There's cell phone bills and Internet bills and daily living expense bills not to mention the time and money; the patience required especially when calling people and texting for a particular story.
If I had more stable and consistent funding, I would gladly post more stories because I know for most of you that like to read 415 Media, the more the better, on most occasions if not all.
The KTVU reporting and other popular items this week was both exhaustive and time-consuming but I did my best to try to get the story right. It requires, again, a lot of time and effort. There's many of you that read that content and want to know the inside deal because no one else in this market covers media like I do. No one.
OK, enough kvetching, you get my drift. I love writing the blog but I need your help if this is to be a consistent, sustainable site and watchdog of local media outlets; your ombudsmen if you will also willing to write without being beholden to the corporate suits dedicated to suppressing the truth and making it difficult to bring to you all what they're doing to destroy radio and TV and that's why I'm here.
For you.
But I need your contributions to survive and have an adequate life; I'm not ashamed to ask you for contributions because everyone else does. But unlike everyone else, I'm on a limited funding basis.
To get you the information you expect and look forward to, I need donations and paid subscriptions. It's that simple.
If but a fraction of you that come here regularly --say, a thousand of the roughly *50,000 visitors that come to 415 Media every week, were to buy a one-year subscription ($25 a year; $30 for two years; $99 lifetime) then I'd be able to bring to you all the daily media Insides of 415 Media without constant pledge breaks but I'm nowhere near that point yet.)
415 Media will always be free and never behind a pay wall because I know a lot of you; seniors; students; people with limited incomes have a hard time living. But I have limited funds myself.
Those of you who have contributed and contributed more than once and twice, I appreciate your support but unfortunately there's not enough of you.
PLEASE, make 415 Media a regular, daily part of your reading enjoyment. CONTRIBUTE. Become a PAID SUBSCRIBER. RIGHT NOW!
Go to the right side of the blog and scroll down to the Pay Pal "donate" button and click on it and follow the prompters. It's easy, completely safe and confidential and it takes less then a minute. Those of you that contribute I will either call or e-mail you personally thanking you for your contribution and support.
As always, THANK YOU ALL because without you, there is NO 415 Media.
Appreciate all.
Rich@415 Media
*Based on Google Ad Sense analytics
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