Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Twenty Years Later KTVU's Mother of All Mysteries; Why Did Elaine Corral Suddenly Leave Her Anchor Gig at Bay Area News Powerhouse; Rumors Abound; 'Sinister' and 'Bad' In The Mix; 415 Media Special Report Revisited

Related image IT RANKS, STILL, ALMOST 20 YEARS NOW, as KTVU's #1 Mother of All Mysteries; nobody still knows why although there's plenty of speculation, some rather disturbing and ominous.

This much is certain; without any rhyme or reason, popular Bay Area TV News veteran anchor, Elaine Corral suddenly resigned --on the air no less.

It left everyone stunned; I wrote about it and it still generates both intrigue and questions as to what triggered it.

Image result for elaine corral 2017I have repeatedly asked several KTVU sources over the years; many of whom who knew Corral well what was the reason(s) behind her sudden departure and they swear to me they have no idea. Others, who heard rumors, offer sinister reasons but still can't place it and refuse to even talk about it on and off the record.

I reached out to Dennis Richmond, her co-anchor at the time; Richmond did not respond to numerous e-mail requests.

Corral (now, Elaine Kendall) offered a reason that many sources say was a ruse: to pursue an acting career.

"Bull," says a long time friend who asked for anonymity.

"She was at the height of her career and making a lot of money; you don't quit suddenly after 17 years unless something weird happened."

Insiders who heard stories say that Corral's relationship with Richmond was tepid at best and that Richmond never warmed to her. They also say, without any proof, that Richmond may have been reason #1 she decided to split, again, without any official reason.

Adding to the intrigue, Corral was paid a large, six-figure settlement upon her resignation --unusual to say the least. Remember, it was her that was leaving. Why was she paid off? Furthermore, the payment had a confidentiality agreement in it; Corral could not say anything about her situation or she'd forfeit the money.

Again, why? If her leaving was strictly because she wanted to pursue an acting career (which has gone nowhere) why did she sign a confidentiality agreement --surely if there was nothing sinister behind her departure she would have nothing to hide.

Kevin O'Brien, a longtime Bay Area TV News fixture, and at the time, KTVU's GM, who was involved in the arrangement, has also been mum about what took place. O'Brien, a broadcast veteran now working with the Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame, did not respond to numerous e-mail requests and phone calls.

Corral's relationship with O'Brien, like Richmond, was cool and strictly within business boundaries, but there's heavy speculation that O'Brien may have directly or indirectly dictated Corral's decision to split.

We don't know but we have repeatedly asked around...for many years.

A source told me:

"I don't know what happened but it had nothing; zip, zero, nada to do with her (Corral) to leave because she wanted to act. She left because of something happening; I don't know what took place but whatever it was and whatever it involved was murky and bad."

Another source:

"I could tell you but I'd have to 'kill you."

We'll keep digging.


  1. Who the hell cares??

    "Acting Career"? LMAO!!

  2. Corral inquired about her salary compared to Mr Wonderful. O'Brien barked not only are you NOT going to get a raise...but today is your last day. Why? Richmond was difficult in the office and couldn't ad lib his way out of a paper bag, BUT he was the star. They also had Leslie Griffith on the bench younger, blonder, cheaper.

    1. I'am with 12:00pm's view on her disappearance/departure.
      It makes the most sense.
      Just an work place disagreement.
      And yes Dennis Richmond had the personality of wet cement.

  3. Hey Rich, unrelated to this story...at 12:07 on knbr, they were going to commercial, with the mike still hot, Gary went off on someone. Calling him an ahole and dick!!! It was if he was pissed, the engineer knew it and kept the camera rolling. I've never heard Gary go nuts like that before. Look into it.

    1. Oh for gawds sake, it was on tape, they always play a clip where he, in faux fashion, makes some ribald remark, always before they go to break.

  4. Maybe Columbo could figure out this mystery. If that don't work try Sgt. Jack Friday and Officer Bill Gannon from Dragnet..."Just the facts Ma'am"...

  5. I definitely don't have any idea to even speculate and never thought about it, back then. I remember generally liking her presence and broadcasts with D. Richmond. From imdb.com, she did pursue an acting career and indicated by what roles she achieved. TV news and acting are both risky career choices. I'd thought she'd made enough money to either retire or pursue that acting career whether she became successful or not in the latter.

    1. I thought TV news and acting were the same thing.

  6. Maybe the fact that she's gone from Chiamos to Corral to bleached blonde Kendall allows for some conclusions to be drawn about what she's like to work or live with?

    1. Sadly, that's my take as well...

    2. "sadly" a woman changes her hair style and she's evil?

    3. Yeah, what the hell does that mean 1:59???

  7. I can see you have lots of questions about this issue. Me too.

  8. Settlement? I am reminded of a certain #hashtag phrase very popular with the ladies these days.

    1. Elaine marched into KOB's office and demanded she get the same $$$$$$ DRich was getting. KOB said not gonna happen. Elaine said ok I'm walkin'. KOB said don't let the door hit you on the way out. Her confid. agreement was already a part of her contract. KOB was generous and let her sign off that night instead of running her right out of the building.

  9. A focus group suggested that she get a nose job. A month later she split.

  10. Whatever happened to KRONS Tiffany McElroy?

  11. A KTVU camera man told me at that time that she complained of sexual harassment from an exec and was given $$ 🤷‍♂️ Asking for a raise wouldn’t still be so hush hush

  12. Unknown above, after all these years, that makes the most sense. Who resigns as a news anchor (especially back then before the Internet was anything) at the height of their professional career, and gets a large severance under non-disclosure? Had to be some type of scandal they didn't want getting out.
