Today, we got the autopsy results and I felt a bit of vindication.
I'm in no way gloating. I would have preferred we'd get the information we deserve and then some. We still don't know that much beyond a cause of death.
Who was the mysterious woman with Adachi the night of his death? Why do we not know her name? Why do I know she was from South America and apparently a young, beautiful woman not Adachi's wife? Did she play a part in his death which the autopsy shows that drugs were in his system which accelerated his demise.
I'm still waiting/ You too.
And that's why 415 Media is here.
I always wondered about him as well. A do good-er, champion of the people or some of them but in the end, just another corrupt politician and flawed.
ReplyDeleteGotta love Democrats.
DeleteHe was a public defender and a very good lawyer. Do you know what the job of a public defender is? Did you believe that only those defendants who can afford lawyers were entitled to a defense? Have you ever read the Constitution. For the record, public defenders are people, too. Most married men and women cheat on their spouses, sexually. Most heterosexual marriages end in divorce. Why would you find this "corrupt"? Mr. Adachi was a politician, you say. What office was he seeking?
DeleteMr. Adachi was a public defender, NOT a politician. Apparently he consumed illegal drugs and was unfaithful to his wife. Why this is cause for such outrage and glee is totally beyond me.
DeleteMost men and women in California use drugs, cheat on their spouses ... and are Democrats. It's not just a political party ... it's a lifestyle.
DeleteAnd what about... Ray Taliaferro ?
ReplyDeleteJeff Adachi...a liberal, a druggy, and a cheater.
ReplyDeleteTrump a cheater a liar a conservative. Neither party has monopoly on bad behavior.
DeleteReading the autopsy report, you have to wonder if his wife was covering for him, or was she truly clueless.
ReplyDeleteWonder whether Adachi's wife was covering for him? What are you talking about? In what way was his wife conceivably "covering for him?"
DeleteSan Francisco politicians makes Trump look like a choir boy
ReplyDeleteBut but London Breed is suchhhhhh a good mayor! *rolls eyes*
DeleteWhat a joke.
@Anonymous March 22, 2019 at 11:32 PM
DeleteI truly believe Trump's friends made up his liaisons just to give him street cred with Democrats.
C'mon Rich, did you expect anything less from a self designated sanctuary city ..
ReplyDeleteWhat's corrupt about it? Maybe immoral from his wife's point of view, but hardly corrupt.
ReplyDeleteIt speaks to a man's integrity and credibility that he CHEATS on his wife. If he will CHEAT on the single most important bond in his life, he will surely CHEAT on a lot of others that aren't that important.
DeleteWhen did it ever become OK to CHEAT on one's spouse? When did it ever become OK to break one's marriage vows? Why get married if you're not going to keep those vows? Why sully the revered institution of marriage with your gutter rat behavior?
No, it's NOT OK to treat your spouse with that level of disrespect, to hurt them emotionally like that, not to mention any children involved, IT'S NOT OK,
To Anonymous March 23, 2019 at 2:31 PM
DeleteYou are outraged that a public figure CHEATED on their spouse? Do you need a list of revered public people who were unfaithful to their partners? It's nothing to be proud of but please spare us the self-righteous indignation.
Yes it is deplorable the way Trump has cheated on Melania, for decades. IT'S NOT OK.
Delete2:31 I assume then you are no fan of Trump either?
DeleteSlime who cheat should not corrupt the institution of mariage for the faithful. Do those of us who take the institution seriously a favor, don't get married if you have the need to be a gutter rat, cheap side trick, cheating whore.
DeleteWhy are you concerned with other people's marriage? It does not affect you, nor does gay marriage. Your marriage is between you and your partner. Marriage comes in many form, it can be debated what is right and moral, some time people grow apart, but stay married for financial reason or because there are children, it might not be moral, not saying it is something I would want to do, but it is not against the law, and frankly none of other people's business. I read somewhere Adachi and his wife had not lived together for a long time, I see a lot of commenters here making all kind of judgement, without knowing all the details. Perhaps he and his wife had some kind of arrangement, who knows, and frankly I don't think it is our business.
DeleteJust another coke head who ignored how dangerous that stuff really is. No do overs or take backs. Won't be the last time.
ReplyDeleteDrugs make thing OK that aren't.
DeleteApachi's character notwithstanding.....why is "THE PRESS" entitled to know, or obligated to report, every single personal detail of every single person's life?? "We" do NOT need to be privy to all that information.....unless it is the family's choice to share it.
ReplyDeleteFor starters, you are presumably a taxpayer, right? As such, you pay for the investigation into this death. Under the California Public Records Act, we are all entitled(via the press) to the information. When an investigation is ongoing, information is typically not released. When it's over, it is. This is pretty basic stuff. To imply, based on general suspicion of women and not the specifics of this case, that the drugs in Mr. Adachi's system were not taken voluntarily by him is at best a premature ejaculation.
Delete> why is "THE PRESS" entitled to know,
Delete> or obligated to report, every single
> personal detail of every single
> person's life??
They're not. They are when it's a public servant put there with taxpayer money. That's the difference. Legally he is not entitled to the same level of privacy as you or I.
Uh...most people are not autopsied. But if they are autopsied for whatever reason by a coroner, the autopsy report is public record. So whether you are John Doe, Susie Smith, or Jeff Adachi, if autopsied by a government agency, your autopsy is public record, available to all.
DeleteKind of agree. Also to 7:30 it is possible to do good and still have a alcohol drug problem, he hurt himself,and possible his family.From this information there is no evidence he hurt the public he was serving. And how does he make Trump look like a choirboy? So Trump don't drink or do drugs. He his is married for the 3rd time, cheated on a couple of his wives, cutrent one with a prostitute, he lies has had some questionable busuness dealings (check out Deutsche Bank) hardly actions of a choirboy
ReplyDeleteWhere was the SF Press?
ReplyDeleteThey were reporting the results of the autopsy as soon as they became available. The Chronicle reported the suspicious circumstances of his death at the time in a way that most readers could understand.
What is this righteous indignation all about?
Where is this Caterina lady? *Who* is this Caterina lady? Why wasn't she being questioned half an hour after his death? (I'm sure they coul dhave found her easily...it's a pretty safe bet her name and number was in his phone and/or computer). Did she provide the coke that killed him? IF so, why isn't she modeling the latest orangewear right now? Why have all mentions of Ms. Caterina pretty much vanished since those first reports of his death? How much does she charge, and does she do parties? Does she swallow? Does she do shibari? These are all questions left hanging in the air.
DeleteI think that the crucial detail many are missing is that Mr. Adachi was a heart patient. Heart disease kills more people than anything else. Your political beliefs have nothing to do with it.
ReplyDeleteThe rule is.
ReplyDeleteNever mess around with another man's wife.
Ask Gary Radnich.
Do tell, who did Gary mess with? Such slander.
DeleteTo some, another do-gooder but in reality, a drug addicted womanizer and a cheater!!
ReplyDeleteYes, there are certain people who are off-limits, even to the "bulldog press." The media outlets want to make sure they get access to future developments in other areas, so they tread lightly here. VERY lightly. And I'm sure we'll never find out who that ho was he spent his last night with, even though all police had to do to find her was probably look at who the last number he dialed in his phone belonged to. They should have been able to locate her in half an hour.
ReplyDeleteSF TV news on 60 Minutes 1974
To hell with the scum of the earth deficating and urinating all over the sidewalks. Forget about used needles littering playgrounds, never mind aggressive panhandlers harassing women and children going about thier buisness. Just me and my south American hooker babe doing rails ....Now that's Sanctuary!!
ReplyDeleteYou are confusing the role of the public defender with the role of the district attorney.. They are not the same. One defends citizens who are charged with crimes and cannot afford legal counsel. The other, also known as the district attorney, prosecutes crimes. seriously, "thier" ?
DeleteThe nip couldn't handle booze, drugs and the woman.
ReplyDeleteHey what's up with the derogatory comment? You're totally out of line!!!
DeleteAsinine racist comment, does not add anything to the conversation.
ReplyDeleteAdachi, Kamala's and Gavin's coke dealer. Notorious SFPD hater, now we know why.
ReplyDeleteLimme tell you the games that Adachi did. Maybe his staff will try to report me. We were going to jury trial and some guy walks up to the PubDef who was assigned to the case and the defendant said my friend admitted to committing the crime. This joe smoe said yeah, it’s me and disappears to the elevators. Well, this was done in front of the PubDef, so now they are claiming the PubDef is a witness to say this unidentified man claims to be the suspect and the PubDef Office can not represent the defendant, that she is now also a witness to this unidentified man admitting to the crime and now disappeared. They were trying to have the PubDef as a witness with all these hearings with the judge and the jury was piss, a two day trial ended up being a five day trial. The private’ attorney at the end claimed it was a rush to judgement and I was racist. Well, the PubDef was never allowed to testify cause it’s hearsay anyway and a GUILTY verdict in a SF jury within four hours. That is your PubDef office at work. What do you have to be scared of? Everytime I posted this on SFGate it would get deleted.