Wednesday, July 17, 2019

KCBS Sinks Further Into The Abyss with More Cackling and Less News; Scott Lettieri Selling Italian Restaurants on Telegraph Hill; Total Embarrassment

Image result for kcbs radio personalities
Stan Bunger

KCBS is major sucking these days. Its news identity in the toilet and its once-mighty staple of reporters who know the Bay Area and are mostly good have either retired or left the business.

What we have now is a radio station where an inordinate amount of useless chit-chat and inane jokes rule the airwaves. It isn't unusual now for endless giggly overkill by once-excellent anchors Stan Bunger (pictured) and Susan Leigh Taylor who believes, still, that the Bay Area news audience cares she saw mist on her windshield driving up to the station from Pacifica. This verbal doo-doo used to be a joke; now, Taylor has made it a caricature and it's no longer funny, more irritating and dumb.

Image result for Scott Lettieri KCBS
Scott Lettiere
I LAUGHED OUT LOUD THE OTHER DAY: Reporter, occasional anchor, Scott Lettieri, was sent to Telegraph Hill to "report" on a new restaurant opening and "interviewed" some European natives saying how great the food was and how "San Francisco has such nice views." It was basically a two-minute restaurant commercial and Lattiere's cackling and goof-off made it even worse. Is Entercom (which owns KCBS) that hard up for cash that they have to send some dickhead reporter to a restaurant and call it news? What a hopeless disaster. They should all be embarrassed. Lettieri, a former KGO retread, should have had his press credential yanked and ordered to swim to the Farallons and eat cheese with the mice.

The whole set-up is a disgrace now with wacky, stupid reporters and repeated, ad nauseum news coverage with an overwrought residue of "traffic and weather" reports that never end and whose presence on the station seems to have created a life of its own. Sure, that's KCBS's bread and butter; traffic reports and weather updates but when there's no weather and traffic is your beacon of light, you have a problem. Am I the only one who is suddenly fed up with KCBS? Check this out.


  1. lets see you write a restaurant review and then we can bust your balls, leave the guy alone he is doin what he is told

  2. Hi Rich! Have you heard anything about how Heather Ishimaru is doing? Has she settled her situation with KGO?

  3. That Coit Tower interview was dreadful -- couldn't understand what the interviewees were saying, and the setup and reporter-side were not very "news story"-like at all. And the podcastification of "In Depth" is equally awful -- the cliche 'dramatic' music, the over-emphasized...pause-filled...reading by the new host, yikes. No thanks. But KCBS does breaking news well, and has a strong team of local reporters throughout the Bay Area. They're slowly clearing out the former KGO people who weren't working out, and remain an important player in disaster response and, honestly, daily info gathering and sharing. Accept their 30-minute-newscast format, it's worked for years and still works for many listeners. Just maybe less "windshield mist" and badly done podcast-style shows.

  4. We get it, everything stinks except for Rich Lieberman.

  5. Scott Letieri is not a "dickhead". He's a very good reporter who has covered all sorts of stories covering rape, murder, mayhem, and politics. He also has an off-air life as a stand-up comedian. Doing a little light puff piece from time to time is not a reason to turn in your press credentials.HOw do you know what Susan Leigh Taylor assumes about the weather changes she observes in her daily drive. Have you ever asked her? I know the answer.

    1. Thanks Scott for your opinion........about yourself.

    2. Ha Ha Ha....Scott

    3. My name isn't Scott. I watched Scott do all the reporting mentioned at KGO.

  6. They should hire this guy who used to be my dad's customer who'd giggle like a little girl after every sentence.

  7. Even the hourly CBS News national updates suck. They used to have good anchors who sounded like they knew what they were talking about. Now the news is delivered by what sound like kids who often don't seem to get what they're reading off the wires.

  8. Sales Dept Trick, Do a story...Now buy advertising. They need the cash flow

  9. the person on the street interview, kgo tried that several months ago with their horrible traffic reader/producer heather something..she asked stupid questions and got stupid answers

  10. No, you're not the only one, Richie. KCBS has tumbled down the same slope as KGO did. Bean counters instead of broadcasters. And please, can they please dump Sports on the :15 and :45 and replace it with something called news?

    1. Why replace the sports shorts? You have 56 other minuted to talk news, save for commercials. Sports gets maximum 2 minutes - MAX. What the hell you gonna put in place of sports?

  11. Heather Hamann....former producer for Dr. Dean Edell then KGO sorta kept her around with her traffic gig. "HEATHER HITS THE STREET" I believe is the segment name. I'd like to hit Heather - in her bush. I hate that midwestern accent of hers. "GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM" haha.

  12. I haven't heard "Heather Hits the Street," but then it's been years since I've listened to KGO. Heather is no reporter, or journalist, but she has managed to hang on as a traffic reporter and producer over the years. As for Scott Lettiere, he's actually an excellent reporter, who has done fine work over the years. I suspect he was assigned the restaurant story and just went about his work. Don't think he should be ripped over a single report -- especially considering his otherwise strong reporting over the years.

  13. ...and Peter Finch now down to Weekend Weather stand in...Oh how far they have fallen...or was it traffic...
