Mark Tamayo |
My KTVU ace spy, (there's many) tells me weather guesser, Mark Tamayo has a height issue; the short guy --get this--uses, well, KTVU uses a box for Tamayo so he can broadcast for the camera.
Call it less leggy then others.
Per my station spy:
"He has to stand on a box when forecasting from The Weather Center. Cameras all have to be brought down crazy low also on the green screen and then shot back up for tall Bill Martin who I've seen actually kick Tamayo's mini -me box out of the way when it gets left out by mistake. Daily comedy here at KTVU."
This is a story that's got legs.

Jeez, midgets everywhere!!
ReplyDeleteI like Mark Tamayo very much. He has one of the best on-air personas of local weather casters. His height doesn't matter to me.
ReplyDeleteCorrect. I do not care if he is me. His presentation and information provided is all that matters.
DeleteYour source has way too much time on his/her shot.
ReplyDeleteI like Mark T, too. Who cares how tall he is? I like all the ktvu weather peeps for that matter.
ReplyDeleteTamayo is good at his job. Couldn't care less what his height is.
ReplyDelete1) Martin is a prick.
ReplyDelete2) Tamayo is short. You can't choose your genes. He's still a thousand times more professional than Martin. So is Kyla for that matter, but he's sure buried her.
Changing the subject, the Chronicle witch (Audrey Cooper) apparently is the one in San Francisco who decides who is a journalist. So long ago she declared that Rich isn't a journalist (even though he regularly scoops her paper). Today on the editorial page, she grudgingly admits that the freelancer whose home was raided last Friday, Bryan Carmody, is a journalist worthy of protection, sympathy, etc.
ReplyDeleteThe witch's column today is fascinating. When Adachi died, the city's Establishment and big media like the Chronicle went into coverup mode. Almost immediately they knew he had been doing cocaine with a woman from Colombia who wasn't his wife. But the Chronicle, sensitive to the needs of the political elites in town, downplayed the story. Note the 1 column treatment on page 1. This would have been a banner headline in any other city.
So today the witch declares Carmody is a journalist (he is one whether she says so or not) and, at the same time, she condemns the reporting of the seedier aspects of Adachi's death. She makes it sound as if the Chronicle had all the lurid details but spared its well heeled readers from the unpleasant facts.
I think Carmody and the three TV stations that used his material (particularly the photos of the apartment with the syringes) should get a Peabody or Emmy!
And the Chronicle should continue to be ignored by all organizations that give out awards for journalistic excellence. Of the major metro dailies in the U.S., the Chronicle has gone the longest length of time without winning a Pulitzer. Way to go Audrey!
EXCELLENT comment. I couldn't agree more myself. Carmody is indeed a real reporter giving us real news. The Chronicle (and most other Bay Area "journalistic outlets") don't want to ruffle feathers, for fear they won't get access to politicians and will be cut out of the "press release journalism" that is how stations get by these days.
DeleteMark Tamayo has a sweet, pleasant disposition snd kindness that comes through in his onscreen personality which I'm guessing is just like his offscreen personality. There is nothing fake, phony or presumptuous about him. At any rate, he looks to be tall enough to me and he's exceptional at his forecast. He's one of my favorites,
ReplyDeleteHey short can be an advantage. Like say in a Limbo contest I'm picking Tamayo over Martin, Rosemary or the Blonde from The Weather Channel LOL :)
ReplyDeleteYears ago when I could stomach Ch2, Tamayo had the unprofessional habit of using "um" 2-3 times per sentence. He was UNWATCHABLE. Has he gone to weatherman school yet or does he, um, still have the affliction?
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone regarding Mark Tamayo, but nothing lasts forever and I'm ready for a change. Would love to see Rosemary doing the evening News. Would be a great way to start and end the evening, watching her "modelling" the weather report. She was once a model and that aspect is still retained in her DNA, the way she moves, her posture, picture perfect...a symmetrical goddess!
ReplyDeleteI keep hearing about the low number of babies being born, she has the power to reverse that trend. I can hear the conversation, "Mom are you sitting down?, I'm divorcing Henry. Last night after the News, in the heat of the moment, he moaned "Oh Rosemary," I'm going to take everything he has, he'll be living on the street.
There are dresses which make a woman look good, and there are women who make the dresses look good, she is one of those, a pleasure to watch! I don't have to prove the women are the News, the women do it for me...Rosemary, proof positive!
You've heard the saying, "If only you could hear and see what goes on behind the closed doors." That's where the 415 Media puts us, behind the closed doors, and nowhere else can you get this insight...Thank you Rich, love the 415!
Way to be gross, Gross Dude!
DeleteGross, not at all. Just "in tune" with the morally bankrupt society we have created for ourselves. The Porn industry every year makes more money than Baseball and Basketball combined!
DeleteWith a little reverse engineering you will discover the post redirects the intention.
I forgot to use the word "charming," she certainly is!! The women are the News!
Speaking of women in broadcast news, what's with those anchors at KTVU with the red rashes on their chests? Is it something that's "going around?"
Delete11:56am: I can hear you stroking your neckbeard in a basement from here
DeleteGood dirt to share. However, who the f*** cares how tall he is? He's a solid weather person, unlike the phony who rushes to his home in the East Bay after the 6 pm news and comes back in the nick of time to deliver the weather. Like they used to say, "There's only one 2."
ReplyDeleteI don't get how he can do that and not worry about getting stuck in traffic. Or what if he gets a flat? Crazy. I'd fire him for that right there, I don't care how long he's been with the station. That's literally deserting your post.
DeleteFire someone for taking a dinner break? You're an idiot.
Delete1) WHO CARES if he is short ?
ReplyDelete2) those of you that use the M word for shorter people.. just stop. It's offensive and not accurate. Please us the Little Person or Little People
Honestly Rich... I wish you would stick to relevant information vs cheap shots and appearance based post
Who cares if Mark is short...Dorff does real good on golf...