Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Prowling The 415 Tuesday Media Fortress; Fake Ryan Scott; Sovern/KCBS Newsom Lovefest; Larry Baer's Cellphone Chicky Poo?; Brian Copeland KGO/Catch 22; Jeff Adachi's Truthiness SF Media Wants None Of; Happy Hour

Image result for A few news items AS I PROTRUDE INTO THE DARK, MYSTERIOUS EAST BAY JACK LONDON SQUARE PERIMETER ….thinking of chicks, booze, spaghetti and meatballs, personal squalor, and then some, I STOPPED and considered...

*Is there a more obnoxious putz than the schmuck that sells the fake pillows on the radio and TV? He's a rightwing nutcase that screws people out of their dough with his cheap-ass pillows and horrible personal habits. Somebody cover this guy's mouth and hide the kids.

*Ryan Scott: fake calls; orgasm interviews with Ronnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Owens; making up stories to curry favor with Cumulus execs. KGO needs him like Trump needs a restaurant in San Francisco.

*Doug Sovern, the political reporter for KCBS: I get you want to cozy up to Guv Gavin Newsom as a source; as a contact; as a powerful figure that helps you, the radio station, etc but seriously, going to El Salvador on a quasi junket sorta smells to high heaven ---furthermore, there's no news there, Doug, your reporting from the scene there isn't going to stop traffic on 101 and you should know that, you too, Jennifer Seelig.

*Bill Martin on KTVU: not a matter of if he leaves or is told to; only a matter of when. The suits are beginning to take notice of what we all see every night.

*Hey Larry Baer, was it the mysterious woman that you know that isn't your wife that had Pam (his wife) interested in your cell phone that you tried to rip out of her hand and caused her to fall outside the café that day? (No, the Chronicle wouldn't report this even if it were true which it is.)

*Phil Matier has no interest in Jeff Adachi's night when he was with a South American pretty woman named Catarina, that wasn't his wife, and all the wine and drugs that may have played a part in his (Adachi's) death because, well, Phil, doesn't want to go there; wait a minute, neither does SF media for that matter.

*The Brian Copeland Catch 22: using the race card in his lawsuit against KGO/Cumulus; looking for a multi-million $ settlement. BUT WAIT: A Cumulus lawyer blurts out: "We hired both his sons and his daughter is a producer at KGO!"  

*Audrey Cooper, EIC of the Chronicle, big Giants fan but suddenly forced to sell her Buster Posey baseball card.

*I Had a Dream: That I was driving up the coast from Pacifica one early morning and saw mist on my windshield.


  1. Mr. My Pillow = My HERO!
    You Rich, just don't like him b/c he supports the president.
    I like him b/c he (Mr. Pillow) walked away from drug addiction, and created a successful business that has created JOBS.
    Maybe you need more sleep. Hey! Have I got a pillow for you!

    1. OMG what an effing saint. He "walked away from drug addiction" and you believe it because he told you that. Now he has a new addiction, selling shit to the gullible.Go buy lots more..You deserve it. Perhaps you could also attack a big crucifix to your necklace to dangle in your chest hair, so we think you are holy, too.

    2. Sorry, I bought into his hype and bought the recommended pillow. Then bought the firm pillow. Both are no better than any other pillow I've had. Both collapse over the night. He's a fraud.

      Egypsian Sheets? Really? Not here.

    3. @433pm..the My Pillow guy is not only a right-wing creepazoid, but he's a corrupt one like Trump. Lawsuits and fines up the wazoo from deceptive advertising on phony health benefits from his shitty pillows, and the bogus buy one get one free promos while jacking up the regular price. His BBB rating is an F. Eff this POS and the horse he rode in on.

    4. Perhaps you'd rather have AOC selling pillows in a halter top and mini skirt. The narration could be "Beto " reciting his lovely little poem about running over small children with the pedal to the metal and an ear to ear grin. It can all be shipped out of the new Amazon facilities in the Bronx with its 25,000 new employees working thier way out of crime, filth and poverty.......than again, the left does hate a success story.

    5. Sexist much? AOC dresses fine. At least she didn't do soft lesbian porn and turn tricks with the wealthy to get citizenship like a certain tramp that rhymes with Zelania. The hyporicy by you guys is quite laughable. Btw, pillow guy is as phony as they come. The big ass cross he wears to pander to the Fox News good Christians is pathetic.

    6. dear 8:26, did you apply for a job at the Amazon facilities anywhere and could not qualify because you can't spell the simplest of words, "their"?

  2. "Phil, doesn't want to go there; wait a minute, neither does SF media for that matter." Because, maybe, it's completely personal and not NEWS? Gossip looks bad in print, not that you'd get that concept...

    1. Gossip? That never stopped the Chronicle from celebrating the lives and accomplishments of weathly white liberals.
      You know the headline, How many billionaires live in the City!

    2. Yes yes 10:31. It's always the fault of those mean old wealthy white people.

      Try taking a little responsibility in your own life and quite blaming some other race.

  3. Is there a more obnoxious putz than the schmuck that sells the fake pillows on the radio and TV? Yes, there is, and he’s currently living in the Governor’s mansion. They are having to keep the wives locked up so the slimball won’t try sleeping with them too.

    1. I'm going to laugh in a few years when the Dems throw this guy up nationally as their answer to a presidential nominee.

    2. @1054am....Gavin or AOC is better than any Con that will run.. One of them will be prez, no doubt. They care about middle income and the poor, want sane gun laws, want healthcare for all, and don't want mother earth destroyed. Cons hate all the above.

    3. Democrats have the perfect mascot for their party. An ass for a party full of asses.

  4. "Phil Matier has no interest in Jeff Adachi's night when he was with a South American pretty woman named Catarina, that wasn't his wife, and all the wine and drugs that may have played a part in his (Adachi's) death because, well, Phil, doesn't want to go there; wait a minute, neither does SF media for that matter."

    Oh boy, is THAT the truth! They could locate that "mysterious" woman in half an hour if they wanted to; I'm sure her contact info was in Adachi's phone, since they were dining, partying and apparently doing drugs together. All this time and nothing?! She must have other prominent city names in her Rolodex, too, and probably knows what passes through their noses. So she's pretty much guaranteed immunity from investigation.

  5. KGO ABC 7 reporter Kate Larson just said "shit sticker shock" on the air at the beginning of the 11pm newscast at 11:01pm, Tuesday 4-9-19.

    Shall I contact the FCC?

    Why and how does this happen? Doesn't some person have the ability to press a button to dump this brand of idiocy on a delay so it doesn't get broadcast to everyone in the 5th largest market in the United States?

    She's a disheveled moron. And the management of this station will have to answer to the FCC.

    1. So you think the FCC spanks people for saying the word, "shit"?

  6. Chip Franklin must have aired 100 spots a day touting my pillow. Talking about over kill.

  7. Please Rich, we are not interested in Larry Baer and his possible new home for his shmeckle.

    1. Rich is envious of Baer. Any dig Liberman can come up with to attack him or his business will be posted. Book it.
