Friday, September 7, 2018

Don't Let It Happen

Image result for Fear through intimidation
They are trying their damdest to SHUT ME DOWN.

They've always tried--through secretive means and clandestine methods but that was long ago when I was a mere critic and did my best to call them out for their con jobs and BS that sought to curry favor with everyone but their customers, YOU, their listening and viewing community.

It is why I have begged you to HELP ME keeping this site up and maintaining its independence and sustainability to wart off their nasty, manipulative attempts to silence me. They're so petty and mean-spirited. You want chutzpah? They dare acknowledge me in any form or manner; they make it imperative that their workers DO NOT in any way, shape or form, talk to me; engage with me; essentially have no contact with me either directly or indirectly. All this in spite of their repeated mantras that "I'm irrelevant" and that they pay no attention to me. Yeah, right, and if you believe that I have some bridge I would love to sell you.

The truth is, they abhor me. They won't come out publicly and say as much but via intimidating notices and predictable troll notices they are doing their best to try to SILENCE ME, and by extension, YOU, you the immediate Bay Area media watchers who view and listen to their product even though that product has been muddied and delegitimized, marginalized.

AS LONG AS YOU CONTINUE to SUPPORT ME, THIS SITE, 415 MEDIA, I will continue to CALL THEM OUT as I SEE IT but I CANNOT do so without your continued SUPPORT. It's IMPOSSIBLE.

PLEASE, DO NOT allow them to become the BULLIES they are and use mafia-like tactics to shut down 415 MEDIA. IF THEY WIN, YOU LOSE. IT'S THAT SIMPLE.

PLEASE, THE TIME IS URGENT: SUPPORT MY 415 MEDIA! Go to the right side of the blog and click on the "Donate" button and follow the instructions; it takes less than a minute and it's 100% safe and secure. You do not have to have a Pay Pal account to contribute and I will personally contact you via e-mail and/or phone call thanking you for your support.

**SUBSCRIPTIONS: One Year: $24.99; Three Years: $34.99; Lifetime: $99.99

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