Tuesday, May 28, 2019

KNBR Morning Show Is Still Eternal Hell And Newbie Mark Willard Isn't Much Better; Sports Bleeder AM Noise Factory When Not Talking Over Each Other

Image result for Gloomy Day in san Francisco THE MORNING YAPPERS on the alleged AM, all-sports radio station --aka: Thee Sports Bleeder, were truly off the charts this (Tuesday) morning --what a car wreck.

Image result for KNBR Radio
Powlie Mac (l) and Murph
They TALK over each other. And they talk over each other. And they don't stop! You would think one of their genius bosses would tell them that they sound like crap --it's hilarious to a degree. It sounds funny when they all yap on top of each other. One guy, the dude with the fake New Jersey accent who uses his sound board like an infant uses his pacifier thinks by SHOUTING his general idiocy will be muted. Instead he just sounds more mentally retarded and should be shipped to Napa State hospital. Maybe they'll give him the tranquilizers he desperately needs. The guy with the soapy family stories from Marin is crap central and appeals to men approaching middle age and seem unable to get it up so they instead host a morning radio show that appeal to horny truck drivers in Lodi. The woman who was hired because she has big tits (I know, it's a radio show, you can't see 'em, I'm still confused) tries to get in a word but is outnumbered by the three male bumpkins; I haven't heard one intelligent take from the woman so that's perhaps a good thing. Then there's the "Copes" guy who sounds amazingly like his dad which is tantamount to being alone in a Gitmo jail cell; now there's 2 Copelands I can't stand. To listen to these miscreants, you'd have to cope, I guess.

*AT NIGHT on Friday driving home from a movie, I gave a listen to Mark Willard, the Bleeder's latest addition to the 680 AM family. Willard isn't that bad and unlike other mutants on the Bleeder, can actually form a sentence. Get this, can actually possess the ability to have a civil dialogue (forbidden on most late-night sports radio) but just when you think Willard is about to say something interesting, his voice is obliterated by the lamest, stupidest sound effect, they call it a drop. Yeah, like a drop of shit it doesn't add much. Willard can be funny, can be creative and intuitive enough about the Giants, the Niners, local sports stuff but he can't help himself, he must have NOISE! Like he's afraid that if he went on a rant (like he does about the Giants' ineptitude) he's naked without the assist from artificial noise that are sound drops close to midnight. Maybe he should take his producer to lunch one day and talk shop because his show sounds like shit. Willard could be a valuable late-night asset --which, given the Giants' present-day abyss, KNBR will need. Instead, he's just another woody they picked up off waivers and headed to eternal crappola on Planet Uranus.

Image result for Mark Willard KNBR
Mark Willard


  1. Rich hates KNBR. Shocker!

    1. "Rich hates KNBR. Shocker!"
      And for good reason.
      Rich Lieberman is not alone in his point of view.
      It is shared by many adult radio listeners.

  2. Someday the Bay Area will have a real sports radio station . . . hopefully Smurph and Smack will be long gone by then.

  3. I'm assuming KNBR hired Tits McGee to light a fire under Paulie Mac because he has never carried his weight. He talks a lot more now but its mostly just panicked stream of conscious babbling. I've also noticed that Paulie rarely speaks to McGee - all his comments are directed at Murph; I think he's threatened by her. Also, if KNBR has to bring in Copeland to carry the show when Murph isn't there, why don't they just dump Mac & McGee and make Copeland Murph's permanent co-host.

  4. Rich, your right on about Murph and Mac. Talk about a waste of good quality air time in the a.m. I use to wonder why Lee Hammer, the gm, would keep tbese two clowns. It got so bad that I no longer listen to the morning show. They come across so unprofessional that it's embarrassing.

  5. Murph and Mac are the absolute worst thing on ANY Bay Area radio station, totally unlistenable. Murph comes across as a 12 year old girl with all of his mushy stories and talk about man crushes. Mac is just stoned and has no business being on KNBR. As for Mark Willard, so far I really like him. MUCH better than the show that had that idiot Kevin Frandsen on it.

    1. I agree with everything you wrote. Adding that the Giants are so bad this season, there is little reason to tune in to KNBR. I've made the switch to 95.7 The Game.

  6. KNBR sucks. Period. There's really not a whole lotta good there. What could really improve things is to have the Fatman (Jon Miller) recreate Giants games as opposed to being at the stadium on the road. It means they won't have to sell that many Panda hats and it could be entertaining. The team itself makes people throw up in their mouths every time they take the field, but this would be a novel idea.

  7. I tuned in about a month +/- ago and it was the morning after Clippers supersub Lou Williams had uttered "that's on them" as part of a response to a press conference question, and HOLY COW did that morning show run that clip into the ground! They popped it in dozens of times, often non-sensically, just cackling about it.

    Painful, unimaginative, boring, frustrating.

    That's on them!

  8. damon bruce's ratings must be so bad now, they had to bring in not one, but two "co hosts" the living legend (ha!) ratto and matt colsky who usually you have to check to see if he has a pulse, with his halting sentances and pauses..

    1. I still don't understand why Kolsky and Ratto have been unofficially added to Damon's show. Yes, it's good to have a different perspective every now and then on a show like Damon's, and I think when it's Damon and Kolsky paired together, the show could work, but I just can't stand Ratto at times. Don't understand why 95.7 is giving Ratto an opportunity to be honest.

      Damon's show was unique the way it was, and it was fine. Him and Gianna the woman who does the updates, had a good rapport. She is on maternity leave now and probably will be back later in the year I'm guessing.

      I wonder if part of the reason why they're doing this is because 95.7 needs more programming since they don't carry A's games anymore and Damon has more 4 hr shows on the days the Warriors aren't playing. It will be interesting to see if Ratto and Kolsky being added to Damon's show becomes official after the NBA Finals.

      But yeah, I liked Damon's show as it was, even though I wouldn't mind if they just paired Damon and Kolsky together. If 95.7 really needs Ratto that bad, maybe have him be a fill-in host on all the shows. I don't think we need a daily dose of Ratto. I'm sorry. He's needed sometimes, but not all the time.

    2. Damon has become very irritating. I wish there were a better drive-time sports radio show available.

  9. Murph and Mac have been unlistenable for years. Their show format hasn't really changed, pretty much ever since they were paired together back in like 2006. That show needs new blood. I listen to Joe, Lo, and Dibs in the mornings on 95.7 instead.

    At the same time, with that being said, you have to commend Murph and Mac for being on this long. Almost 14 years. Wow, who would've thought?

  10. No one asked, but here's my take on KNBR:
    The KNBR morning show is shit. Has been for years.
    Radnich was mailing it in years ago when I stopped listening,no-doubt doing the same today.
    Rod Brooks is unlistenable. No one talks so much without saying anything. Plus repeating each of his opinions 5x doesn't make them better. Lazy.
    For all his detractors, Fitzgerald is good, by himself. With Brooks the show is an annoying gigglefest.
    I liked Ratto when he was paired with Tolbert. Don't like the guy doing the show with Tolbert now. He sounds like he's kissing Tolbert's ass most the time and even mimic's him, probably doesn't know it.

  11. The KNBR morning show is an embarrassment to the entire Bay Area. It is both sickening and laughable. Two dweebs talking over each other constantly fighting for a spot at the table. BJ is okay but they don't even giver her a chance. What happens at the station in the boardroom? The young Copeland is really good though.

  12. The problem with the KNBR morning show is the one guy who does the sound drops, parody songs and talks too much about the Dead and Springsteen. Not sure which one it is. The other one talks way too much about golf, who gives a shit?

  13. The KNBR morning show is the absolute worst. I listen to Copes from 5 to 6. Not bad really, but as soon as the 6 o'clock show starts I listen until that moron Paulie says/does something stupid. So I'm usually changing the channel by 6:03. To echo some other comments, it is just unlistenable. Paulie must have something on Lee Hammer to be allowed anywhere near a microphone. If they lost him and Tits McGee (hysterical Anchorman reference)then I would at least give Copes and Murph a try. But for now, it's just putrid radio.

  14. Murph and Mac have lasted so long because there isn't two bigger Giant ass kisser around. Their act got old years ago. Rarely turn on the knibber anymore.

  15. I found this thread today because I turned on the morning show to hear some Niners talk and ended up yelling at Durph and Hack "STFU!" and turned it off. I guess nothing has changed in the past four years.
