YOU WOULD THINK it would be free and easy but it's sort of a commodity here--the idea of being sincere. Being genuine. Being real. How difficult is that? On TV News especially, the newbies are so superficial and so manufactured. There's little "be yourself" style when you act so banal and sugar-coated. Frankly, just about everyone sees through it.
On radio too.
Some pathetic soul on KGO was filling in for Chip Franklin--I think his name was Chris Merrill --what a total farce we heard on Thursday. The guy wasn't so much talking but loved hearing his voice and speaking like he was some amateur radio announcer but truth be told, he was so forced and so not funny too. Did you hear this nincompoop? What a moron--e was about as real as a Union City French restaurant.
Being real is genuine. If you're good then you'll be regarded as such. If you're talented then you don't have to do shtick to show your worth. Part of Ralph Barbieri's enduring rep was that he was what he was and even in his most grating moments, you'd laugh because that was The Razor. I'm generalizing but you know the drill. If you don't have the chops and try to force yourself with mush, then you're mush. Forced crap will be met with dire consequences.
I'm hoping you all had a nice holiday. Quick recap on "The Irishman." Very, very long and very, very good. Invest a day because by the time you leave the theatre you're looking at close to four hours. Try to get the earliest showtime. It's a long investment. A dynamite movie. And yeah, see it on the BIG screen too because a computer doesn't do it justice or a big TV. This is one for the ages and Oscar worthy.
*This week is all in flux, I'll be posting more later as the holiday period erodes and we become civil in January.
Anything including dead air and phony supplement infomercials is a step up from Chip Franklin.
ReplyDeleteYou're about as real as Pamela Anderson's tits the way you censor comments or anyone that dares call out the hypocrisy on this blog.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I find your comment a little sexist and crude, I have to kind of agree. Rich has no problem bashing everyone, some over and over again (i.e. Ronn) he often censor my comments, even though I'm always respectful and try to be fair to everyone, including Rich. Really does not make me feel like contributing to this blog anymore, which I have done in the past.
DeleteTell it! True story.
DeleteAlthough I may disagree with the "censor" thing, it IS Rich's blog. He also has to filter out spam like links for Viagra and such.
DeleteI had a few not improved here and there, although one he didn't approve for view was a link I found to a story about KRON, which he used as a story about them.
Yes, its Rich's blog and he can censor comments. And it is my money I can choose not to contribute anymore. I just think he post blogs that are crude at times racist and sexists, but for the most part any comments just a little critical of Rich or tepid defense of Ronn often don't get posted
DeleteSide Note:
ReplyDeleteDon Imus, Legendary 'Imus in the Morning' Host, Dies at 79
KGO have had a couple of fill in hosts this week. John Bistow (Bistrow) not sure of spelling, filled in for Mark Thompson, he did not sound comfortable as a talk show host. I also heard Chris Merrill, yesterday just a little, but I liked what I heard yesterday when he was talking about Christmas with his conservative relatives, today I listened to most of his show, some segments I liked, other not so much, but compared to some other fill in hosts he was okay, there are not many callers this week because of the Holidays. I think Mark Thompson is a nice guy, but his show is hit and miss, I often listen because there is no one else on at that hour worth listening to. I like some of his interviews and I like his swamp sweep, I think he has gotten better, but don't know that he is going to make it, I thought perhaps this Chris Merrill might be a possible replacement, but would have to hear more of him and his interaction with callers to know for sure.
ReplyDeleteGuest hosts new to the radio studio environment should be given a little time to acclimate before assessing their talent. They could be having difficulty with the studio gadgetry for example and their focus distracted. Or they might just be nervous and not themselves. I'd give new talent at least 5 shows on the air before passing much in the way of judgment. As far as not being funny, comedy is not easy to do successfully. Not at all. It requires a heck of a lot of attempts, hours and hours, before even actual comedians are able to be funny. New talent should avoid trying to be funny until they have the needed comedy experience. You see this problem with public speakers and especially politicians too. A mayor of a city say will try to say something funny just to get a laugh and break the tension, but it comes off all wrong, and the mayor often lands in hot water b/c of their ill-advised comedy attempt. My advice to new talent: avoid comedy attempts like the plague.
ReplyDeleteI wrote the comments at 6:35, and tend to agree with the comments at 8:15. As a matter of fact one section of the Chris Merrill show as I was driving around and sitting in traffic was his take on pardons, especially the pardon of Eddie Gallagher, and the recent pardons by outgoing Governor Matt Bevin. I thought he made some good points, pointing out it shouldn't be a left or right issue, I found the conversation interesting, I don't think I heard anyone calling in one it, but this is a slow week for callers, and I could have missed some while I was at the store. I think it would be nice if Rich could at least be neutral when writing about a new host, or a fill in host, instead of just go negative right away. Like I said I liked him, I like Rothmann, and Pat Thurston. KGO has had a lot of awful hosts the past 8-9 years, anyone remember Montemayor, Drex and Ethan Bearman when he did his lifestyle crap, I never really warmed up to Dr. Drew, so I think this guy for a fill in did just fine.