Wednesday, May 15, 2019

KGO Radio Lowers The Boom on Ryan Scott and Maureen Langan; Finney Spared

Related image
Ryan Scott: no more arugula on KGO
KGO Radio/ Cumulus eliminated two of its weekend hosts by serving pink slips to Ryan Scott and Maureen Langan --Consumer reporter, Michael Finney was spared and will continue his Saturday PM program.

Scott, who did a cooking show and does various chef programs on TV, managed to survive at KGO despite an annoying, chatty, hyperactive supreme persona and innate ability to kiss major tuchus.

His ratings slowly declined to the point he reached out several times to Ronn Owens to be his weekly guest interview. After Owens most recent appearance, Scott got the boom.

Coincidence? Perhaps, you make the call.

Langan tried mightily to become a serious talk-show host with a comedic flair even though she isn't funny and by telling the Bay Area 4000 times her dad was a garbage man back in ner native New Jersey.

Image result for maureen langan kgo
Maureen Langan
It never worked.

KGO will presumably add more taped financial shows on the deserted weekend and not have to pay its remaining hosts any money.

Taped financial programs allow the station to reap financial rewards and can be quite exciting if you are a trained monkey.

"Live and Local"? --only on weekdays.

Image result for Fired


  1. KGONE is like BART. Few weekend riders/listeners. But unlike BART, KGONE has no one listening to the noise during the week either. What's happening with KGONE and other local radio stations makes one yearn for the days when the old KFRC tried to get an audience by doing live game shows on the radio back in the 1980s. It didn't work, but at least it was creative. Terrestrial radio these days is like that old saying, "You get what you pay for."

  2. Chatter is KGO may go Spanish language per the hosts on KNBR.

    I'm shocked...SHOCKED...that the former D list KGO hosts they brought back to host daily shows didn't move the needle. I guess after the 9,654th show dedicated to those trashing those mean old Republicans people stop caring.

    1. I'm With Stupid ^May 15, 2019 at 1:04 PM

      hahahha...this guy thinks conservative radio is doing well! there's a reason radio COMPANIES are going out of business and believe me it's not because they're filled with liberal voices :-D

    2. Who is this assclown? ^May 15, 2019 at 4:36 PM

      @1:04 Leave the conversations here to those that actually work in the industry and know what's going on.

      Maybe the TMZ comments section is more to your intellectual level?

    3. Still With Idiot ^May 16, 2019 at 4:13 AM

      The conversations were left to those in the business and now radio is out of business. Conservative talkers dominate airwaves from coast to coast and yet NOT ONE OF THEM makes money to keep the companies alive.

      Leaving it to you IS THE PROBLEM.

    4. Radio is out of business? Rich you get the oddest comments.

  3. KGO likely will wind up either Spanish talk or another foreign language soon.
    KFOG I expect will go to EMF, which will turn it into KLOVE, a Christian AC format. (The 97.7 signal of KFOG in the South Bay is offically going their on June 1st). FYI, KLOVE was started by a former KFRC DJ named Bob Anthony (He did mid-days in the late 1970s on KFRC)

    1. Hint.... Ronnnn Owens is taking Spanish lessons.

  4. all that brown nosing for scott didnt pay off...his personality is what ended up doing him in..never heard anyone more self centered and hyper then this guy, and felt it was all phony the sucking up he did.. kgo should have dumped him years ago..

  5. Hanging with Langan POS

    1. Agreed. He is super annoying, narcissistic and a major pain in the brain. Good riddance to him.

  6. greatly miss maureenL.. and not so much r.scott!!! arrogant and self centered and talked down to the listeners.
