Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Normal Christmas Media Minutiae on Saturday Before The Big Day

Image result for TV Reporter doing report from airport on Christmas travel


*446,777: Number of times between now and Tuesday morning you'll see reporter doing live shot from SFO marveling over the holiday air travelers. It's sort of mind-boggling how many times these people can ask variations of, "So, how long have you spent in line?" "Waited to the last minute?" "How's your holiday spirit?" What excellent journalism.

*2122: Number of times normally credible TV News station will show made-up graphic detailing "Santa's path from the North Pole." As if a bunch of little kids are actually watching a TV Newscast making up stories --the equivalent of the tooth fairy. I know, what a Grinch I am but somebody has to do it.

Image result for Santa path from North Pole*221,666: Number of live shots from shopping malls and Union Square asking people why "all this last minute Christmas shopping?" Usual schmuck in Walnut Creek with his toothy family that looked as if they just consumed 18 vats of eggnog: "We wait to the last minute every year--it's a family tradition!" Someone get a bazooka. 

*Poor soul reporter who has to do live shot on Christmas day in the middle of Downtown SF asking people who are working: "So, why are you working on Christmas?" To which I would dream of worker uttering out: "TO PAY THE BILLS, BITCH!

*A new phenomena these days; really an attempt by local TV news to show a warm side: interviewing homeless people on December 25. It would be and could be something different instead we get the usual banal questions like, "did you ever expect to be here?" I suppose a long, thought-out question like, "It's Christmas and here you are alone is it time as we society took a long look at this issue; something is amiss?" But that would require reporter/TV station heavy lifting so forget about it.

Image result for Walnut Creek fountain
Walnut Creek fountain: scene of White people Christmas orgasm galore
*I must mention the usual MOS live and direct from the infamous Walnut Creek fountain because you can't get enough white people and especially millennial white kids how they're enjoying the Christmas shopping season, which today is billed as "Super Saturday." Why Walnut Creek every time and not say, Rockridge, in Oakland? Not enough white people and the demo department would scream bloody murder.

*Pass the bullet bourbon and eggnog.


  1. > Why Walnut Creek every time and not say, Rockridge, in Oakland?

    Because they don't want their equipment stolen and their crews mugged by African Americans. Yes, that's the honest answer.

    1. Ha. Rich posted your comment but censored both of mine basically saying the same fucking thing. As they say in his beloved Jewish community, what a putz.

      How's that for holiday spirit?

  2. RL, I actually agree with you regarding the banal holiday stories. This is the Bay Area, and there's plenty of news going on, whether crime, death, injuries, traffic, possibly even weather/nature. There could even be a special segment on holiday suicide(s), in general, although I understand specific suicide incidents are typically a no-no (even though it'd seem Tesla cars are now committing suicide too).

  3. Grinch all you want! All the holidays do is make people crazy, particularly on the roadways. You totally nailed it with the remotes from the usual venues. And what kid is still awake after 11 PM on Xmas eve when the Santa tracker is displayed on the news?

  4. And don't forget, a lot of Angry White Liberals hanging around in . . .

    1. I live in Piedmont. You have it characterized pretty incorrectly.

  5. Fashionable to bash white people this month...shut up putz

  6. And you wonder why we don’t subscribe. You bash us. Why would we pay you to make fun of us and ridicule and hurt our friends and colleagues? Maybe it’s YOU, Rich, who ought to think about how YOU treat people this Christmas and every day of the year. Maybe it’s YOU who needs to learn a thing or two about human kindness. Dare you to publish this. I know you won’t. I don’t like to see people suffer. That includes you. I do hope you’ll have a better year in 2019.

  7. I like white folks. Some of my best friends are white folks.

  8. Lebron James post an Instagram message that is racist and bigoted and not one soul from from the esteamed Bay Area media will challenge him.
    The sad and pathetic state of the Bay Area media.
    Where is the San Francisco Chronicle?

    1. He knocked NFL owners as modern day slave laborers earlier in the week. Today he's apologizing for a "Jewish money slame".

      Why do people worship this uneducated jackass again?

  9. The damn TV fireplace pisses my off beyond belief, play some cartoons, who really care about a phony fireplace.
