*"Smurph and Paulie Crap" on KNBR's continuing embarrassment in the morning, a program so bad it has to hire Uber drivers to occasionally fill in as producers. Smurph, devoid of his inner Giants, UCLA, hard-on, is why you should never send your kids to Marin schools; they may end putting pineapple on a pizza ...as for Paulie Crap, this is what happens when you sniff too much paint in grammar school.
*Liam Maycleam, KPIX' so-called, "foodie chap", he of the Guinness-stench, Irish accent to make him sound legitimate. Maycleam is to sophisticated food is Jeffrey Dahmer is to the Donner Party.
*Stan Bunger and Susan Leigh Taylor, the suddenly chatty gruesome twosome on KCBS' increasingly inane morning drive show, a program that used to deliver breaking news and traffic and weather, but now, thanks to a corporate takeover by dim-witted Entercom, has thrust this once-mighty radio news giant into a cacophony of morning noise ads; Bunger's penchant to drone on and on about weather events (something he thinks he knows so he pontificates weather "events", "impulses, etc) Leigh Taylor is worse with her STUPID questions and attempts at humor which amount to a lesser, news version of Jan Wahl: translation? Leigh Taylor isn't funny and should stick to telling us time and time again, "I noticed some moisture on my windshield on the drive up from the peninsula."
*The "Ronn Owens Report" on KGO Radio. Owens nine-minute assault on the senses isimportant so Ronnnnnnnnnn can get out of the house and finance a few manicure/pedicures and lunch with his great "pal", Copie, aka: Brian Copeland, the latter currently suing Cumulus and KGO so he can continue to produce and star in local plays that no one watches. Not genuine at all.
*Kars4Kids, Peterson Dean, Dinovite, all Gold investment spots: these obnoxious ads should be rid of any human ear contact for life otherwise just go ahead and BAN AM Radio for the good of the people.
*Darya Folsom. I don't have to say another word.
*Ryan Scott: see above.
*Larry Beil: Getting more egotistical by the day. If Beil keeps this up, he's destined for Akron.
*Sam Spear: Who thought this horseracing guy was interesting for radio interviews? Oh yeah, Smurph and Crap. Spear was last relevant during the Carter administration. His voice has all the conviction of a Yuba City McDonalds.
*Mark Ibanez: after 40 years at KTVU, Mark developed an ego and is suddenly high and mighty. Maybe he's been too imbedded with the Napa cannabis community.
*Heather Holmes: OK, so I'm delighted you've toned down the Marina chick on a date look but please, did you have to now start buying your dresses at Ross?
*Claudine Wong: I don't get it (wait, I do) Wong's 20-year record of never smiling would make her the perfect candidate for Alan Martin's interviews on PIX.
*Ama Daetz: so you have a beautiful body and relatively decent delivery but the personality of a Fresno raisin.
*Tracey Watkowski-Silva: OK, so you have this penchant for wanting to be in total control, I'm hip to that, sort of akin to thinking shingles is nothing but a few blisters.
*Brian Copeland. Pre Cosby drama: "I've opened for Bill Cosby! and washed his slippers!" Post-Cosby drama: "Bill Cosby. Who's that?"
*Chris Townsend: great, so you work for a baseball team
*Damon Bruce: a guy who thinks his farts are more important then mankind. Please, buddy boy, get off your high horse and have a few more beers with your wife otherwise you'll turn into Larry Krueger.
*Frank Somerville. Jesus, Frank, I don't give a shit who you're shtuping, just be consistent...and QUIT talking to Mark. And Mark? Those texts? I thought you were a lot smarter.
*Kenny Wardell: See, Kenny, there was a time when you could legitimately kiss Ronnnnnnnnnnnn's ass when Ronn was relevant only Ronnnnnnnnnn is now less relevant then Joe Starkey's termite commercials.
*Doug Harvill: Yeah, you really improved KGO --nice to know Cumulus still has that, "let's keep on hiring middle-aged white men who don't know shit about radio but will kiss major ass and metaphorically blow brown steam up Ben Fong Torres arse."
*The Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame: question: who have you not nominated? Stan Bunger's toe fungus?
*The "KSFO Morning Show" on KKKSFO: "we go to Albert in San Leandro who wants to talk about the wall." "Hi Brian, I'm a 74 year-old White man who drives a truck and eats Cheetos!" "Love your show."
*"Armstrong and Getty"--Conscience of the Nation? Or, more likely, Constipation of the West.
*Ethan Bearman: where's Jack Kevorkian when you need him?
*John Rothmann: Ronn Owens' sloppy seconds.
Good morning and well done...now THAT shit's funny!
ReplyDeleteThanks, I needed that.
Lieberman has been insulting these same people weekly for years. What is funny about it?
DeleteI keep telling Armstrong and Ghetto: "More fart jokes and less brain farts"
ReplyDeletePlease do.
ReplyDelete- Didn't expect RL to turn on Daetz so quickly
ReplyDelete- Besides the harassment and insufferable Big Brother, the other big damage to CBS caused by Chen-Moonves: Their disdain for any radio, terrestrial, satellite, even ham (and considering they are proud hams, especially now in the courtrooms, that's saying something; BTW, prominent CBS alumni who want to visit old friends won't until the courts and contracts finish off the Moonveses, that's how divisive they were to CBS alums they didn't get along with and ran off). Proof is in both KCBS Radio & KNX in LA. I think the only nationwide radio stations unhurt by the abysmal Entercom are WCBS in New York and KYW in Philadelphia.
- I am sorry that once respected people like Spear & Marty Blake cater to Paulie Crap.
- Spot on about the rest. Sad about how far down Somerville & Ibanez have gone. Very funny one-liner about "constipation", and this is coming from a digestion-sensitive man! (speaks volumes about the Hairpiece base and the enabling Senate Leader)
The Chen/Moonves' should both crawl back under a rock somewhere. Rather they try to maintain their lifestyle after such scandalous behavior by Moonves. He's a dirtbag, and she's a gold digger, nee hanger on.
DeleteHey Rich, do you know all the cheeses?
ReplyDeletesuch a stupid bit and kinda funny at the same time. Railing on Gary can be entertaining, brain dead comedy. And nobody cares!
DeleteYour bashing of EVERYONE is getting old. John Rothmann still is the most interesting host in the Bay Area and beyond. Several of Brian Copelands plays were extended numerous times, and some brought back later. Ronn's 9 minutes is better than 3 hours of Hannity or Limbaugh. Ethan Bearman has gotten a lot better, he is no Gene Burns or Rothmann, but he is listenable, especially compared to who else is on at that hour. As long as you are bashing everyone, why did you leave of Maureen Langdon, I think she is still the weakest link on KGO, unlike Chip and Ethan she does not seem to have gotten better.
ReplyDeleteYou're in denial. Richie tells the truth. The bashing is deserved. It's a fact. Plenty of the talent in this market is below the Mendoza Line. Wake up!
DeleteWe have another candidate for the worst commercials on-air. Anytime a weekend spa sale is scheduled, be prepared to be bombarded all week long, and screamed at. What a way to make a living!
ReplyDeleteDignity Health's human kindness ads are first class. I especially liked the one where the kid was trying to blow out the candle on his cake.
Kars for Kids...
DeleteWas Sal Castenada the Disability hire for KTVU. His delivery would seem to satisfy the retard quota for the channel.
ReplyDeleteSal without Big Rick is like Laurel without Hardy.
DeleteWho is Big Rick?
DeleteBig Rick Stewart. He was a DJ for "The Quake" back in the 80's. Sal did traffic for the station. (Or maybe it was Live 105.)
DeleteWould be great if we could eliminate everyone on Bay Area Radio and TV stations
ReplyDeleteWorst ad EVER.....Babble language ads where the guy thinks he knows spanish after learning two words. STOP STOP STOP.
ReplyDeleteI'll still take Ronnnnn over Ethan, Scott and that dumb shit Franklin.
Ronnn yes. Bearman no. He has not gotten better with his narrow minded, cartoon character act and hid fake laughs when he is trying to ridicule a caller. He's a hack and should be removed. There has to be better out there. HE IS ALSO A LIER. HE BROADCASTS OUT OF LA, NOT THE BAY AREA BUT HE ACTS AS IF HE DOES. THAT'S ENOUGH FOR ME TO BE TURNED OFF TO THE LOSER/ACTOR.
DeleteFranklin thinks he's funny but his humor is a childish and pedestrian as can be had. And like Bearman, he is all against Trump. Fine with me but mix it up a bit with other news that doesen't circle around to his hatred of trump. BTW he was a staunch conservative when in San Diego so I guess he is playing a part too with no conviction but his pay check.
He doesn't kick Gary any more sense he's on the way out of his last job. But it's funny listening to Gary read the ads just like Ronn.
ReplyDeleteSmurf, just saw him buying another pink sweater to wear around his neck in MV. Store next to it had knee pads - half off.
ReplyDeleteHeather Holmes is Texas trash. She could never qualify as a Marina chick. She doesn't have the sophistication.
ReplyDeleteSome of my best friends are Fresno raisins. Also Gilroy garlic.
DeleteI wish we could get Peggy Bunker back. That is a hot Marina chick!
DeleteGood god, how I wish KCBS was changing! Why weather every 8 minutes? Why fucking sports every 30 minutes with dumb ass replays?? Why marble mouth Bitker who must be behind all this crap??
ReplyDelete"AnonymousFebruary 15, 2019 at 1:00 PM
ReplyDeleteWas Sal Castenada the Disability hire for KTVU. His delivery would seem to satisfy the retard quota for the channel."
Your use of the "R" word is offensive and inappropriate.
Rich, you obviously didn't review this idiot's remarks before posting it.
@ Anonymous February 15, 2019 at 9:00 PM
DeleteYour ignorance is offensive and inappropriate. Guess you're the one using the word in a pejorative sense.
1.delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment.
"our progress was retarded by unforeseen difficulties"
synonyms: delay, slow down, slow up, hold back, set back, keep back, hold up, postpone, put back, detain, decelerate, put a brake on;
Anonymous February 15, 2019 at 9:00 PM
DeleteThank you, Gasia. We knew you'd come to the defense of the lame.
Castenada has zero anchoring skills. Next to Gasia and Mike he looks like their inbred cousin.
Deletenominate joe the butcher or whatever his name is to the long list of horrible, unlistenable off the street people that the lame keeps throwing on the air,and hey now they have the knbr retread uber driver to torture us now too..
ReplyDeleteArmstrong and Getty...the voice of reason...swings middle right...good interviews...actually humans. Been listening for over 20 years. Can hear a reasonable conversation and be on top of the news without wanting to slit my throat because they are quite humorous. Sometimes they annoy me like everyone does, but I find them reasonable and fair. I can think for myself and the Bay Area news is a joke. Rich, you have to agree that they get some good interviews with people who lean both right and left. The partisan B.S. is so boring.
ReplyDeleteCould not agree more. My daily morning commute show. I like the humor, even corny at times, to off set the insulting, opinionated, narrow minded other hosts on all the stations all day long. Damn, a little humor is needed these days.
DeleteBe careful, while driving, to avoid being "off set"(seriously?). You must adore corny, low-brow misogyny. It's perfect for Fresno. We aren't in Fresno, however. To call these ill-educated, predictable oafs "centrist" or "reasonable" takes the cake.
DeleteAnonymous, Feb 18 @ 9:50, not sure of the misogyny on A&G, but I don't get offended the way I am supposed to these days. I don't know the educational geographic of Fresno, but surely some live there who have a college education. Maybe more than you? Why be an ass about Fresno? What it boils down to is that those who do not think the same as you (aka sheep) must be dumb and ignorant. I am sure you are truly more enlightened and intelligent than the others who don't live in the awesome Bay Area.