Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Papa and Lund on KNBR Today: 'Dreckons of Mass Destruction' Invades The Airwaves

CALL IT THE SPORTS-TALK RADIO DRECKONS of MASS DESTRUCTION: An Epic Failure before the first sound is uttered. A TOTAL CALAMITY.

The Greg Papa and John Lund Show debuts Today (Tuesday) on The Sports Bleeder, KNBR. We're supposed to be giddy and elated but in reality, we should be tepid and tepid we shall be.

Papa has been exposed as the Buffalo boor with a pale personality that is benign to original thought unless that thought involves a million giggles and old stories; retread central. A castoff Raiders PBP broadcaster after twenty years almost feverishly courted by a 49ers broadcast exec who placed him on the House of 49ers nation. He'll be less worse on the talk show but his PBP will be a freak show too because the 49ers amen corner don't like him off the boot and thus his radio talk-show platform at KNBR will be littered with nonsensical BS and toilet humor.

PAPA will be back with one of THE WORST Radio voices in Bay Area History, the mind-numbingly AWFUL, PATHETIC, TOILET HUMOR-INFESTED, BORE, John Lund, who must have pictures of execs in compromising situations. He's a joke. He's not funny. He's been given a forum because, I dunno, maybe they love his girlie voice or they think he adds any dimension. He doesn't. It's the SAME crappolla over and over again. RETREADED BS.

Lund is a total failure. A washed up dork with all the authenticity of a Modesto strip mall. I caught his first act of BOREDOM and CRAP several years on "The Game" and somehow he made it to KNBR (even worse) because they ran out of janitors and interns to place on the air.


  1. I listened this morning. Not entertaining.

  2. It was painful to say the least. I did like them together on The Game but I only listened for a few minutes a day. The entire first hour was SO boring, nothing but NBA trade talk and Papa's voice just droning on and on. Will listen at 2pm to see how that show goes, hopefully better than the morning NBA/John Lund sex talk show.

  3. At least I know when NOT to tune into KNBR. And to watch the 49er games and not bother with the radio play-by-play anymore.

  4. That's an insult to stip malls in Modesto.

  5. Want NFL news with good meaty content as opposed to personality driven garbage? Same with the NHL, MLB and NBA? Invest in satellite radio. Put Greg Poopa and John Limp out of business as well as the rest of the Dreck Squad. Radio, as we used to know it, is dead. It sucks. Only zombies listen to it. "Well, so-and-so said on KNBR..." doesn't mean shit. They are the farthest thing from being experts. You get what you pay for. You don't pay for it, so you get shit. You pay for satellite radio, but it's so much better. You lose the local angle, but maybe that'll change in time. A small price to pay so your ears don't burn out.

  6. papa was quoted as saying that at 95/7 they were the upstarts and seemed to imply the sex jokes were them having to be edgy and taking risks to knock off knbr..wonder if that meant he and lund are going to tone it down, but then i listned just before noon, and papa brought up afternoon delight and they joked about the name for a few minutes..

  7. God...that sucked yesterday..just sucked. with two straws. Signed, Gary

  8. I switched stations, when Lund talked about his distended nipples.

    Lund's talent is kissing posteriors,( Tolbert and Papa's).

    I know I'm in the minority; Papa is overrated as play by play and host.

  9. Worse than I imagined, if that's possible. Lund already with the peepee humor, Papa boorish as hell. And the 3 host afternoon "extravaganza" is not off to a good start. This could spell the end of Tolbert's long, successful stint on KNBR. I could see him leaving in disgust at the tinkering and taking a buyout if it's not cost prohibitive for the station.

  10. How can 3 egos co-exist ? and for how much longer ? Seems that Brooks is trying to take the lead. Cannot stand his cadence of his speech. Sad that Kruger's role is drastically reduced to just a few peeps per segment. On his previous show, he always had so much knowledge and factoids to share.

  11. Papa and Lund......ehhh. Guess I'll be tuning between KSFO and The Game during their show.

    Poor Tolbert. One of the best shows I ever heard was years ago with Tolbert and Eric Brynes. Too bad they couldn't team up.

    I've met Rod Brooks before....nice guy. I can't stand him on radio. Great guy though.

  12. How Rod Brokks kept his job and Others got fired is a mystery. His chucles at end os speech is annoying. Tolbert was a perfect match with Lunf with his juvenile humour as well

  13. Except for the Marc Willard show, I listen to 95.7 the Game. Willard & the Game still encourage listener calls. Other Knbr shows don't. Boring as hell listening to hosts continually talking to ea. other, & Knbr morning show, talking over each other. How does anyone listen to the "dudes," murph & mac?
