Friday, May 4, 2018

415 Media Breaking: Shumann Resigns from KGO-TV

Image result for Mike Shumann SHUMANN RESIGNS --FRIDAY ALERT

Mike Shumann is officially OUT at KGO-TV; here's the story from ABC7.

Shumann and ABC execs had extensive meetings during the past week and made an arrangement for the action.

Shumann got in hot water over his alleged theft of a Warriors' security guard's jacket at a practice two weeks ago in San Antonio.

He was sent back from the first Warriors' playoff and has not been on the air since then.

Shumann began at KGO in 1994.


  1. Maybe he should of hired one of Trumps attorneys...

  2. Is this a misunderstanding, too????

  3. Given the choice to walk the plank?

  4. He got fired, or does fire mean the same thing as resign ?

  5. I haven’t followed this story too closely, but have we ever actually heard Shu’s version of what happened? Does he admit he stole the jacket, or have some other explanation?

    1. Excellent point Catlady.
      His story of the events has never been heard.
      Is he being railroaded for other reasons?

  6. Just read Shu's nicely worded official statement. Sad ending for Mike.

    1. losing a job in tv news, after having stayed on the air longer than not an "end" to a person.There is plenty of life beyond television.

    2. Hollywood has proven that bad press is just as good as good press in furthering one's career. You wait a while until the initial shock wears off, then you reappear and the public has forgotten what it was that took you away in the first place. You take a nice long rest and vacation, fix some stuff around the house, remodel the bathrooms, maybe, get to know your wife and kids better, and when you're good and ready, you come back stronger than ever.

  7. And how much $$$ was his parting gift?

    1. Probably nothing. If you understood basic employment law, you'd know why not.

  8. Astounded he's been there 23 years. How many others in Bay Area media have a longer tenure at one spot? Ibanez, Radnich, Heenan and Bastida?

  9. So why didn’t any of his 49’ers crew come riding to the rescue?

    1. Most, or perhaps all, of Shu's former living teammates are business people. Being aligned with an alleged thief would not be good for PR.

      We live in a self-serving world!

    2. Where is the due process that Jed York is so proud to proclaim for the innocent?

    3. But, did he struggle with the arresting officer for his service revolver? Surely, those Warriors claiming racism would need to know.

      You don't do something like that to an old man without consequences, and looking a little cold and cruel yourself. It's almost worse than taking the jacket. Oh, wait, Disney is involved, too. Isn't everything Disney supposed to have a happy ending? Maybe they aren't the wonderland they claim to be.

  10. Hope we're not stuck with Mindi Bach now. Sorry, she's boring.

  11. After reading the press release, I’ll give him and the station credit for not sugar coating this and saying “allegedly” or that it was a misunderstanding. It makes me wonder what made him think he should take that jacket. Was it an impulse move? Is he a cleptomaniac? Temporary insanity? It’s a tragedy to go out this way. Maybe, after a year or two, he might be able to get back into the business some way.

  12. I had forgotten about Mike until you posted this. I just re-forgot him.

  13. Sad day for Mike. He's a great guy who always treated his colleagues at the station with respect. It's and unforgiving business.

  14. Anybody who resigns is usually found guilty after a lengthy investigation. It's a shame that his career had to end this way. Mike appeared to be a nice guy who did good work at circle 7.

    1. > Anybody who resigns is usually found guilty after a
      > lengthy investigation.

      What's your source for this? Just curious.

  15. Maybe he needs Rudy to come explain things?

  16. Yaaay for Mindi Bach. At least she will bring some respect back to that sports department.

    1. Wish I still worked there. She looked killer in tight jeans.

  17. So at this stage of the game the theft is still "alleged" huh??.. Who resigns over something that didn't happen??.. Who excepts that resignation for something that didn't happen??.. Why can't people just be honest here and tell it like it is??.. if he didnt steal the damn jacket , and was simply attempting to return it then why all cloak and dagger drama?? Some of us can handle truth ya know !!

  18. .... nobody ever talks about the impact that Al Bundy had at Polk High anymore.

  19. It was also "alleged" that Mike was going to return the jacket. Was he going to return it or did he steal it ?? That's the real news here.....

    1. Follow the money or the woman. or both ...

  20. It was also "alleged" that Mike was going to return the jacket. Was he going to return it or did he steal it ?? That's the real news here.....

  21. With Mike Shumann's departure does this mean Amy G will become the new sports anchor at channel 7?
    We beli-even!
    Go Giants Go!
    Larry Baer is the best.

    1. Yes! Anything to pull her off the Giants' telecasts.

  22. On Monday, will KNBR discuss this topic?
    Or will Bob Fitzgerald become indignant and defensive at the first mention of Shumann's firing by a caller.
    How dare you bring up the misdeeds of a bay area celebrity.

  23. Resign?? sure he did after being told he was about to be fired for being a thief!!

  24. Did he take the jacket, not steal, playing Columbo, looking for either performance enhancing drugs or illegal drugs that the "Security Guard" may posses for distribution.
    Ala Barry Bonds or Roger Clemens "Trainers", maybe no evidence, therefore a no win situation once caught by the camera. Maybe he is just a thief?

  25. endless Shumann Jacket Jokes for Eternity! ''KGO Wages make you desperate''.

  26. .... the jacket took him !!
