-worthy, awkward sports show I've ever heard. But its at least sort of honest in its own way...since the hosts don't pretend to like each other and Bruce clearly wishes he didn't have to share the show with the other two. The KNBR shows in the afternoon are just completely mailed in, stuffed with fake laughter and time wasters.

  7. 8:11 Everyone here says no one cares about the Sharks. But if your a fan you know there is an extremely loyal following that loves the team. I go to at least 10-12 games a year and the one thing I love is that for the most part Hockey fans know the game and really have a passion for it. Unfortunately the only times I ever heard the bleeder spend more than 30 seconds taking about them was when they blew that three game to nothing lead against the Kings a few years ago. The other was when Pawlie Mac got free tickets from the Peterson Dean guy and went to a game. Suddenly Burnzie and Little Joe were his boys. Hasn't talked about the since.
