I have no use for Cumulus.
Therefore, the news of one of its past talk-show hosts, Brian Copeland, suing them on the basis of race and age discrimination --would be cause for me rooting for Copeland.
I am not.
I read the complaint. Many of Copeland's assertions are legit and right-on. There is a lengthy spate of pages that detail racial and age-related incidents that place Cumulus in the line of fire.
Yet, I find the lawsuit amusing. If Copeland was so "distraught" and was suffering "severe emotional distress." why did he continue his work at KGO/Cumulus? If he were taken down a road of eventual dismissal based on his assertions, why did he continue to spout the Cumulus line? Like, for example, why did he continue to do promos for the company? Why does he allow his image to be featured, TODAY, while he no longer works for KGO and is taking its company to court. If he were that emotionally distressed, wouldn't the first thing to do were to tell the company to take my damn name off your website. Now!
You see where I'm going, at least I hope you do. I am not a Brian Copeland fan on or off KGO's air. He never struck me as someone compelling and interesting enough to listen to but that's on the air. Off the air, I find Copeland to be a complete phony and fake. And yes, race does have a lot to do with it.
To wit:
When race was Copeland's ally in getting the job(s) at KGO (before and after Cumulus ownership) he didn't say a word. He was totally ga-ga, pro-Cumulus when it served his purpose. Now all of a sudden when Copeland was fired in the first and last Cumulus purge, he was not so jovial. Gees, what a coincidence.. It wasn't about race it had a lot to do with ratings, or in Copeland's case, lack of, because he had no ratings. He knew it and so did Cumulus so for that he has no case. My opinion, obviously.
Curiously though, even when he was screwed by the company (his words) why did he go about his business? Was it because Cumulus employed three of his kids (a daughter and two sons) who worked at KGO and KNBR (another Cumulus-owned radio station) and therefore he didn't want to rock the boat? Some might find that fake and phony; disingenuous too. I do.
While he felt his race and age discrimination were reason(s) that Cumulus fired him why did he continue to associate himself with one of the company's major advocates, and an eventually fired talker himself, Ronn Owens, who despite possessing over 42 years work with KGO was shown the door? Was it because it was Owens' influence at the time that got Copeland the microphone?
So now we have Brian Copeland suing the Cloud Company --an organization so, yes, onerous to basic human/worker decency --a guy that IGNORED its plethora of abuses early on only now to take action when it bites HIM in the ass.
As the late Ray Taliaferro would say, "My Oh My." Remember him, Copie?
Brian Copeland |
I have no knowledge of the situation per se, but perhaps Brian waited out things like Jack Swanson's hire, etc. in the hope of being put back on active duty. When all hope faded, and with the time window nearing its' end, having little else to lose, he decided to sue on the long-shot possibility he could get something like what Ralph got.
ReplyDeleteTo quote Foghorn Leghorn, "Two Nothins' is Nothin!" but a shot at 4 mil on contingency is something....
Hello..."Race pays" that's why he doing it...selfish greed!!!
ReplyDeleteI did some research and found the complaint. It seems like he has a pretty strong case against the company. Not sure where all the criticism is coming from.
ReplyDeleteYou can allege anything in a lawsuit..Proving the allegations is something else. If you claim their were witnesses, other than you children, to certain ageist or racist comments, will they be willing to attest to what you want them to?
Deletebs just go to the san Francisco superior court website and format in the case number CGC18572177...It's perfect for a comedian, a real load of dingoes' kidneys. Mr. Copeland alleges that he was so charismatic, Cumulus had an obligation to give him everything he wanted. After all, he knew famous people. Further, he says, in the complaint that when he was finally dumped, long after all the others were dumped, his friends humiliated him about it. Some friends, who would do that? Mr. Copeland also says he will require surgical assistance in the future because of the actions of his former employer. It's a real "laff riot".
DeleteI checked the suit out. Copeland is an idiot. All the stuff he says he endured was obviously okay while he was still employed for all those years after the 2011 'purge.' This guy is not a "genuine" anything but an idiot. Three kids employed by the same company the old man works for? The company that treated him so poorly? Give me a break.
Delete12:47, read the Cumulus response as well, he appears to have signed a Release that bars such a lawsuit.
ReplyDeleteYou can sign anything you want. It's not always enforceable just because you sign it.
DeleteUnless the conditions of the Release were fraudulently represented to him it will absolutely hold up. More importantly there is no ambiguity in Relesses, they overtly call out the waiver of specufic claims such as DFEH and EEOC actions.
DeleteIf your plaintiff is under duress and extreme emotional distress, as this one claims to be, a severance agreement with such conditions to receive financial consideration, is eminently challengeable. So, your assertion that only "fraudulent representation of conditions"can nullify such a release is just wrong.
DeleteFlat out not true. I've been on the receiving end, and was able to show such a release was not legal in the context it was employed.
DeleteHow cold there be age discrimination, since almost all full time and part time hosts are over 50. Pat Thurston looks like her photo hasn't been updated since the 1940's, she looks like one of the Andrews Sisters. Since his no talent son works for KNBR on Air, where is the race discrimination? Cumulus filed chapter 11 11/2017, where s the money going to come from, and how many other employee lawsuits across the country will compete for these dollars. Good Luck.
ReplyDeleteI believe Pat is in her mid 60's by now. Her Facebook page states that she is Mount Eden High School class of 1973.
DeleteI laughed at the Andrews Sisters. I looked them up, spot on!
So peanut head is depressed. So what, get use to it. We all get cut from time to time.
ReplyDeleteAlways double down on the Race card.
ReplyDelete"Smiling Faces
ReplyDeleteSometime, pretend to be your friend.
Smiling Faces show no traces of the EVIL
That lurks within!"
Can you dig it?!?
DeleteHaven't been here in months and this is the first thing I see. Fuck you Rich and your racism. And your disgusting misogyny. My god you are an inveterate pig.
ReplyDeleteWow!! it appears someone didn't take their medication.
DeleteAh, one of those people who goes out of their way to find something to be offended about. LOL.
Delete10:20...Welcome back, tampons are on isle #3, don't forget to donate.
DeleteComment written by Ray Taliaferro`s angel.
DeleteJust because he is black he isn't subject to firing like everyone else? So tired of the "underserved" communities claiming they get nothing. All the special benefits programs are geared to black, brown, etc. communities. I am just an average white guy, but I know I am not eligible for many if the programs designated for "underserved" communities. Just sayin'...
ReplyDeleteI think there is room somewhere to mention nepotism in these discussions. Having said that, will there be more lawsuits down the road based on the stress now placed on other family members. Apples do not fall from the tree.
ReplyDeleteBrian Copeland should hire John Burris.
ReplyDeleteCopeland will be back on the air in no-time.
How do you know he hasn't?
DeleteCalling all matchbook lawyers to comment on a lawsuit and response they haven't seen.
ReplyDelete11:55, you don’t buy all of the sh_t-house lawyers? Idiots most of them, a Release is absolutely enforceable subject to few very difficult wrinkles to prove. In my HR career I paid top labor attorneys to get releases right (and challenge a decision to terminate someone if the pending action is unjust). Never had a Release successfully challenged. NEVER and I bet I executed 1,000 of them in my career. Only amatuers, maybe that the case with Cumulus, screw up, but I see they are represented by Ogletree a top notch law firm, so I doubt it.
ReplyDeleteRemember that Barbieri and Ronnn filed/threatened discrimination suits against Cumulus and won. Barbieri collected millions and Ronnnn got his 7 minute workday.
DeleteAfter that, how fucking STUPID would Cumulus have to be not to have an iron-clad agreement?? But then again it is Cumulus.
Who would have ever thought that Copeland would play the race card.
ReplyDeleteRich, have you tried reaching out to any of Copeland’s kids? I’d be curious to see if one of them would comment on this.
ReplyDeleteThe kids are not gonna comment. It is a frivolous suit. How can Copie claim racism when the company has hired three of your kids??? What a crock of shit.