Wednesday, August 1, 2018

KTVU's Designated Apologizer

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He's beginning to be good at this...

Whether here, or here. They seem pretty much alike, don't they?

Pretty soon they lose their effectiveness if they were at all effective in the first place.

Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah.


  1. That would be, "Apologizer in Chief."

    Let's face it. Fox is into tabloid journalism as witnessed by the bizarre misinformation spewed by their cable news operation. Obviously as a result of the Fox O&O situation at KTVU, they've become fast and loose with their reporting on a local level, and have ruined what was the best source of news in the Bay Area for many decades.

    1. Couldn't agree with you more. Began back when Gasia started talking with Harey Levin of TMZ about the Kardashians on the 4:00 o'clock news. Turned the station into a tabloid. She developed a relationship with TMZ and the station took it from there. We all know how these ethnic groups like to promote one another.

  2. A corporate apology isn’t usually done to express actual regret. It’s done to get the activists off the station’s back and make the controversy go away. This controversy is hilarious because he’s apologizing for airing a real picture. It wasn’t a hoax. The problem is that it wasn’t the photo the activists wanted the public to see. So Frank’s put in the position of apologizing for actually covering the news. Makes the rest of the news seem fake. He’s just reading a script management wrote just like those Sinclair anchors who had to read a script from the home office in Baltimore.

  3. The apologize authority.
    ....Always before weather
