Thursday, August 2, 2018

KTVU Newsroom Staffers to Cook: 'Shut Up'; Now, NewsBlues Chimes In on MemoGate; Fox Inquiry on Nia Wilson Picture Nearing; Thursday Opener

Image result for Hey, Shut UP! I'D LIKE TO MOVE ON...but now that that the country is beginning to get a hold of this little devil (and loving it too) apparently I've struck a nerve … and Pam Cook of KTVU has managed to get me more coverage and the ear of the radio-TV biz sites, the latest, NewsBlues.

It's even more telling when you discover, as I have, that a whole bunch of newsroom staff at KTVU told Cook to basically, "SHUT UP!" --I can't name names but I was advised by my various KTVU spies that Cook, who decided to become Fox2's version of Evita, decided to send a memo to ALL about my reportage and lifestyle which preceded to get me a whole ton of PUB and that is anathema to the KTVU staff, some of them at least.

The other half just thinks I'm a petard and would like to move forward in life.

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Pam Cook
Guess what? I agree. But wait, no I don't.

I think Pam Cook should write more e-mails about me and become my press agent. She's good for business even if I'm still a little broke but that's another story.

Cook has done more for bloggers this week than Trump has for the ACLU.

I have people asking me did I put her up to it? Nope.

OK, so let us be serious for a moment. It's early and I haven';t had a cup of coffee and slept very little. I'm cranky too and clinically depressed, said the doctor, so while I'm humbled over all the attention, I would still like to punch ahead.

Blogger is proud to have got under Cook's skin. Her highness should do a little Google check of, oh, the past five years of "KTVU in the news" and maybe take advice of her fellow henchmen that maybe it be a good idea to abstain before writing internal e-mails about me and my "ethics", as if her own house was the media Garden of Eden.

Cook's act of trying to be Margaret Thatcher of the 415 -510 has opened up a can of worms the size of Lake Merritt. In the background comes, soon, a Fox internal inquiry asking about what happened on the Noon News, July 23, and trust me, it ain't about Mike Mibach's suit.


PLEASE, I'm being serious now:

Contrary to news reports here and in Iowa I'm still struggling in the buck department. Every now and then I' love to eat a satisfactory lunch and become a nourished cyber bully and pay the bills that make me nervous so PLEASE, again, can you all make a contribution to the 415 Media Pay Pal site?

It's fast and easy and especially critical now because without your help and Pam Cook's opinion of me I'm COOKED myself.

Click on the "Donate" button on the right side of the blog and just follow the prompters and contribute as much as you can because in order to keep going and not stop, I need your assistance. Yes, It's that simple.


  1. Well at least you didn't write the things that this woman did. Perhaps if you had you'd have a job at the New York Times and could afford to eat at Grumpy's on a nightly basis. Berkeley's finest.

    1. Fine liberal Dem columnist right there. With all of the hypocrisy in plain view!

  2. Cooke's memo was unnecessary. Everyone knows how you roll.

  3. If KTVU was such a gold standard they would not need Frank as the Apologizer in Chief

  4. As Nixon discovered, the coverup is always worse than the crime. What Cook is saying is that people at Channel 2 need to shut up because there are worse things happening at that station than just airing this stupid picture of the shooting victim.

  5. Unless you are the News Director, you can express your views over email. Otherwise, just stick to your position and report the news to viewers as a staff aka: clerk.

  6. Moral of the Story?
    "Never Troll a Troller!"
    from D. J. Trump
    New York City/ Washington D.C.

  7. The term "TarBaby" comes to mind. Can we still say that nowadays?
    "Oh, Miss Cook, please don't throw me into that Briar Patch!"

  8. Sounds like Cook needs to get out of the kitchen.

  9. White liberal guilt. P.C. shove a hand grenade up your box and blow yourself away! Take that pussy Frank and wentch Julie with you. H.H. would be collateral damage.


  10. Heather got some new hair extensions.
